I had almost forgotten about this topic as well, and probably with good reason, lol.
Junior High is never easy for anyone, I don't care if you were the head cheerleader or the head skank, puberty sucks for everyone.
We always had to shower after gym, there were a few and I do mean a few exceptions to this, like when we watched movies on the history of sports for example, but we were still expected to dress.
Our required atire for gym was these one piece scratchy material things. The bottom portion was solid hunter green, and the top was white and green stripped. It had a huge bulky zipper down the middle of the front that went from the base of your neck to right around your belly button. And on the zipper pull, there was a huge round metal loop. They were measured too, they couldn't be too long, or short, to loose or to tight. All I can say is, they ugly, very very ugly, not to mention hot and scratchy.
Our school's policy on shower taking was, everyone took one after gym, unless you were on your period. The gym teacher stood at the head of the opening to the shower and marked your name off as you entered. YOu were allowed to have one period mark off each month, sometimes to depending on your schedule, but that was rare. Now, if you tried to hand the teacher another note for the same month, first you got the lecture, of, well you were either lying this time, or you are lying the last time, which was it? Then if you still had the balls to continue with your story, you got taken in to the office and your parents were called, and if momma saved your ass and told the gym teacher that she did in fact have two periods this month, then the gym teacher would tell momma, well, until she gets a doctors excuse to me saying that this is what is really happening, then your sally will be flunking gym.
My gym teachers name was Mrs Rolloff. She actually used to be a hopful for the same Olympic team that housed Nadia Colmineche, the first woman to ever get a perfect 10. Who by the way is now married to Bart Connor, the sexy hunk that helped earn our boys their own set of gold medals in mens gymnastics in 1984. Mary Lou Retton also cam out of this bunch, who happens to be one of the people I admire the most in this world, but I digress here.
My gym teacher was a bit of a nasty hard nosed fhort little romanian woman who probably had a few grudges of her own to work throug. So there she stood at the front of the shower with her clip board, marking off your name as you went in, and the gym caddet who was usually in the grade higher than you stood there waiting to hand you a dry towel.
Now, the actual shower process went accordingly. you walked in to the girls dressing room. There was a main isle, off to both saides of this main isle were benches and locker, tons of them. BUt if you kept walking throu you then had to come to a decisiont, either turn slightly left to go to to the potty, where there were stalls, no door, and about 2 foot tall walls betwen the pots, so if you were sitting on one you couldn;t see the person right beside you but if you were standing you could see everyting, lol. I thik I usually just hsld mine for later at home, lol.
Anywas, towasds that right, the nasty showers loomed. The room was very stark, THere was a white shower curtain hanging up basically covering about 10 huge shower heads. See the trick to getting into and out of one of these showers ws to hug the back wall and go under the heads so to spiak, then avoiud the water at all costs, get t hroughrt the ofher side, grab your towel and rhen requr you to very quicksly get dressed And really it wasn't a shower, it ws a walk through. No one had soap, no one had whshclothes, o one had shampoo, so baslically it was just a naked free for all at that age..