I think you have the laxatives mixed up. Fleet, a big supplier of “prep kits” had two:
Sodium Phosphate/Biphosphate with a lemon-ginger flavor
Castor Oil… I don't recall the flavor.
I very much doubt they would be given in combination as the rapid action of the Phospho Soda (the pooing usually starts within 30 minutes) would sweep out the Castor Oil before it was digested and the laxative digestion products released, so the Castor Oil would have little to no effect.
Also, exam preps usually start with laxatives, not enemas, unless the recipient is very, very constipated.
I am not mistaken. I've an excellent memory for detail. That is fact as was my message whether you doubt it or not.
I'd never heard of Fleet until that day. I didn't know it could be administered in either ends with the same result until many years later. I'd heard of castor oil but didn't know it was a laxative. One or the other had a lemon citrus flavor. I couldn't tell it by taste. I'd read an article that castor oil came from castor beans as did ricine. I'd never had to take it. Referring to the castor oil not ricine. At the time I was thirteen and didn't know much of such things.
The fleet was in a Styrofoam cup. It was dark in color. The oil was in another cup and clear.
The nurse told me to drink the fleet in one swallow. Then she waited. When it didn't come back up she gave me the other cup. The castor oil was thick and almost like a glob of gelatin. It was not mixed with juice or anything as I've since learned is done to make it easier to swallow. I've never taken it since. It was hard to swallow. It stuck to my teeth. After that she told me if I threw up to call them because I'd have to take it again. She nurse told another nurse or aid that was with her, "This is going to be fun. We've got two fleets and castor oils sharing a bathroom.” The nurse was about fifty. She never had a comforting word and seemed bothered to have to deal with anyone. The nurse was an ugly old looking uncaring bitch and I told the doctor so. After I filed the complaint I never saw her again.
I thought about the castor oil the next day when I was given the barium to drink. It too was thick and hard to swallow. It was vanilla mint flavored. The taste was not horrible. It did interest me to see the image as I swallowed it. They had a mirror positioned so the patient could watch.
The room next door shared the bathroom with me. We never had a conflict. As the castor oil came out the taste came back to my mouth. It took quite a while before all of one the other or both were completely out. Then they gave me more enemas.
Again, I'm not mistaken. That incident is something I will never forget. Believe that or don't frankly I don't give a damn.