
Views: 3747 Created: 2007.08.10 Updated: 2007.08.10

The Enema Club

Morning Coffee

I couldn't believe how tired I had been lately. It seemed like every morning came way too soon, and the days were really wearing on me. I would do the typical Seattle thing...a double tall latté every morning, sometimes even a triple. And a candy bar in the afternoon. But no amount of caffeine seemed to work against the fatigue.

I was dragging around the office one day when Terry, my boss (with whom I had shared many pleasurable moments down at the Enema Club), asked, "Have you ever visited the coffee bar at the club?"

Well, the only time I had really been in the room was during my initial tour, and then for one ‘after hours' event, but never in the morning. I shook my head in the negative.

"You ought to give it a try! I find that getting my coffee rectally in the morning gets a more powerful dose into my system much more quickly. Sometimes I drop by in the afternoon for a 'pick me up', also."

"You went without me?"

"Bess, I don't always have the hours it takes to play with you!" Terry said, with a wink.

I winked back, and made plans to get up a bit earlier tomorrow morning, so I could visit the club.

I felt a little shy coming in during the morning ... many of my visits to the club were after a glass of wine, and I was much less inhibited. Also, this was probably not the same group of folks with whom I had begun to form some attachment. But, the fatigue was pressing on me, so I walked into the darkened hallway, and turned into the coffee bar. Since most of the folks were totally naked, I turned back out and went to my locker to remove my clothing. I walked back into the coffee bar and sat at the main counter. A fellow next to me grinned a hello. He had a bag hanging from the ceiling bar and a the nozzle well inserted. He would reach behind himself from time to time to push the nozzle in a bit deeper.

"What would you like this morning, Bess?" I turned to see that Ronnie, a friend of mine from the evening was working the bar."

"Working days now?" I asked.

"Just subbing for Julie. She's at her cousin's wedding."

I was relieved to see Ronnie. "I don't know really what I should take this morning. This is the first time I have done the coffee thing before work."

"Why don't you try a single shot. Give it a few moments to work and then see how you are feeling." Ronnie turned and prepared the shot of espresso. I expected to see her put it in a bag with some water, but instead, she filled one of the small, disposable bulbs.

"Oh, dear. I'm not too good with these bulbs!"

Ronnie wordlessly came out from behind the counter. Rather quickly, she pulled on a pair of latex gloves, pulled a small tube of Vaseline out of her pocket, coated a finger and inserted it discreetly into my behind. I gasped, but had no time to recover before she had inserted the bulb. "Lean forward a bit, dear. Just hold onto the counter."

I did as I was told, and quickly Ronnie shot the liquid into me. She slipped the bulb out, tossed it in the trash, and removed her latex gloves, washed her hands well. "Give it about ten minutes and we'll see if you need another."

While we stood and chatted, the man next to me unhooked his bag and walked to the washroom. He returned a few minutes later, fully dressed. He spoke to me in a quiet voice as Ronnie helped another customer. "I know Ronnie thinks those bulbs are quicker and more powerful, but I really prefer to take my coffee with the bag. Slower, more comfortable insertion, and I think the effect lasts longer."

"Thanks. I'll give it a try next time." We smiled and he left.

"How are you doing there, Bess?" Ronnie inquired.

"Not really getting much of an effect, I'm afraid. This gentleman suggested I try the bag rather than the bulb.

Yeah, I know. Conroy prefers that. I'll be glad to set you up." Ronnie prepared another shot of espresso, and then placed it in a red bag with a bit of water. She started to hand it on the hook when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Aw, wouldn't you prefer to use that in a private room?" There was Terry, the stinker!

"Well, of course I would!" I waited for Ronnie to fill a bag for Terry and we walked together to a room he had already reserved. Once inside, we hung the bags on two of the hooks available near the bed. Terry grabbed me into him for a very deep, wonderful kiss. As we kissed, lips, tongues, gentle face kisses, he reached behind me and inserted the nozzle. "Click."

I followed suit and inserted his, but made sure to lubricate it first (quite a trick while you are kissing and have a nozzle up your own behind!) then, we pulled one another down onto the bed, and resumed the kissing. Free hands found their way to the most private parts of one another, and stroking and probing ensued. I had gently stoked his penis until is was quite hard and he had nearly worn my clit out, and was beginning to penetrate my vagina with his fingers. Oh, that was sooo delicious!!!

Meanwhile, I felt the pressure building inside me and finally removed myself from Terry's embrace, rushing to the bathroom with bag still in place. The water exploded out of me, and I felt so wonderfully alive! I heard Terry making noises in the other bathroom, so I assumed he was following suit. I dashed quickly through the shower, and then toweled off in the bedroom as I waited for Terry to emerge. Since he had reserved the room, he came out fully dressed and ready to head to work. He walked me to my locker and gave me a quick kiss as he left. "See you in the office!"

I dressed, headed into work with much more of a spring in me step. The morning went by quickly and I was well into the afternoon before I heard a knock on the door. "Quitting time, Bess!" I couldn't believe me ears! Where had the day gone! I still had plenty of energy.

I straightened my desk, picked up my briefcase and headed out the door. Of course, Terry was waiting at the elevator. "Seems we still have a few projects that have not been completed, don't you think?" He is so corny! I grabbed his arm and we walked out into his car, and spent the night feeding one another cheese and crackers and wine, and, well, you know....