I rest my case with the above example … ha ha
@agracier it's one thing to make a typing or similar mistake (in this case a person with ADHD that's not even typing in her native language ) , but to disrespect someone by mocking and ridiculing them can be taken as a (lack of) character thing. Just sayin'.
Not resting my case like you do because I have none- I'm not here to argue.
Since you clearly are, I can only say: " Well done, BRAVO !! ”, and take a bow.
it doesn't cost anything to simply re-read what you've typed, make sure it is a logical statement, and doesn't contain any obvious errors.
@DrZ For me, it does. Truly. It takes effort, skills and strength that I don't have. (I'm not going to repeat myself talking about my mental problems, my meds influencing my typing etc. for the 10th time.).
You can all quote me as much as you like, I'm fine with that. But don't “mention” me anymore, please.
It would be nice of you to actually really read what and WHY I'm saying before taking it out of context of my whole post. Basic human decency and respect.
@eeetime I think that she lived and died like she was supposed to. Sorry about your wife, you seem to be surrounded with artists all the time. Precious 😃
About proofreading etc… well, I think I'm done discussing it, since my (dis)ability in that department became a thing of decry (by a moderator nonetheless).