The iliocecal valve is a one-way valve.
Like a check valve in a pipe.
It IS possible to put too much reverse pressure on any check valve. Including the little rubber flap in the nozzle of a Fleet enema.
In that case you will “blow” the valve and that valve, if it ever does work again will ALWAYS leak! The safe way is to replace the check valve.
The iliocecal valve evolved where it did and the way it did for some very good reasons.
Essentially to protect the digesting food from the poop.
I realize it is difficult and not really comfortable to clear the entire digestive tract, and the part that makes it hard is the small intestine.
The RIGHT way to clear yourself is:
Clear the stomach by FASTING!! I know it's difficult but its the best and safest way to clear the stomach.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SH0OULD YOU EVER FORCE YOURSELF TO VOMIT!! It's dangerous and each round empties no more than about ⅔ in the ideal case of what's there, usually closer to half.
The large intestine can be cleared by enemas, or by a high dose of a stimulant laxative like bisacodyl or if you really want to be sure, by BOTH!
That brings us to the problem of the small intestine.
The stomach will release part of it's contents into the small intestine about every 15 minutes. The small intestine will release part of it's content into the large intestine at the same interval but almost never in sync!
The process slows down but does not stop as the stomach empties
The best way to clear the small intestine is with one of the liquid oral laxatives. Magnesium Citrate is an option. High doses of Miralax taken over 3-4 hours is another option.
I have even heard of people having success with high doses of Milk of Magnesia taken between rounds of enemas!
That is one of the big DON'Ts of enema use.
NEVER 'blow your iliocecial valve. The damage can be permanent and can lead to all manner of problems!!