Metoo, that was a brilliant answer. Thank you for all of that. I don't have your fetish at all, but I can definitely understand the naughtiness factor. On a huge level I can honestly tell you that I am somewhat jealous, no, if I'm being honest then I have to admit that I am extremely jealous of all of you who wear diapers, especially those of you who wear them for the fun and pleasure, not out of the need. You are able to entertain your fetish desires pretty much in as secret or as public as you want to and do so all the time. While you all seem to think that wearing a diaper isn't publicly acceptable, well really it pretty much is.
I know that people stare, and some may even make comments, but most normal people understand that incontinence can and is a part of getting older or can be a medical condition, therefore in general people are a lot more understanding and accepting.
Take my fetishes for example. I love to give and get shots, do real physicals and or medical play, and the entire spanking thing. Spanking is a wide spread and pretty common fetish, so common I am not even sure it can be classified any more as a fetish, but even as popular as that is, it's not like I can make Doc drop his pants in the mall, bend over and grab the back of his knees and start spanking him. Spanking is the most vanilla of my above mentioned fetishes and even if I allowed him to keep his pants on and up, spanking him in public still is not even close to being as acceptable as you all wearing a diaper out in public. People may take a second glance at you, they would stop and form a crowd around Doc and I, and then the police would be called and people would cover their kids eyes, lol.
So in that sense I am more than a lot jealous of all of you. You guys have a freedom with your kink that most of us will never ever know. In my opinion, that is super cool, and you are all the lucky ones.