Guess I could post this here.
Have alot of Enamel Irrigators, recall one for sale on Ebay, wish had bought it. From a Mental Institution, if it could only talk.
Here goes, have a large Enamel Pitcher, had not opened box, on front of Pitcher, 5 vertical letters, E N E M A. Still in shipping box,
have to see where came from. I guess used with Funnel and Rectal Tube. I used to ask where came from and any History.
One item was found in a house in middle of Kansas Prairie, another in a parking garage in New York City.
Another puzzle in Enema History. When I depart, guess daughter will toss my huge collection, except some are Antiques,
one of a kind. You have no idea. Should donate to a Museum. People would laugh, but they did not then.
One around 3 foot long Piston Irrigator would make a person turn pale. Think got from Virginia, they were selling smaller version,
asked if I would be interested in this other one. Sure! I had a date with former Emate. Pulled this out for kicks.