Well Pecan you did say, and I quote:
To the ladies here: does receiving anal sex provide you physical pleasure that can lead to an orgasm without need for clitoral stimulation ?
If you already know what I explained, then you must know that you pose a misleading question.
You could confuse anyone reading this, and I wish to prevent that.
Your question presupposes that a woman can have orgasmic sex, whether anal or vaginal, without her clitoris being stimulated. However, when orgasms occur during sex when a woman's clitoris remains untouched on the external tip, the rest of the clitoris inside her pelvic floor is still being stimulated.
So you cannot say there is no clitoral stimulation in this situation, because there is. It's just internal rather than external.
You must still give credit for the orgasms to the clitoris, not the vaginal or anal cavities. The stimulation of the internal clitoris is the secret ingredient that determines a woman's tendency to orgasm from sex, whether anal or vaginal, when the external part of the clitoris is untouched.
But don't listen to me, take 3 minutes to listen to a woman tell you the same info if you prefer: