For years I felt I wanted to be alone to expel. My wife would give me the enema and let me go to the bath to expel it. Once, I had a huge block and, even with the large enema, it would not move. She came in and asked what was wrong, so I told her about the difficulty. Her response was to relax and not try to strain. She walked toward me on the toilet and put her hands on the back of my head, cradling me on her chest. With one hand, she rubbed my back, and then quietly whispered in my ear to relax and let nature work. I can tell you, it worked.
She was dressed only in a nightgown and my head was cradled between her breasts. As I tried to relax, she moved slightly and my mouth was over her right breast. I started to suck slowly. in a minute or two, I suddenly felt the blast coming, and it did. I filled the toilet, so she pushed the handle to empty the toilet bowl. She still held me close and even more erupted over the next several minutes. Her breasts tightened as I sucked, and I felt her begin to breathe irregularly. Then, with a tight squeeze, she had an orgasm, kissing my head as she came down from her own delight. I was soon empty, but she still gave me a second enema to make sure.
Now, anytime I was getting an enema for real constipation, she stayed in the bath and ‘helped’ by hugging me close to her to get me to relax. We both loved it, and the smell was never mentioned. A year ago, she passed away and something is now missing as I take my enemas.