That is true and it does. It happens all the time. Things change and there is not a dam thing that can be done to stop that.
It's called progress and social evolution. We don't have to like it. Just live with it temporarily. I chose to just say "meh" adapt where necessary and go on with things that I enjoy.
and watch the show from the bleachers. I like to say "We are living in history" A lot of things that are going on now will be in the history books or whatever passes for books in 2124.
Thank you for this comment !! - and yes, it is also my opinion !! - time goes by, sooner as we will allowed this trueness !!
But the things, that have changed, are not have changed in better ways, more in the other direction !!
By your actually age - 41 -, it was in my life the year of 1997, there we lived in a better world - maybe a special sight of my person, but i can also remember of these times, without Internet, and also with telephones, that were not wireless, and the news around the world, were not transported in a few minutes !!
Maybe an obsolete sight of mine, but these days are not the bad ones !!
And also yes, in a couple of years, the living people will have a loudful laugh of our actually sight of all it - maybe also ok -, but i am just nowadys also happy, that will be " after my time on earth !!
Sorry for my bad english - but my main language is german - but also tried the " english one ", to be part of the discussion !! - and i will hope, that it is be a little bit of understandable !!
So, stay as you are, enjoy your upcoming live, and think in a positive way !!
Kindly regards from the " other side of the ocean ", from " good old germany " !!