My grandmother first used a curved douche nozzle while giving me an enema, the summer I turned nine. Using it afterwards, whenever it was attached to her douche/enema bag. However, mom never used a curved douche nozzle on my siblings an I, it was always the adult rectal nozzle. As preteens, once our RN grandmother taught my siblings an I personal hygiene, using both rectal and curved douche nozzles, and we were responsibility for ourselves in the enema department. It didn’t take long, once we were on our own, to begin giving each other enemas after school before our parents got home. We used the adult rectal nozzle, because, as a rule, it stayed attached to the douche/enema bag. Then one afternoon, a few months into sharing enemas, our sister suggested we switch to the curved douche nozzle instead. The primary reason being, it stayed in place better, and secondly, it felt really good when deep inside. A year or so later, when my girlfriend an I started sharing enemas during her period, we both preferred the curved douche nozzle. Then years later, after I got married, my wife an I, like my girlfriend from Junior High and High School, used the curved douche nozzle.
My siblings an I were anal erotic as far back as I can remember, my brother an I always getting hard whenever we got an enema. Both mom and grandma noticed our stiff penises, and told us, “it’s normal for boys when they get an enema.” Also, whenever we got hard, our sister didn’t miss our condition and ask a lot of questions about it out of hearing range of our parents. It wasn’t until we were young teens that enemas and the curved douche nozzle became sexually. Which prompted many a conversation about our sexual feelings between my siblings an I.