Let me see,, I used to feel guilty about liking diapers and not understand it but the internet
has helped me to accept it as part of my sexual map. I went through the same purge
get rid of baby things cycle as many of us do but now that I'm comfortable with it
I'm actually accumulating quite a layette-- maybe even some girly baby things.
I read an article that said that we aquire these desires often through circumstances
over which we have no control-- bedwetting, diaper punishment, discipline or some
other seemingly unrelated incident and it is probably more common than currently
recognized. We are sort of made that way beyond our control.
It's part of who I am and it's not hurting anyone-- I think most of us want to be loved and accepted and that is entirely normal. I've had more relationships go
wrong because I hid the shame of my fetish not because I shared it.
If I get the chance at another relationship with a woman, I'll be sure to share
my desires, because anything else isn't fair to her or me and I would not want
that situation.
Besides, if you live long enough you'll probably wind up in diapers anyway.
Just a funny story that really happened-- A couple of years ago I was having some heart
problems and had to go into the hospital for observation-- I think the nurses
had half the men in diapers for one reason or another. One of mine was very
attentive and I asked for a laxative because I hadn't gone in days-- She came back
with a cupful of her own special mixture-- well within an hour I was pooping
like mad and could barely make it to the bathroom-- I asked her for something to
stop the over-reation I was getting and she just smiled and said-- can't have
you yo-yoing back and forth-- let me know if you need protection-- being stoic
and stupid I struggled on without a pamper..Another missed opportunity because
I wouldn't let my guard down-- I should have joined the other diapered guys.
This is getting way too long --- but be yourself-- life is short.