I totally relate to so many comments from @Nurse_Phillip & @Wolfgirl66
@Dr Charles hit some keen points as well.
For me to be restrained I would have to have to total trust, I would not be doing an intense bdsm scene without that element but also him knowing me, is extremely important.
I have only done one such scene, I have talked about it on other threads.
For me pain is a big part of my pleasure.
For a while I was a bit conflicted on why I wanted/needed/craved....pain.
Someone offered this short & sweet explanation.
Its a safe/ pleasurable pain.
That pretty much summed it up for me.
A playful spanking is all fun, it will give me a little arousal but I want more.
The first time I was spanked as an adult, a real spanking, in a d/s scenario, it was a slow build up, & had all the elements that get me highly aroused . Dripping wet, aroused. The anticipation, vulnerability,embarrassment and PAIN! It was so yummy I was hooked!
After discussing it, I said next time I wanted it longer and more.
I definitely got what I asked for and it was absolutely delicious.
I would say on a scale of 1-10, I reached an 8 and I never thought I could get to that point. But with a slow build up, switching implements with some rubbing and massaging in between I was able to not only withstand more but want more.
I can’t say I reached subspace, as I have heard others talk about but I did “give in” to the pain and it was such a pleasurable pain.