In another post I mentioned that my mom would talk to either my grandmother or Janet's mom before giving me an enema. And that Janet and I both would do whatever we could to get one. Perhaps one of the most "exciting" things that would happen occasionally is being taken to Janet's house, and we would be given enemas together. Not simultaneously, one at a time while the other got to observe the entire process. It was at Janet's mom's prompting, and it was so our mothers could compare technique. At the time my mom used the funnel and rectal tube, and Janet's mom used a bulb syringe. But this gave Janet's mom the opportunity to use the bulb on me and my mom would use the funnel and rectal tube on Janet.
And I'm pretty sure we both got an enema from a bag at Janet's house. And we'd all be in the bathroom when either of us expelled!
Of course, thanks to all of this, Janet and I were obsessed with enemas, and "poohing" as we called it. We would sneak off in to the woods and "pooh" for each other... and having missed a movement at home, that might be a reason for another enema.
I knew Janet had another opening, but the pleasure we were having at the time was centered on our rectums, and we had both explored each others rectums pretty thoroughly. We knew we could finger very deeply and bring on a movement.
I'm sure we would be considered victims of child molesters today, and I have have my love of enemas and anal play because of it... but there is no question that we both enjoyed and looked forward to what our mothers were doing to us. We just couldn't get enough.