My childhood was marked by soap enemas. They were just awful, extremely uncomfortable.
By chance, enemas were admistered to me twice elsewhere, which were absolutely different. I got this from a friend's mother. At home I got a cloudy soap solution pressed up my butt, but here a brownish, tea-colored solution.
After the second enema on mine, I naturally asked what the difference was to what I got at home. The answer surprised me, especially since I only received one enema each time; Liquid in, wait a few minutes, then a longer session on the toilet.
I was given a tea blend that was relaxing and spasmodic in my colon.
The tea was made from caraway, fennel, anise, coriander, chamomile and peppermint. My friend's family also drank it. I tried it too and it tasted really good.
At some point I remembered it again. Since then, the solutions for our enemas have consisted of this mixture. Salt is added to this; the only difference to drinking tea. Also, the concentration for enemas is lower.
Another advantage is that the enema liquid greatly reduces odors.
We always have tea in stock. This is prepared with a higher concentration and frozen in appropriate ice cube bags. This means it can be accessed quickly when needed.
Since I was discharged from childhood, never again did any soapy solution spill into my colon. We love our tea enemas...