When I was a freshman in college, I joined (pledged) a fraternity. Pledging was approximately a 10 week process, and the final week was “hell week”.
My fraternity (as was the case with most fraternities at my university) had a “little sisters” organization. So, for example, if a male joined the ABC Fraternity, he would be assigned a female “little sister” from the ABC Little Sisters organization. Joining (pledging) the little sisters organization was very similar to joining the fraternity. The freshmen little sisters pledges went through their version of “hell week” at the same time that the freshman fraternity pledges were experiencing the fraternity “hell week”.
During hell week, there was one combined “line-up” at which both the fraternity pledges and the little sisters pledges were quizzed by the “active” brothers and sisters regarding things that they should have learned during the 10 weeks of “pledging”. And, the pledges were also given often-impossible challenges to accomplish. If a pledge failed a quiz or failed to accomplish a challenge, the fraternity paddle was used to punish him/her in front of everybody. This would be considered hazing now-a-days, but we just felt like it was a fun initiation ritual that was fairly harmless, so long as it was not allowed to get out of hand. Sadly, there are always a few idiots who do take things (like silly/harmless initiation rituals) too far, and ruin things for everybody else.
By the time this hell week disciplinary line-up happened, I had already fallen in love with my “little sister” (Elizabeth L.), and we had become boyfriend/girlfriend. I really wanted to spank her, and receive spankings from her. And, even more-so, I had a fantasy that she would spank me in front of her roommate, Hillary (who was NOT an ABC Little Sister).
In preparation for the line-up, all of the pledges were required to strip down to their undergarments (the boys stripped to their boxers and the girls stripped to their bras and panties). When it was decided that a pledge had earned a paddling, he/she was required to fetch the paddle and bring it to his/her “brother/sister”. So, for example, when I failed my challenge, I had to bring the paddle to Elizabeth and say to her, “Sister Elizabeth, I have been a very naughty pledge. Please punish me.” Elizabeth was then required to bend me over a table that had been placed in the middle of the room, pull down my boxers, and swat my bare ass 10 times. After each swat, I had to say, “Thank you, Ma'am. May I please have another?”
During hell week, I was “spanked” by Elizabeth (and, vice-versa), in front of all of the fraternity brothers and the little sisters, but NOT in front of Hillary. Thankfully, Elizabeth and I remaied a couple for a few years, while at the university together, and Elizabeth and Hillary remained roommates. Elizabeth and I spanked each other a lot, and eventually my wish came true… I had done something that upset Elizabeth, and when I arrived at her dorm room, she spanked my ass right there and then, even though Hillary was there. Not long after that, I spanked Elizabeth in front of Hillary. And, after that, when the girls were having arguments, they started asking me to decide who was in the wrong, and give both of them spankings when I thought they deserved it. There were even several occasions, mostly during Elizabeth's foreign exchange semester abroad, that Elizabeth asked Hillary to punish me when I deserved it. And, Hillary definitely did NOT mess around… when she tanned my hide, I did not sit comfortably in my classes (nor in the library and cafeteria) for several days!