As others have said, the fact that this is not a fantasy for you does not mean that isn’t for others.
Your arguments over the use of the term “significant other” are literally just picking at semantics, but fine, let’s play. Here are some definitions of significant other.
Google: “a person with whom someone has an established romantic or sexual relationship”
Merrim Webster: “ a person who is important to one's well-being especially: a spouse or one in a similar relationship”
Urban Dictionary: “Your mate, spouse, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, steady and/or lover. Used when you don't want to be too specific, or when the details are nobody's business.“
Wiktionary: “ One's romantic partner, regardless of marital status or gender”
I used the term instead of partner. I don’t understand why you’re giving it this level of scrutiny. Whether intentional or not, your comments are coming off as extremely nasty and aggressive. Remember that not everyone has the same kinks and fantasies as you, and what seems completely benign to you may be a turn on for others.