Having been in hospital many times, the fantasies are far from reality.
For example, I always dreamed of getting a mighty enema from a cute nurse. When it actually happened the fist time, it was very different I had been confined to bed for a week or longer so could not use the toilet. After a couple of days, the Colace pills started, morning and night, but they did nothing Pooing on a bedpan is not easy. Then they stated to give me Senna as well. Again no poo. So the doctor ordered an enema, which I found out was to be a Fleet. I asked for a large volume enema and the doctor changed the order.
Soon after, the shift changed, and a middle-aged male nurse came on duty. I was horrified, but said nothing. I was feeling miserable with a butt packed with poo, but said nothing. Hours later, the shift ended, and a motherly, older female nurse came on duty. By this time it was nearly midnight and I asked her about the enema. She looked at the chart and called the prior shift “dirty dogs” for not giving it to me, and left.
Petty soon she came back, carrying a disposable enema bag, filled with solution, a bunch of towels, and a bedpan and set up the stuff By this time I was petty miserable because of not pooing. She put pads on the bed and had me trun on my left side and gave me the entire bag and put the bedpan behind me so I could roll onto it and left, telling me to hold the enema as long as I possible could, which tuned out to be about 20 minutes.
I then stated to poo, with some difficulty, and filled the pan and rang for the nurse as I was sitting in poo and water. She took the pan, commenting that “You passed a lot of stool” and emptied and replaced the pan and I pood more over the next half hour.
When you are in hospital, you generally submit to the nurses. Yes really. And while you fantasize about an erotic experience… I certainly did… the reality is very different. The enema was nothing like I expected, and in truth, I didn't care. I just wanted help to poo as soon as possible.
Other times were worse. Think many IVs, central lines, and hundreds of ‘sticks’ for the never-ending blood tests.
Fantasy is not like reality… at all.