Good question.
I care for my cousin when she needs an enema. She needs help, it is not an option. When she asks, she is shamefully desperate, apologizing and is always very courteous about it.
I like to rub on her, to put her in the mood for allowing it to more easily let it happen. Stroking her naked hips and patting her tummy, as to say without saying, "i care for you deeply." Looking into her eyes, i caress her expectant tummy, before it gets "bigged" with her water pregnancy. She stares at me as i load my fingers with Albolene and raise my eyebrows. Slowly, even ceremoniously, i lower my finger tips, with my ring finger and index slightly expressing my middle finger. As they disappear from her sight,, She closes her eyes and gives a gentle smile. She spreads herself with both hands and I begin to smear it onto both sides of her hiney hole, and she wiggles it to greet me. Taking my time to relax her troubled and anxious urgency, she quietly whimpers for me with a kitten like whine. Dipping in, but without penetration, as if dialing zero on a dial phone, she will nod, yes, oh yes. Sending that fuck finger deep, i press my knuckles onto her and give the nozzle a twist. Her eyes and mouth pop open, confessing how she needs it, she mutters to herself. What, i don't know. I slowly twist and glide back out from her little happy. She standing before me, weak kneed. If she tilts her head a little sideways, i know she wants her ear lobe sucked. (we have talked about not getting sexual, for decency sake)
I pick up her dripping nozzle, smearing it for her approval. I latch onto her ear, and take it searching to meet its purpose. She reaches down again with both hands for me to blindly find it. She stands still for me to locate and put the spray pipe in her. Giving her but a pint of clear filtered, barely warm water, i stop the spray inside her. She looks at her enema nest and knows to take a proper receiving pose for me. I take the pipe from her and help her down inside her shower stall for her filling. She keeps touching her back side, as that little bit within keeps talking to her butt.
Finally comfortable, with one hand she lifts one cheek and begs to be helped in this special way we keep secret between us. She don't want me looking at it, though i desire to watch the pipe and fit it into place for her. I have to work blind and talk to her as i feel it into place. Releasing her enema's flow, she starts it for herself. I give her five minutes of silence as it begins to fill her further.
Then observing a little frown, I start rubbing on her again, stopping the spray down to a trickle. Watching for her to relax again, i peck her on the lips and Eskimo her nose. When she closes her eyes, i give her some more till she whines for mr to slow it again. She glances at the spinner below the bag, seeing it's barely turning, she tells me how nicely its weight is beginning to traverse over her belly button. I rub that bit of fullness weighing in her tummy. As she smiles again, i release the clicker and her eyes roll back in her head, whispering, "fuck me partner, mmnnn". Soon, i hear it suck dry and close the clicker. Looking in, i see she has been leaking and ask her if she wants more.