There is a post that refere to a website about mandatory gynecologial exams of girls in Russia.
I have bothered to translte the text with google, but I have not brushed up the English tranlation.
For a long time I have gathered stories of examinations of the kind and I know that this happens in many countries. They are seldome mandatory in whole countries, but more often at selected local sites in sveral countries.
Also what is told in the text is not the whole story of what happens.
Very often these exams include modalities like cystosopy, sigmoidoscopy, transvaginal or tranrectal ultrasound and ultrasound with external euipment. Also these exams tend to be a part of a more general health exam, where an orthopedic section often is very prominent. The girl is often given sedative medicines or even general anesthesia before these exams, especially the youngest ones.
Before the exam, there will usually be a conference with schools, child protective agncies, parents, research organizations and other interessents of how much to include generally or for the individual girl.
According to my material the most extensive versions of the exam tend to occur at age 11-13, but at that age exams through the urethra and rectum tend to predominate and traditional exams with speculum in vagina with the typical gynecological handlings are less common.
These exams is very much oriented at monitoring the bodily development and puberty process, and not so much to detect the kind of gynecological problems occurring in adult women.
And yes, societies where this occurs, tend to examine boys much in the same ways, ndd equally invasive, and with internal inspections and endoscopies through the urethra and anus, and nearly the same type of breast exam like in girls.
But here is the translation:
In the last decade, gynecological examinations of girls at school began to be carried out regularly, within the prescribed time frame. It can be done at a polyclinic at the place of residence free of charge, or on a commercial basis in a private clinic that has a license for medical activity and a specialist. It is carried out on the basis of the order of the Minister of Health No. 1346n dated December 27, 2012 “On the procedure for passing medical examinations by minors”. Many are surprised by the need for a medical examination by such a specialist. Let's try to figure out why a gynecologist is needed at school for girls aged 14-15-16, what the doctor does and checks, and how the examination is carried out in grades 7-9-11.
What a gynecologist does at school, how girls are examined at a medical examination, what they check there and other issues concern students in grades 7-8-10 from 14 years old and older. Examination of senior students takes place in a specially equipped classroom, a medical office or in an examination room attached to the school clinic or antenatal clinic, where it is possible to examine virgins. An essential point of such events is the ability of the party conducting examinations by a gynecologist to provide girls with comfortable conditions for this delicate procedure, excluding excessive haste, rudeness, and the absence of unauthorized persons.
The stages of the medical examination (general scheme, which varies depending on the age of the patient) are as follows:
A short conversation, during which the doctor asks questions in a calm tone about the features of the lifestyle, any complaints or abnormalities in the development of the genital organs. At the same time, psychological contact is being established. In girls, it turns out whether menstruation has begun, what is the duration of the cycle, whether there are painful sensations.
Girls before puberty (usually up to grade 6-7) are examined by a gynecologist on the couch. The child needs to remove all clothes below the waist, the doctor feels the stomach, then asks to bend the legs at the knees. The doctor examines the external genitalia. In rare cases, for example, if a tumor or developmental anomaly is suspected, the doctor performs a rectal examination by inserting a gloved finger into the rectum or, most likely, refers to a consultation with a specialist in a children's clinic or hospital.
Adolescents 14-15 years of age and older who already have menstruation are examined on a gynecological chair. The doctor always asks if the girl is sexually active. If the answer is negative, he visually checks the hymen and then performs a rectal examination, probing the uterus and appendages through the anterior abdominal wall, on the one hand, and the rectal wall, on the other. This manipulation is painless, although out of habit it is a little unpleasant. If a girl is sexually active, her physical examination is carried out in the usual way - vaginally, as well as with the help of mirrors.
In addition, the school gynecologist in girls after grades 6-7 at the medical examination necessarily checks the condition of the mammary glands and secondary sexual characteristics, in particular, pubic hair. Inconsistency with their norm indicates a violation of puberty, often associated with endocrinological diseases.
The basic rights and obligations of doctors and patients are regulated by the federal law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation”. Article 20 reads:
“A citizen, one of the parents or other legal representative of the person specified in part 2 of this article (note a minor under the age of 15) has the right to refuse medical intervention or demand its termination, except as provided for in part 9 of this article ".
Alternative option
They didn’t pass a gynecologist at school with a class - a certificate from a doctor from another clinic will solve possible problems. Our experts in a calm, friendly atmosphere will conduct an examination, take smear tests (if necessary) and issue a health certificate that can be presented at the place of study. The table below shows the cost of obtaining a certificate from a gynecologist for a school, and the prices depend on the number of people who applied at the same time: 1,2500 rubles, 3-5 girls - 1,500 rubles, and if, for example, 15 people come, then the cost will be 750 rubles per 1 person.
✅ Pay attention!
This offer at the price of the set of included services is discounted relative to the standard price list and is relevant only for obtaining a certificate from a gynecologist for the school. Therefore, when making a phone call to the clinic to make an appointment with a doctor, it is necessary to clearly indicate the purpose of the visit: "Go to the gynecologist for school"! Appointment to the doctor by phone ☎ 8(495)761-1085 from 10 to 21.