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Views: 3496 Created: 2016.01.30 Updated: 2016.01.30

Your enema

Your enema

You nervously wait in the hotel room where we have agreed to meet. You are about to enjoy your first enema with me, Sue. I promise it will be wonderful. Soon, I arrive. After briefly getting acquainted, I ask if you have shaven your pubic area as I have requested. Answering in the affirmative you enter the bathroom to get undressed, while I prepare everything.

In a few minutes you appear wearing a robe. I ask you to drop the robe so that I can enjoy your nakedness. You protest, Sue but I assure you that I am soon going to not only see, but invade your most intimate parts anyway. It would serve you well to cooperate. You drop the robe and I compliment your nicely shaven pussy and beautiful bottom. You sit on the bed, lean back placing your head on the pillow, and drape the back of your knees over the pillows I have arranged to lift them high and apart. I approach and push your knees farther apart, further exposing you.

Your eyes move to the bedside table and you observe my gloves, an open tube of lubricating jelly, and the bag and nozzle I have chosen to administer your first enema. The bag is a 2qt red combination syringe. The nozzle is 8 inches long, tapered at the tip with a large bulge in the middle. Again you protest, this time objecting to the size of the nozzle and reminding me in a threatening manner that I agreed to allow you to turn the tables on me in the future. I am unfazed and again assure you that I will gently get that fully into your delicious looking bottom.

I go to the bathroom. You hear water running, and I soon emerge with a pitcher that contains the treat for which your colon thirsts. The water steams slightly. It’s cloudy with a healthy head of suds. I pour it into the bag and screw on the top. I sit beside you and invite you to watch as I pull on the black latex gloves and slowly lubricate the nozzle. As you watch, the unmistakable aroma of your excitement mixes with the soapy smell of the enema.

I lay the bag between your legs. I pick up the nozzle and I comment that I have so thoroughly lubricated it that it glistens brightly. With my left hand I part your cheeks and place the tip of the nozzle against your anus. You ask me to stop, and to first apply lube to your anus and rectum. I am happy to oblige and place a large dollop in my index and middle fingers. I slowly circle your delightful rosebud and slip my index finger into your rectum. I smear the walls of your rectal vault with the lubricant and work my middle finger up your bottom to join in the fun. Just as you are beginning to really enjoy this, I remove my fingers and again place the tip of the nozzle at your entrance. I push it in until I feel resistance and then back out. I repeat this several times, each time going deeper and deeper until you finally swallow the entire length.

The clamp clicks, I raise the bag and you feel the warm soap filling you. About a third of the way through you begin complaining of cramps. I stop the flow and massage your belly until you are ready to continue. Several times you ask me to repeat this, and each time I notice more and more wetness at the opening to your pussy. Finally the bag is empty, but I tell you I have another surprise. From my equipment bag, I produce a Hitachi Magic Wand. Your eyes widen and I plug it in. I stretch your lips open and apply the device directly to your clitoris. Shock wave go through you over and over as you finally cum harder than you ever have. I help you to the bathroom. You bend over, allowing me to remove the nozzle and I leave you to evacuate. I return to the bedroom wondering what you will do to me when it is my turn.


n/a 4 years ago  
jimmyt44 6 years ago  
Kid 6 years ago  
fanny 6 years ago  
fanny 6 years ago  
Kid 6 years ago