@Thomas893 , were spankings and rectal temperatures often intertwined at you house?
@Penny I guess the answer depends on how we define 'often' and then the occasion leading to the RT. It was less than, way less I'd say than 20%. Maybe one out of ten, 10% at most? I needed to end that with a question mark as it may have been 5% --- likely less than 5% because when ill I'd get the RT several times a day so four/five insertions would lower the number.
That said in other ways RT might lead to a spanking. Pants down, bottom up, I suppose mom must have wondered if, while set up, the two of us there, if a suppository, enema or spanking might be a good thing.
There were two times I was likely most vulnerable. One was when I was home from school, in bed with something (and home ill meant in bed, not having a nice time in the basement playroom!) When mom had me roll over, sat beside me on the bed, while the thermometer was in place was an ideal time for a heart to heart mother/son talk and if mom had a behavior concern, issue, this was a good time for her to bring it up and, if a spanking was decided on, what better time for her to give it to me?
Then, sometimes at bedtime as I was in bed reading, mom would come in with a jar of Vaseline and the thermometer and tell me she wanted to take my temperature. It might be she wanted to know for some reason. It might also be she had an issue she wanted to discuss quietly with me and what better mother/son venue than my being tummy down, bottom bare, thermometer in place? Again, this might end up with, "I'm sorry, Tommy, mommy is going to have to give you a spanking."
The reverse also would happen. I'd be told I was going to be spanked, be bare, OTK, and have a rectal temperature taken first. I might also after the RT and before the spanking, be given a suppository. Actually, getting a suppository, or enema, before a spanking was somewhat more common than an RT. Mostly, a spanking was a spanking, but the others did happen from time to time.
Any other questions, Penny, I'll do my best to answer.
What about yourself. Were spankings and rectal temperatures intertwined at your house.