You don't need exotic enema solutions to cause extreme camping. Administered properly, some very ordinary solutions can cause gut-wrenching cramping followed by a poo that is impossible to hold.
First, the solutions:
The easiest is the good old standby… a swish of Ivory bar soap in a bag of comfortably warm water. It doesn't take a lot. In fact, less is more. You want the solution to be just slightly milky in a clear glass. While some advocate a very strong soap solution, IMO that's counter productive for reasons outlined below. Also, by comfortably warm water I mean the water should feel somewhat warm to the touch, not hot, not chilly. That will best relax you bowel during administration.
Another option is Dulcolax. For this enema, dissolve one Magic Bullet suppository in a bag o warm water, as above. The standard Dulcolax suppositories do not wok well because they are not water soluble. Alternatively, you can crush up two of the 5mg pills and add to the bag of water.
Then there is glycerin, Add about 1 Oz (30 ml) of liquid glycerin to the bag of warm water.
The way the enema is given is almost more important than the solution. Any of the above solutions will case strong camping within a few minutes, so they must be given swiftly enough to get the full dose into the recipient before the laxative action begins, yet slowly enough that the inflow itself doesn't provoke cramping. For me a good compromise is to give the full, 1500ml, bag in 4 to 5 minutes. This can be one by hanging the bag about 2 feet above the injection point and opening the clamp fully. Try to take the full bag without pauses because if you pause the flow, the solution already in you is working. The goal is to get the laxative solution to travel throughout you colon to cause widespread camps.
When the bag is empty, retain the solution. Do not get up and poo at the first urge. Resist it. Either a retention plug or balloon nozzle can help. Retain the solution. The camping will increase the longer you hold the enema. Eventually you will not be able to resist any longer. This can take between 10 to 30 minutes. It is best to fully protect the bed so you can ‘lose it’ without a giant mess.