Common Sense applies yet there's a desire to feel more that often causes us to make dangerous mistakes. Before cancer- I'd kept anywhere between 1-3 quarts in me at any span of time on average. with shorter spans of getting that fourth quart in and it hurting -or not- dependent on "how high" It went.. I often wonder how many of us have shor tor long large intestines as part of our capacity and how many of us are opening our cecal valves giving ourselves a small bowel enema while we are at this??
There's a lot of controversy about getting our ileocecal valves opened and even more debate over if it's a life saver or mortal danger to do it.. Me personally.. I see both healing and danger in balances.
In my mid-20's I'd been introduced to the ancient methodologies of juice fasting till essentially no solids are being passed- thence using enough saline enema to literally end up vomiting it back up.
It's not a procedure to undertake lightly and it demands risk awareness plus a willingness to feel what many people call PAIN as opposed to what others of us call "intense sensations" from it. Defined as feeling nearly certain that it's going to be a full gut busting and nausea plus a whole body shaking that is followed by an almost beyond orgasm endorphin rush.
AFTER such a bottom up to mouth reverse flushing- I feel half my weight .for days and also am quite confident that I'm going to be clean for deep toy play til I start eating again. Detoxing from Chemotherapy was complicated by not wishing to strain a resected colon so I've not done a fraction of the large volume distensions I'd done pre-cancer.
After several years post surgery? Dunno if I ever will risk more than that third quart unless cold sober and carefully so. Low, slow, and gentle has been my enema life for the last few years. That said, I've been daydreaming of a rig using some sort of large capacity bottle with large diameter=low restriction hose&nozzle to allow for gentle large volume with low pressure and more importantly- a low resistance pressure backflow path. . It's my rig for my use only and being aware of needing to properly clean after such use goes with the scene.
Water cooler bottle with cut open bottom- neck fitted with same diameter tubing and nozzle crafted from whatever prototyping plastic is around. Bottle hangs from macrame plant holder type rig and suspended by block&tackle pulley so I can easily raise/lower bottle for flow comforts.
Needless to say this gets done on colema type board or in tub lest it become stupidly messy and the relaxation of no mess worry is an enhancement.
I fondly recall doing the pulley bit with some 3 quart "Barium Bags" years ago and damn it's a ride. Pushing uphill from an overfull bowel and relaxing to let it flow back works best after having done enemas and or juice fasting so no solids clot hoses etc. But it's a body-mind state of push-relax-cramp-push against the cramping flow that can be addictive for some of us.. It's a large volume variant that either works for us or not.