For anyone who's circumcision status doesn't match the norm of the country they live in (for example, I'm an uncircumcised American), have you ever thought about how many women are out there where your penis is the first of its type that they saw?
Off the top of my head, I can think of a ton, that's how rare not being circumcised is/was where I grew up. My older sister, my female best friend from ages 5-7 who I would take baths and “play doctor” with, the girls that saw it at summer camp when I was in middle school, girls that accidentally saw it when I was changing, all of my high school and college girlfriends, a few close friends that asked to see it when they heard I had one, most of my adult girlfriends and hook-ups, and several others.
And those are just the ones I know for sure! The teenage babysitters that watched me when I was a kid and gave me baths, was I their first? Probably. My sister made jokes a few times about showing her friends my baby pictures, did she ever? Or did girlfriends show more current naked pictures to their friends, like I know they tend to do? And during several college parties where clothes came off during games like truth or dare and some streaking occurred, I'm sure several girls got their first glimpse of a foreskin there.
Am I alone in thinking about this? I don't know the exact number but I'm sure it's quite high.