
Views: 5219 Created: 2013.12.14 Updated: 2013.12.14

Brooke and the Beanstalk

Brooke and the Beanstalk

Brooke and the beanstalk


There was once a girl named Brooke who was brave and quick-witted. She lived with her mother in a small cottage and their most valuable possession was their cow, Milky-White. But the day came when Milky-White gave them no milk and Brooke’s mother said she must be sold.

”Take her to market," she told Brooke, "and mind you get a good price for her.”

So Brooke set out to market leading Milky-White by her halter. After a while she sat down to rest by the side of the road. An old man came by and Brooke told him where she was going.

”Don’t bother to go to the market," the old man said. "Sell your cow to me. I will pay you well. Look at these beans. Only plant them, and overnight you will find you have the finest bean plants in all the world. You'll be better off with these beans than with an old cow or money.

"Now, how many is five, Brooke?”

"Two in each hand and one in your mouth," replied Brooke, as sharp as a needle.

"Right you are. Here are five beans," said the old man, and he handed the beans to Brooke and took Milky-White's halter.

When she reached home, her mother said, "Back so soon, Brooke? Did you get a good price for Milky-White?” Brooke told her how she had exchanged the cow for five beans. Before she could finish her account, her mother started to shout and box her ears. "You lazy, good-for-nothing slut!" she screamed. "How could you hand over our cow for five old beans? What will we live on now? We shall starve to death, you stupid girl.” She flung the beans through the open window and sent Brooke to bed without her supper.

When Brooke woke the next morning there was a strange green light in her room. All she could see from, the window was green leaves. A huge beanstalk had shot up overnight. It grew higher than she could see. Quickly Brooke got dressed and stepped out of the window right onto the beanstalk and started to climb.” The old man said the beans would grow overnight," she thought. "They must indeed be very special beans.” Higher and higher Brooke climbed until at last she reached the top and found herself on a strange road. Brooke followed it until she came to a great castle where she could smell the most delicious breakfast. Brooke was hungry. It had been a long climb and she had had nothing to eat since midday the day before.

Just as she reached the door of the castle she nearly tripped over the feet of an enormous woman.” Here, baby," she called. "What are you doing? Don't you know my daughter likes to play with dolls your size? It's lucky I have already sent her out to play for the day or I'd just hand you over to her. She should be back later, though.”

"Oh, please don't do that to me," pleaded Brooke. "I only came to ask you for a bite to eat. It smells so delicious."

Now, the giant woman had a kind heart and did not really enjoy sending humans to their death, so she picked up Brooke and brought her into the castle. “Are you still hungry, little one?” the giantess said.

Brooke rubbed her belly as she lay in the arms of the giant lady and then said, “Yes.”

The giant woman walked with Brooke over to a giant rocking chair and sat down. Brooke looked around the room and then to the giant woman who was undoing the front of her blouse. “What the!” Brooke said as the giant exposed her very large and ripe breast. Brooke laid back just a little and then the giantess adjusted her enough to be level with the massive nipple. “I’m not sure about….” Brooke began to say but was silenced with a nipple into the mouth. The giant woman rubbed Brooke's back and began to hum a little tune. Brooke tried not to suckle, but beads of milk formed into her mouth. She took one gulp and then another. Before she knew it, she was getting more and more with each suck. The giantess rubbed her back and kept humming the tune she had hummed before. A giant wall of breast blocked Brooke’s view, so she couldn’t see much more then blue veins and pink flesh.

The milk didn’t seem to stop as Brooke got her fill, but after a prolonged period she was pulled from the teat of the giantess and placed on the giant's shoulder. The giantess began to pat Brooke's back with gentle taps until Brooke let out a very petite burp. Brooke looked on in embarrassment as the giant woman laughed out loud. Brooke felt the force of the giant standing up from the rocking chair. She felt miles above the earth below as the woman walked to a very large hallway.

The giantess spoke up, “Sad story. My husband was killed about a decade ago by a boy named Jack. The real pain came when I found out my only child had ventured out after them and suffered a very horrid fate.”

Brooke, listening to the giantess, said, “Yeah, I'm very sorry to hear about that.”

The giant smiled to herself as she was close to the end of the hall. “Well, it's okay, little one. I found a way to get my baby back.”

Brooke tilted her head in a questioning thought, “How’s that?” she asked.

The giantess opened a door and walked in past the threshold. The room was a giant nursery and Brooke began to struggle to get loose, death was better then what she knew was coming. The giantess held on tighter and said, “I've got you, little one. You will be my baby until the day you die.”

Brooke began to plead, but it was not happening. The giantess walked over to a giant changing table and laid Brooke on her back. "You don’t got to do this!” Brooke started to cry out.

The giantess smiled and bent over to Brooke's face. She started cooing at Brooke and then straightened herself out. She reached to Brooke and started to undress the little lady. Brooke was helpless as her clothes were peeled from her soft skin. The giantess reached under the table and grabbed a giant-sized bag of disposable diapers. She pulled a pre-folded diaper from the bag, and with her free hand snatched up both of Brooke's feet. She lifted them high enough into the air, lifting Brooke's little ass off of the changing mat at the same time. She slid the diaper under Brooke and then laid Brooke upon the well-padded diaper. Brooke tried to lean up but was pushed back down on her back. The giantess pulled the front of the diaper up between Brooke’s legs and fastened the tabs shut. Brooke could feel how the diaper pushed her legs apart.

The giantess then picked her up from the changing table and placed her in a giant-sized cradle. As the giant woman rocked the cradle, Brooke cried. There was no getting away. She was doomed to live the rest of her life as a baby for a giant woman. She cried and cried until she fell asleep. The giantess smiled at her new baby. It was going to bring her years of joy.


1977Viper 7 years ago