I suspect that women in the 50's and 60's were expected to take care of most of the domestic chores. They also were expected to handle all of those other crises that arose so dad could eat dinner and relax after a hard day at work.
In our house, mom was the "Enema Queen". After taking care of all those other responsibilities, it seemed to be her duty to assure that everyone else was well and that they had done their chores. Especially going #2. While I always believed this to be an obsession on her part, it may just be that women were far more likely to be familiar with the rubber implements of the time. A hot water bottle, ice bag, throat bag, neck collar, invalid ring, ice cap, and yes...the good old fashioned enema or douche bag were all marketed to the women of the world. The names of such things were sometimes dainty and sometimes damned threatening. I don't think mom needed any additional backup when the Dreadnought was filled with hot soapy water.
I never was attended to by a male nurse until well into the 90's. Back in the day, a nurse with an enema bag was enough to control and cause most tuffians to cower as they tried to cowboy up for an impending surgical procedure. To top things off, they might just come and shave you too.
I may have been rather jealous that women could put these rubber goods to use without undue scrutiny or embarrassment. After all, women had all those hygienic issues to deal with. I thought I'd die every time I had to buy my mom some Kotex at the store. Then there were the times I had to go buy a new enema bag.
Yes, enemas were more of a woman's thing. Then they rebelled...pretty soon they resented the male docs ordering them to have an enema while in labor. Douching was taboo in most cases. Disposable plastic implements replaced those great old rubber goods. Things just seemed to go right down the terlet for us guys.
We kept our secret fantasies well hidden. Our masculinity was in jeapordy. What real man gave himself an enema? If mom or a nurse gave it...must have been necessary for our own good and survival. Masculinity was held harmless...especially if we kept it a secret that deep down inside we really enjoyed the procedure. We secretly wished that women would rise up to the occasion and once again take control of our most basic needs and fantasies.
Finally, after all these years, along came the Internet. Lo and behold, there's really others out there who may share some of those deepest secrets. There might even be a few women who appreciate the effect a good enema can have on one's overall well being. Why, they even seem to have a monopoly on spas that also offer colon hydrotherapy. A super enema without the nostalgia of those beautiful, but oft dreaded rubber implements that we secretly cherished.
Keep it up EMOM and all the rest of you wonderful women who seem to understand!!!