These are very good suggestions and merited constructive criticisms. I am one of the guilty ones of not being as careful as I should when submitting comments.
Very well put @Denise.
@switchablesusie also wrote some great advice.
I am “guilty” on all charges. But I can not, and will not make any promises about better spelling, grammar etc.
Why? It's not that I intentionally want to be disrespectful to other members or this little corner of cyberspace- I have ADHD, and it is very hard for me to organize my thoughts, I easily wander off. And I'm not going to make myself be more coherent here than in real life, it just wouldn't be me. I function mostly by feeling/thinking/saying many random thoughts that are connected in my brain, but sometimes other people can't follow that, or the speed/ frequency I'm on. Hyperactivity is hard to handle. I try to be better, and I can, but not always.
Even my profile is.. Well, let's say “special” LOL
And I come here to relax. So I'm not going to let myself feel any pressure to be “better” - then being here would lose its point.
That also goes for my typing-
1. my keyboard bugs me sometimes
2. I type much faster that I really can, and without looking at either what I'm pressing on the keyboard, or what is shown on the screen.
Adding how my mind works, and meds that I take that can affect everything, especially motor skills.. It's not that I don't know how to put together a proper sentence or type/spell words correctly, it's mostly that in cyber communication I feel rather relaxed, so I do whatever. I often don't even put a big letter at the beginning of a sentence. It's not like I'm here to write a novel.
And I never heard any complaints on my talking/writing, just the opposite.
3. But I always stand by what I've said and have no problem with criticism - I'm more for the point and quality of exchanging thoughts, feeling, ideas, then punctuation marks etc.
So.. Sorry people, but that's that from me. If you don't mind my bad typing, disorganization etc in my posts.. Then great. If you do, just skip it.
*** I type badly in my native language too, maybe even worse than in English.