So youâre âheteroflexableâ. You know if the Nazis caught you in the act they would have sent you to same camps they sent transgender people.
Just to get history straight. Nazis had a truckload full of prejudices and categories of people on their shit-list, but transgenders were not on them. Mainly because they did not really exist at the time. There had been some sporadic attempts at gender reassignment surgery on a basic level before they came to power in 1933, but it would not become a common enough procedure until much later, long after the war.
Anyway, in fairness to the poster, the Nazis most certainly would have gleefully imprisoned transgenders, had they existed at the time.
You are probably thinking of homosexuals or what were then called 'inverts' (their sexual preferences were inverted). Some 10 000 were imprisoned during the Nazi period, mostly after a conviction in court, but often enough without one, in a form of protective custody or for re-education after having served a term in a camp - anywhere from 1 to 10 years. In a nasty aside, it should be noted that upon the liberation of concentration camps and prisons, convicted homosexuals were not set free (by the Allied occupation forces) but were forced to sit out their sentences.
And to put things into even more historical perspective, it wasn't until 1994 that the German law under which homosexuals were punished, was revoked. In other countries, similar laws existed well into the 1960s, with similar draconian punishments in terms of prison sentences, forced therapy and sterilization/(chemical) castration. The USA, UK and Sweden come to mind, especially when considered under the influence of the back then, popular eugenics movement.