The first and only experience so far that I remember was when I was around nineteen on a trip with four of my friends.
I don’t remember much at all, but at some point I must have gotten sick because apparently I had a fever of like 39°C. (Again, I think I must have been pretty out of it because I have no memory of this despite it being fairly recent.) So most of this is just what my friend recounted from it.
One of my closer friends, (He was a med student at the time) sat me up and gave me some fever reducers/painkillers or something along that line, and I swallowed them with some water. Within fifteen minutes I’d vomited and they’d come straight back up.
At this point my fever had gone up a degree or two since the first time they measured it, and we didn’t know the area at all since we were supposed to be on a nice trip away from home. By now I was very incapacitated and slightly delirious with the fever cooking my brain.
Med student friend, we’ll call him M, fished some suppositories out of his first aid supplies as a last resort before they would give up and attempt to find a nearby hospital.
M asked one of our friends to just sit with me and make sure I kept still and calm while he did it. I’ll call him R. (Thankfully R was my close friend and not one of our female friends that had come on the trip or I’m sure I would have died from the humiliation of it all.)
I don’t remember them undressing me at all, but I do recall being on my left side with my shorts around my thighs when the feeling of something touching my anus momentarily dragged me out of my feverish daze. I huffed and squirmed a bit, because it was uncomfortable and a completely unexpected feeling, but other than that I didn’t protest at all to R holding me still while M pushed the pill inside.
I vaguely remember thinking: “They’re putting something in my butt.” and feeling slightly upset about it, but apparently I immediately went back to sleep afterwards, so I clearly didn’t consider it that traumatising or important.