My first remembered enema (more on that later) was at 5 YO from a very serious nurse when in hospital for tonsillectomy. Mom and I arrived just after lunch time, I was changed into the standard open back gown, (not happy being dressed in "girls clothes") mom stayed with me until after dinner, I don't remember what I ate but shortly after mom left the nurse wheeled in a cart with a can and red tubing. Nothing was explained but she was at the sink running water and filling the can. I was curious but I said nothing. She brought the can over to my bed and hung it on a pole next to my bed. I stared at the white can and red hose having no idea what it was for. The nurse had me get on my side and when she tried to insert the nozzle I FREAKED! The nozzle went in, I calmed down realizing that it doesn't hurt, then CLICK and my first (remembered) enema was under way. Ok, not only doesn't this hurt, it feels good but soon I'm starting feeling like I gotta go! I don't know how much water I got, but after it was done she pulled the nozzle out and and put me on a bed pan. I REALLY HAD TO GO! There was no stopping, I think I filled the bed pan.
I told mom about it when she arrived the next morning, I'm sure I hadn't heard the word enema yet and I don't remember her saying much except to not talk with anyone about it. Soon I was taken to surgery and another traumatic event, they put the ether mask on me, not happy, bad smell, I went ballistic again, arms and legs held down.....then I woke up in a room with mom and one other kid and his mom, can't talk. One more day just laying in bed then home. I remember hoping for another enema before going home but that didn't happen. Getting back to my first remembered enema, when I got home I told my older (2 years older) sister Tess about it and that it felt good, and she told me "so you got an enema, mom gives me enemas with a red bag and hose, and I do them myself with the red squeeze thing she used on us and I saw her give you enemas when you were little. And I know where she keeps it." Tess perceived herself as an expert as she was already taking enemas by herself, and it wasn't long before we started sharing enemas together. I had 2 other sisters Robin, 3 years younger than me and Diane 1.5 years younger than me. As we got older I learned that they either hated getting enemas, or they were good at faking it. Never discussed it with Robin or Diane, but we did our share of teasing when we knew one of them got an enema!