The web is not secure and even if you encrypt your private conversations with another person, you should never say anything you wouldn't want on a bulletin board at work.
Never use a work computer for any kind of private chat. There is always the danger it'll be copies by the IT department. and stored away somewhere.
And there is always the possibility your correspondent will change their minds and go the revenge porn route.
The private chats here are supposed to be private, but who really knows. Gmail is certainly not private. They scan your emails to sell to advertisers to target you better and apparently for other purposes too. Hiding is not easy either. Your IP address is known, for example.
And if you go to sites like xhampster, who knows what spyware will be installed. Information can be power,
It is probably quite safe to post pictures of vintage enema bags from eBay or your butt with a hose and nozzle, but make sure your face or something identifiable is not seen in a mirror too.
Information is like toothpaste.... it comes out of the tube pretty easily, but getting it back in is a LOT harder.