OK, personal rundown. If I were growing up in the 50s I may have the "benefit" of getting frequent enemas. Probably would have, because I was often constipated as a kid. In return for this (which, let's face it, has no proof of any benefit beyond relieving constipation) the following would likely have happened in my family:
My grandmother would probably have died before she met my grandfather because there wouldn't have been antibiotics as available as they were in the early '40s. My mother may very well have died during the birth of either me or my sister as caesarians were not as advanced at the time. My grandfather would have likely died 20-40 years before he did because the treatments for cancer were not as advanced, and my dad could very well have died or be dying of colon cancer as well because modern medicine has been able to catch it as polyps and near cancer several times. Not to mention that all the men on my mother's side have been treated for prostate cancer and fortunately lived.
Personally I would have been barely functional, as surgical techniques that have helped me quite a bit were not available. It's very possible that since I was born when I was I won't have any issues with skin cancer because I grew up with sunscreen, whereas other family members have had problems - another plus of modern science. We also would have likely have several extended family members in mental institutions as psychiatric drugs were not very good or available. This list is just for me and my known family members...
I think I'll take what we have today and do my enemas on my own initiative. Yeah, I think they help me and yeah, they're fun, but they're also something I can do myself. Do wish it could be shared, but you can't always have everything.
P.S. - statistically active shooters are still rare. I'd take the risk of being shot today over the risk of dying or being seriously injured in a car crash because of nonexistent safety standards in the 50s and 60s any day.