When I was in my early 20's, I went to the doctor because of some stomach pains that included some belching and extreme gas pains. This doctor had also treated my parents and had an office in the same building where my dad worked.
During the exam, he palpitated my abdomen and asked about my eating and bm habits. I confessed to my poor habits. He told me my mom and dad had been in recently and had similar issues at times. I got lectured about improving now that I was on my own.
He told me about some over the counter medications that might help. He really encouraged fiber supplements to deal with constipation. He mentioned that my mom told him she preferred using enemas rather than laxatives if really backed up. He chuckled when he said my dad admitted that mom gave him enemas when he was constipated.
I was blushing but told him that I had my share when living at home and prior to knee surgery. He said that some doctors believe that an enema is better than using laxatives. He said that an occasional enema might be helpful but figured a single guy would avoid them at all costs.
I didn't admit that I had been hooked on enemas since early childhood. I saw the chance though to see if he would actually prescribe one. I told him that I was miserable enough to try anything. He told me that if I was up to it, he would have Marge, his nurse, give me some instructions for an enema.
Marge came in with a printed sheet that had an illustration on it. I was immediately aroused and my heart started pounding. She went over the instructions and asked if I had any questions. I was red in the face and could hardly talk. She said "you probably don't have an enema bag, do you?" I told her no. I was lying.
She said I could stop at the paharmacy in the building and get one. She asked if I was embarrassed and I told her I was. She said "I'll call down and have them get one ready for you to pick up." I heard her on the phone telling someone that I would be down on my way out to pick up an enema set. She gave them my name. As I was leaving, she smiled and said, "Call us if you have any problems. Just follow the instructions and it should go just fine."
I stopped in the pharmacy and gave my name. The clerk handed me the bag and charged me about 3 bucks. She asked if I had any questions and I told her that Marge had gone over them. She said "isn't Marge great" She smiled and I left. I was surprised to find a Fleet Bagenema when I opened the bag outside.
Marge called me at the end of the day and asked how things went. She said the doctor was concerned and wanted her to follow up. I told her that I got through the procedure. She asked what results the enema produced. I told her that I felt better and she said that was good. She said I could take one now and then but not to overdo it.