In my experience, there are two kinds of colon hydrotherapists: the 'new age' variety and the 'old school' ones.
The new age ones tend to be younger, more likely vegan, and into incense, crystals, iridology, and things like that. These therapists tend not to give preliminary enemas and, in my opinion, don't really clean the client out. Their sessions tend to be very calming and relaxing, often with soft, new age, music and subdued lighting. Some will only take female clients.
The old school therapists are quite different. They are often 50 or 60 year old women, who trained either in the heyday of enemas, or were trained by a mentor from that era. These ladies are all business... and their business is to make you poo. My preference is for this kind of therapist.
One particular therapist I went to several times about 20 years ago was typical. Her office was in a modern non-descript, low-rise office building, just of a secondary highway. The reception area was just like many doctor's offices, with a couch and desk, where clients filled out question forms, etc. The therapist was in a nurse-like uniform After the formalities, clients were guided into the treatment area.
Here it was very different, as the place was obviously set up for business. On the wall, was a large black & white photo, apparently from the 1930s era, of an austere woman in a starched nurses' uniform, standing next to a Vattenborg colonic machine with the three glass percolator tanks of the era. In the middle of one wall was a door opening, leading to a bathroom. There was no door. At right angles to the bathroom wall, there was a treatment table sticking out into the room and in the corner, mounted to the wall, was the closed colonic machine. Near the wall and at the foot of the table, was an IV pole.
Things got started promptly, with the nurse telling me to get completely undressed and put on a very short gown.As I was doing this, she got a Fleet Bagenema (a high quality, disposable, large volume enema kit of the period) and went into the bathroom. I could hear the water running and then a swishing, presumably as she mixed the solution. I lay down as instructed on my left side on the treatment table, feet toward the bathroom.From that position I could clearly see the toilet, white, open front seat down, ready for use. In a few moments she returned with the completely filled bag and walked behind me and hung the bag on the IV stand. A moment later, I felt the tube go in and the solution flow start. As the enema progressed, she advanced to tube within me.After a few minutes she said "All done. Hold it as long as you can." and withdrew the tube. After a couple of minutes more the urge to poo was very strong, so I went to the toilet and sat down. On the opposite wall there was a big sign:
Use foot rest.
No paper in the toilet.
Do not flush
Also, on the same wall was a row of perhaps 15 coat hooks. From these there were a number of the same Bagenemas with names, mostly women's as I remember, on them in Magic Marker. I guess they were for regular clients. The nurse gave me the one she'd used and told me to bring it back next time.
After I'd pretty much finished expelling the enema, she checked the results and told me to go back to the treatment table. The closed system colonic then proceeded pretty much as normal.
This lady was very serious about her profession. A client went to her to be completely cleaned out, and when she was done, cleaned out you were. There was noting sexual about her sessions