Pick a location that you are completely comfortable in. Your bed is ideal.
Complete privacy is best. If that is not possible at least get rid of the ones who will react negatively to you being completely embarrassed.
You DO NOT have to be completely naked. In fact it is best to wear a loose-fitting knee-length garment that is machine washable. One that can wick sweat is even better. Whatever you do, NO SHAPEWEAR, CORSETS, TIGHT BELTS, or anything that exerts pressure on the lower abdomen.
A bra, as long as it is one you can freely take deep breaths in, is your call. avoid ones that fit tight!!
I have found the whole relaxation thing easier if you insert the nozzle 5-10 minutes before you open the valve and let yourself relax in that time.
Going at least 8 and better 12 hours without solid food helps. Also caffeine can make it harder to relax, as well as irritate the stomach. Alcohol also irritates the stomach. If you need alcohol to relax, you have other issues that are well outside the scope of this forum.
A flared nozzle with NO MORE THAN ¾ inch flare can help as well.
Choose a position, either Simms or knee-chest. Practice it a time or two before even filling the bag.
If you want to do knee-chest, make sure it IS knee-CHEST and NOT knee-neck.
The last thing you do before you get into position is to pee. You DON'T want the bladder adding to the pressure.
Also set up the toilet so it is lid up seat down and there is either plenty of toilet paper or you are used to using a bidet.
Your first time I would not use any oral laxatives to make it more thorough, or a pre-enema to increase the “kick!" You are not ready for that yet.
Keep an old, but clean washcloth or hand towel in easy reach when you are in position. This can be used as either a twist rag or bite rag when things get hard.
If you use knee-chest and you have large breasts, as I do, it helps a lot to put a pillow under your breasts, and since you only get one set of knees, which have to last a lifetime I would advise one under the knees as well.
If you use the Simms position, don't go too far around. You don't want pressure on the stomach or lower bowel.
Use either a bag or a can. It is categorically impossible to relax your lower abdominal muscles while working the wrist and arm muscles.
Keep a digital clock where you can read it without any glasses or contacts that you might need.
Have a retention target time in mind. 15 minutes is ideal because it is long enough that the enema should propagate through your large intestine, but no significant amount should get absorbed into the walls of the bowel. If you can't go at least 7 minutes, wait 12 hours with no there enemas or laxatives and start over.
A flow rate of one quart per minute is a good flow rate. If you can take a little faster that's OK. With most HWB style bags that means roughly 3 ft above where your rosebud will be when you are in position. Open-top bags run a little faster.
Start out with a 2-qt bag and once you have mastered that you can go bigger if you want. I mostly use a 3-qt bag.
When you insert the nozzle take it slow, but MAKE SURE you have it all the way in. helps a lot to point it towards your navel Imagine trying to squirt the enema at your navel from the insi9de Wait, and relax a few minutes after you have the nozzle in. Check it again and make sure it has stayed in, and stayed pointed towards the navel.
Take at least 3 deep as you can breaths, more if you need to. Only crack the valve when you are really self-motivated to take the entire bag and are confident you can do it.
Let it flow! Stop it ONLY if it starts to leak around the nozzle. If you are past half a bag, that's all for you on this round. Don't re-open it. Less than half a bag, yes, try again!
Slow, deep breaths help with the retention.
Just remember, this IS an ENEMA the point is to hold it as long as you possibly can!! When you get to spontaneous expulsion know pretty well how many steps you are from the toilet so you don't make a mess.
The first round WILL NOT come out all at once! It will take at least 20 minutes often longer, and come out in waves.
Don't take the second round immediately. I have been doing this all my life and I average one round per hour, so don't be in any hurry!!
That's about it. Do those things and your first enema should be a success.