I was once hospitalized against my will when I was in the army. I was working nights, usually I would wake up and go and pick everyone up, this one evening I didn't, they came to my room, and woke me up, I was soaked in my bed, totally drenched, I had the quickest shower and shave in history, got into my uniform, and grabbed my weapon and kit and walked to the vehicle with the guys, by the time I got to the HQ where I worked I was drenched in my own sweat. I couldn't cool down. I walked into work sat at my post, my commander came in and saw he commented on how gaunt I looked and told me to go to the sick bay. I went, the Army Dr. put a thermometer in my mouth, and stated I was going nowhere it was dangerously high, I tried to persuade him otherwise, next thing an army ambulance arrived, my weapon was taken away and I was on my way to an army field hospital, once I got there a female nurse asked me to get into some pj's, I refused, and stated I wasn't that ill and would just sit and watch tv, as it was my time for being awake, and that I was on permanent nights, by morning I was tired and went and sat on the bed but didn't get in it. I had a fever, and couldn't stay cool, a Dr came by and took a cursory look at me but didn't examine me. I'd acquired a flu that most troops were catching, a desert flu, so they knew it was all about rehydration, a couple of days sleep so they left me alone. Within a couple of days. I felt better, I implored the Dr on the ward to let me go, he did, and stated, I didn't have to remain there, and stated "its not a prison" I went back to work, they were very good, as always I am a terrible patient, and hate the idea of being attended to, but they seemed to meet me half way.