For my next Colonoscopy I will do this prep. I will use what the Dr. prescribes, which was a gallon jug of stuff. I will use Gatoraide instead of water. Tastes so much better. I will also get 4 additional quarts of Gatoraide for before and after.
I will eat a light diet before the event, then 2 days before, I will take at least 6 Ducolax tables and a quart of Gatoraide. That will get things moving. Then the day before the event, I will get up and take 6 ducolax tables, the use my shower shot to flush me out some. I will then start to drink a Quart of Gatoraide with at least a half a cup of Clear-Lax in it. I use Clear-Lax because it is cheaper then Mira-lax and it works just as good.After that runs through me, I will then start the prep that the Dr. ordered. I will drink all of the prep, by then I should be "free and clear" so to speak.While the directions call for a two step prep, I figure with drinking all of that, then drinking more Gatoraide with Clear-Lax in it, I should be cleaned out good. Besides I will give myself an enema anyway.
Then I can start to give myself an enema of plain tap water. Since I like enemas that will be the fun part. I will get up very early, depending on when I have to be at the hospital, drink another quart of Gatoraid with Clear-Lax in it, maybe I will drink a second quart of Gatoraid with Clear-lax in it, when that runs out, then I will flush myself out with another enema. Then I will leave for the hospital and get scoped.
The last time I had a colonoscopy I was not sedated, I watched the whole thing, asked questions while they were looking inside. I asked if I was clean enough, the Dr. said I was in good shape.
When I get done, I will change clothes, wear disposible underware, because in the past, what I thought was air, was not, and I messed up a pair or two of underware.
I am sure this is overkill, but I don't want to go through having to re-do this prep. I don't really mind the prep. I will be able to do one of the things I enjoy, getting cleaned out and having a great enema.
There is also a new prep product on the market.
I have not used this product, I list it for everyone's information. Alternatives are always handy to have in getting ready for a colonoscopy.