THE SHORT OF IT ALL; I'm an adulterous bisexual woman who seeks out, engages in, homosexual relations with other women but who very much prefers heterosexual relations with men not my husband outside of our marriage.
I engage in and enjoy heterosexual acts with men. Heterosexual just happens to be the 'norm' for the greater population on this planet. I very much prefer sexual intercourse with a man and I seek it out from my husband and those gentlemen I have come to adore but who are outside of my marriage with my husband's knowledge, consent, and blessings.
I engage in and enjoy homosexual acts with other women. I could identify as homosexual. I could be defined as homosexual. I could be labeled as homosexual. Or whatever word you use that means, '... to classify.' I seek out the company of another woman at times outside of my marriage with my husband's knowledge, consent, and blessings.
The frequency of my homosexual acts with another woman do not rise to the level of my being exclusively homosexual and are far below half of all of my sexual encounters, but more than a casual encounter or curiosity and I could be 'classified' as 'bisexual'. To me, bisexual best describes my view of myself but I make no claim that I do indeed engage in, have thoughts of, and find pleasure in homosexual acts with another woman.
And even though I have my husband's knowledge, consent, and blessings.I commit adultery every single time I engage in a homosexual act with another woman or have heterosexual intercourse with a man not my husband. It matters not that my husband knows of, approves of, and accepts that I commit adultery or that he does, too.
voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not his or her spouse.
The complete definition of 'adultery' also has; 'disloyalty', 'unfaithful', 'infidelity'. Those 'labels', adjectives, I would contest in the context of my love and adoration of my husband and our understanding and our unique construct of our union with each other as long as we both shall live. And as comfortable and accepting of what we, my husband and I, have and claim as our marriage, I would be hard pressed to defend my marriage as not being 'open' or that we 'swing' or 'swap' or commit adultery.
I have and am comfortable with my own definition of who I am in my mind, heart, and conduct knowing full well that MY DEFINITIONS of MYSELF are not universally accepted by others.
When I am examined by a real physician or nurse in a clinical setting for legitimate medical reasons or concerns, I do not enjoy it because it is real and in earnest and my health is being questioned and examined. It is real. There is not one thing erotic or sexual about it even if I happen to know the nurse or doctor apart from their practice. They are professional and comport themselves as such.
When I engage in being examined by a non-medical person is a medfet setting it is with the full understanding that at least one of us is 'getting their jollies'. Regardless of whether there is a 'happy ending'. When I am being examined in a medfet setting, my nakedness to another person in a non medical setting, their touching me, viewing my intimate parts, and access to every part of me is anything but professional medical treatment and it does satisfy a prurient note in myself or that person I have spread my legs for to insert their gloved and lubed fingers into my vagina. I make no effort to distinguish the touch or pretend that I have no sexual feeling or stimulation. If I disrobe, prop my feet up and spread my legs for you to 'examine' I am so doing it because it stimulates me sexually.
And if I am examined by another woman under a non medical, non professional setting, apart and away from any legitimate medical facility it is because I know I will be sexually aroused. And I don't have to admit to you that I will be, because anyone who has lived, loved, or lusted, will know that I'm only lying to myself if I say that there was nothing sexual in it for me. EVEN if I were to have no sexual stimulation, I at the very least allowed another woman access to my genitalia and she may have 'those feelings' and if it is sexual to her, then it is a sexual encounter.
And between two consenting adults, to paraphrase @gwhap, 'What is wrong with that?' Even if the woman examining my nude intimate parts tells herself that she isn't at the very least curious, she has engaged in a homosexual act with me, who definitely is and has engaged in homosexual acts. If she does this with me out of curiosity and never does it again, then she was only curious and in my mind and heart, she would not be homosexual. BUT, she took the substantial step of having me disrobe and had contact with me and there was that desire or tendency at that time. Does she admit her true feelings or protest her 'innocence'? No matter. I was there and she looked, touched, and remained to enjoy what we were doing. Stimulate me to the point where I cum?
Admit it or not, own it or not, resist being labeled or defined or classified, that's your business. It is what it is.
I'm an adulterous bisexual woman who seeks out, engages in, homosexual relations with other women but who very much prefers heterosexual relations with men not my husband outside of our marriage.