Hi everybody,
I'd love to learn about a very basic question which is not solved definitely:
Is the Stethoscope and Heartbeat Fetish a sexual one or not?
According to my own experience, it is definitely a sexual fetish.
But sometimes however, people were completely upset when I told them that for me, it's a sexual fetish. People even stopped contact with me then. So, I often do not dare to disclose, that it's sexual.
For me, it's sexual because it has to do with women's body, her breasts, with rubber (steth tubes, I'm a bit of a rubber fetishist, too), with the intimacy of heartbeat, which reveals unconciously sexual arousal; perhabs, the stethoscope is also sybolic for the penis, because it kind of "penetrates" the woman's body ? And there are certainly more reasons...
Anyway, I'like to hear about your opinions whether it's sexual or asexual ! Thank you.