Someone has sent me a personal message suggesting that I must be 'wickedly dominant' - based on my early reply in this thread. I had thought to post a denial, but I will settle for a demurrer instead. I mean, I don't own any unusual leather or latex. No chains or velvet, even. (Darn!) And I've never imagined myself Mistress Jillie De Ville - maybe Pirate Jillie, as in Brecht's Jenny, but only for as long as Judy Collins' rendition lasts. But I know that paraphernalia isn't the core of BDSM. I'm not much of an S&M theorist - the bit I've read has been interesting; maybe I'll get a chance over the holidays to read more - but still I would think there ought to be a distinction between practices undertaken primarily for direct or displaced sexual gratification and those, even if involving some of the same acts, undertaken to break through patterned behavior to realize some difference in conceptions of self and of intersubjectivity. (Okay, S&M theorists, maybe not; I see the circularity as I am writing. It looks a lot like the anthropologists' 'difference' between religion and magic, huh - just where one is standing.) Anyway, such hard thinking is going to have to wait till after Thanksgiving.
Returning to earth, here, my point in my first reply was that E&S so perfectly combine ways of chipping through the shells of presentation and even of self conception, such compelling and wonderfully complementary physiological and psychological routes, that overt BDSM isn't necessary, even feels too raw. All you need to do is be aware and encouraging, keep your partner close and safe, and guide him gently. I wear pink, guys, not black.
We generally conceptualize pottying as necessarily private and personal: doing nothing more than a full and rich enema together tends to break the straitjacket of that image. On a somewhat similar cultural assumption, Discover magazine has in their most recent issue, I think, an interesting little article on sleep: that our 'modern western' sleep, for all the naturalness it seems to us, is arid, basically impersonal, individualistic, and sensorily bereft - and that most of the world, by their claim, sleeps in great piles of people, interacting in all kinds of ways to the backdrop of blaring taxi horns and elephant grunts, promoting a world view that is very differently skewed.
So, Thanksgiving happiness and peace to all.