Well the Kubler Ross Model Of Grief is a perfect example here, it is usually portrayed while undergoing mourning, the grief of loosing someone. but almost everybody goes to it when they discover a major fetish like those (like Diaper loving, regressing, and most commonly bondage (BDSM)
First you go through Denial "no! i will not be like this" not accepting that you are different in a way, this is by far the longest step, and it can last years, if not decades for some. but rarely it happens within days or months
Next is Anger, "I won't be like this" it usually lasts a short time, loathing of yourself, hating your brain for not being as you want it to be, not everyone it seems goes through this face though
There after is Bargaining, "okay! i might be this way, but i won't be like the others!" most likely what you are facing, you might find your way and not be like others. But you still like to be tied up/spank still, what is the difference then?
After that there is Depression, "i guess i have to be like that" Realizing that you are this way and there is no changing it, (some stray away and get 'fixed' along the way) you try to minimize the activity, not really wanting it anymore, but still finding the enormous pleasure that goes with it.
Finally there is Acceptance, "it is just better to be this way" you finally accept it and the real fun begins, with no set backs, just pure pleasure... not meaning you can't be humiliated anymore.....