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Views: 4501 Created: 2007.08.01 Updated: 2007.08.01

The Sheridan Sisters

Chapter 15 - The Phone Call

Chapter 15 - The Phone Call

The phone rang. Ken picked up and spoke for a few minutes and than hung up. “Who was that on the phone, Ken?” Mark asked.

“It was Sr. Kate.” Ken answered as he quickly went to retrieve his doctor’s bag and car keys.

“When did you start getting into the habit of making house calls?” Mark asked quizzically as he looked down towards his brother’s doctor’s bag in his hand.

“Right NOW.” Ken answered.

“Whose the patient?”

“None of your business.” He very brusquely answered.

“Can you give me a small hint?” Mark asked curiously.

“NO, I can’t ‘give you a small hint’.” Ken repeated determinedly.

“Well, can you at least drop me down town to pick up my car? I parked it in front of Diablo’s Bar on Main Street last night.

“Sure, that I can do. Grab your coat. I’m leaving now.”

As both burly men approached the car they could smell that somewhere, someone was burning a wood fire in their fireplace. The Autumn season was upon them on this beautiful, sunny, brisk, late Sunday morning as they drove towards the center of town. The trees were at their peak displaying breathtaking colors of reds, gold and browns. It was the perfect day to take a drive and see all the other old Victorian homes that spaciously lined their street with manicured lawns.

“Once they were in the car Mark asked, “Why all the secrecy?”

Ken took an impatient exasperated breath. “I think they call it patient confidentiality, Mark.”

“In other words, it’s none of my damn business, right?”

“You got it.” Ken said curtly. Ken thought it best to change the subject. “What are you going to do with yourself today?” Ken asked.

“First, I have to finish some paper work at my office at the hospital, go on rounds and than I thought I go by Joe’s Nursery, buy some mums and pumpkins. I was also thinking I’d swing by the supermarket and buy some items for our dinner tonight. I want to get back in time to see the football game on TV. I’ve got a heavy bet on the Denver Mustangs.” Mark replied.

Ken began to laugh heartily. “My brother is going to plant flowers and cook dinner tonight? My, my, this is a new YOU I’m seeing!” He teased.

“Don’t laugh! Hell, I can cook just as well as you! And what’s the matter in wanting to plant some flowers and getting into the season?” Mark asked indignantly.

“Mark, I’m just ribbing you. I think that’s great!” He thought this new attitude of his brother’s was better than getting drunk and sleeping with the town whores. “Why, don’t you surprise me and make my favorite dessert, big guy.” He grinned.

“Yeah sure, keep driving.” Mark smiled in spite of himself.

There was silence in the car for a few moments before Mark spoke again. “Well, what’s she like?” Mark asked with a impish grin on his face. He was dying of curiosity.

“What’s who like?” Ken asked.

“Miss Susan Sheridan, that’s who?”

Ken slowed the car and his hands tightened around the steering wheel. His facial features became tense and he continued to keep his eyes focused on the road. “I have no idea who you’re talking about.” He said curtly.

“Oh, Ken don’t try to be cagey with me! I happen to know that you had that young lady, Miss Sheridan in your examining room Friday afternoon.”

Ken took his surprised face off the road to turn his head towards his brother momentarily. “Damn you Mark! How did you…….?” Ken suddenly remembered that Susan’s medical file was on his desk. “You bastard, you went and looked at her medical file when you left my office Friday! Didn’t you!”

He said smugly, “Yeah, so what if I did? You can reprimand me later.” Mark stopped talking long enough to study his brother’s strained profile while he drove. Ken’s lips went into a tense straight line and his right cheek began to flex in anger. “What’s wrong with her, Ken? She certainly didn’t sound like she was having fun behind that closed door of that examining room.”

“What do you know about her?” Ken demanded. He was angry as hell at his brother’s unscrupulous ways.

“All I know is that she’s a very beautiful looking woman whose attracted a lot of attention at the hospital! HELL, Ken, don’t try to act as if you didn’t notice how stunning she is! You may have lived like a celibate monk all this time but we both know differently!”

Ken quickly pulled the car to the side of the road and parked the car. He angrily turned in the driver’s seat to face his brother. “Mark, have you tried to hit on her? BECAUSE if you have, so help me!”

“NO, NO, of course not! Not that I didn’t entertain the thought, because I did! Believe me, after Maureen, I had no desire to ask anyone out!”

“Well, I suppose I should be grateful for that! You being the big stud that you are! Before Maureen, you were always the ‘love them and leave them’ Mark,” Ken said caustically. Mark lowered his eyes. Ken quickly regretted what he had just said. He knew that his brother was making a conscience effort to change. “Mark, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Oh hell, forget it. You haven’t said anything that was not veritably untrue. Besides, Ken I have NO designs on this girl. I was glad that you had hooked up with her. You’re long over due big brother.”

“Yeah, I guess I am at that.” It became visible to Mark that Ken had calmed down a bit.

“Ken, what’s she suffering from? I know she had a painful anal blockage and you did a proctoscope exam on her. I saw the instrument tray next to the exam table. Did you see anything?”

“Mark, being her doctor I’m not at liberty to……..

“Oh, cut the bullshit! I’m a doctor! As far as you’re concern this is a routine consultation. I’m not going to blab it around the hospital! Hell, I know what that place is like! Give me some credit, why don’t you!” Mark paused and asked, “Did you fine anything wrong with her, Ken?”

Ken thought it would make him feel better if he could talk about Susan’s condition with another medical professional other than Sr. Kate. “She’s has a bad case of external hemorrhoids, and a case of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In addition she suffers from chronic constipation that she has had since she was a little girl.” He paused a moment. “To make matters worse it appears that she and her sister……………”

“She has a sister?” Mark was surprised. “Have you met her?” Mark was really curious now. He wondered if this sister was as beautiful and more importantly was she married or had a boyfriend.

“NO, Mark I haven’t. All I know is she’s single, a teacher and along with her sister was subjected to child abuse. They had an aunt, a nurse ‘Ratchet’ type, that was some kind of a NUT case.”

“God damn! What did she do to them?” Mark was curious.

“She must of given them an excessive amount of enemas when they were little, among other things.” His thoughts went back to the man that was brought to the house. “I really think that Susan may be psychologically and physically dependent on the usage of enemas. However, the severe constipation could be linked to the IBS or it could be diverticulitis. Still, I can’t be sure until the results of further tests are made.”

‘Among other things? What the hell did he mean by that? Mark thought to himself. Both brothers stared out the wind shield window for a few moments before either one of them spoke.

“Did you suggest psychological counseling for her and her sister?” Mark asked.

“Yes, I did. I gave her Dr. Jenning’s number.” Ken answered.

“She’s good. If anyone can help them, she can.” Mark answered.

“Another thing!” Ken said.


“It’s astonishing, but her eyes change color! They change from green to blue to finally turquoise whenever she becomes angry or frightened.”

“They actually change color?” Mark looked at him with a skeptic eye. “Ken are you feeling OK?” Mark was surprised and mockingly went to put his hand to Ken’s forehead.

“Cut it OUT!” He said as he pushed his brother’s hand away. “I swear it’s the truth!”

Mark’s head went back into a roaring husky laugh. “It looks like my brother stumbled upon a witch! Just in time for Halloween, too!”

Ken felt like he had been bewitched! With this woman he felt emotions he hadn’t felt in a long time and he did things he never dreamt he would ever do!

Mark asked still laughing, “You better be careful Ken, she might cast an evil spell on you, especially after you had that dreadful suppository stuck up her ass! You and Sr. Katherine should call it the lethal weapon of proctologists!” Mark knew from first hand experience what that strong suppository felt like.

“Let’s just say she had some very strong comments to say about it and leave it at that.” Ken smiled to himself recollecting how her cute little bottom went up under the blanket and how adorably obstinate she was with her very blunt and angry remarks. If she was a witch, she was a damn beautiful one that had him under her incantation. “Despite that strong suppository she was still very constipated. I had some job of giving her a few large volume enemas before the exam. I might add that I did a good job of cleaning her colon out.”

“You mean to tell me that YOU gave HER enemas? I thought that was Sr. Kate’s job?” Mark was thinking, how lucky can a guy get!

“Sister was called away to help Connie Peruzzie in the maternity ward.”

“How did your little witch like getting a few bag fulls from you?

“She didn’t! She gave me an extremely difficult time! After the, (he was about to say spanking) she was a little more pliable and surrendered to my care. Though there were moments after she submitted that she continued to give me a bad time.”

“After the what?


MY God, I’m not at all surprised telling from that enema you gave me last night!” Mark began to laugh. “If I only knew you needed some help I would of gladly stayed, brother dear, and rendered my valuable services.” Mark couldn’t stop laughing. Ken gave him a disparaging look. Mark stopped laughing long enough to say, “I don’t envy you Ken. Sr. Kate and you have your job cut out for you. I don’t know if I would have all that patience.”

“You’d be surprised how much patience you can acquire when you really need it!” Ken puffed out his cheeks and blew out some air before he spoke. “God, Mark you should have seen her in action! You think you were an unruly patient! She was worse than you were last night. In fact she is by far the worse patient I ever had to deal with in my entire medical career!”

“Hell Ken, how bad was she?” Mark inquisitively asked.

“First, trying to talk to her in my office before the exam was like pulling teeth. She was rebellious and displayed a tenacious fervor in her opinions. She appeared to have a mini panic attack in my office than later she had another horrendous one in the exam room. Sister had to sedate her while I forcibly held her down over my lap.”

“Mmmm, damn, I wish I was a fly on the examination room wall.” Mark said with devilish grin on his face.

“Knock it off, Mark! It wasn’t very pleasant for her or for Sister and me.” He thought his brother could be such a scoundrel when he wanted to be.

“Seriously, did you see anything of a serious nature up her bottom? I’m assuming you did a routine digital rectal exam along with the scope you put up inside her?” Mark asked.

“I didn’t feel any lesions or fissures with the initial rectal exam. However, when I put the scope up her rectum I did see a fissure. It wasn’t too bad. The good news is there were no internal hemorrhoids present. The inflamed external hemorrhoids will need future attention. I’m pretty sure that they will have to be eventually removed. Sr. Kate and I will have to convince her of that. I’ve scheduled her for a sigmoidoscope exam on the 21st and hope to have her have additional tests as well. That will tell me more. I’m hoping that there isn’t a bowel obstruction or polyps. I have to proceed slowly with this young lady and take it one step at a time.”

“Ken, that fissure could come from a past injury? It’s possible that her aunt, being as cruel as you say may have inserted large objects up her bottom as a child thus causing the tear you see now.”

“That’s true. I thought of that. Susan became very upset when she related to me that a man, brought to the house by her aunt, gave her a rectal exam. The way Susan acted it didn’t sound like a gentle exam was administered.”

“This aunt sounds like a number one bitch.” There were a few moments of silence. “Ken she should have a colonoscopy and a barem enema in addition to the sigmoidscopy.” Mark said.

“Naturally, I know that! It’s my soul intention that she will have them done! However, try convincing HER of that! I mentioned that to her and got no response from her what so ever. She could have had those tests done over a year ago in Philadelphia but she refused. I told you she was very difficult and relentlessly out spoken.”

Mark began to laugh heartily. “You mean she answered you back?” He was surprised. He knew from the past that Ken’s sweet, congenial temperament always got his patients to obey him unconditionally.

“She backed talked me, BIG TIME!” Facing the dashboard Ken tightly opened and closed his hands on the steering wheel.

Mark continued to laugh huskily. “Perhaps what this young lady really needs is a good hard thrashing on her exposed little fanny.” Mark began to form a titillating image in his mind. With that last remark Ken ferociously hit the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. Mark ceased his laughter. “Did I say something wrong, Ken?” Ken face looked greatly pained as he stared straight ahead out the front car window.

“God, forgive me but I did exactly that!” Ken said remorsefully. “I lost my temper! I acted abominably!”

“YOU mean you really spanked her?” Mark knew that his brother had a temper and sometimes directed it towards his patients. However, he was shocked that his kind, gentle brother was capable of laying his hands on one. Mark began to laugh.

“FOR Gods sake Mark STOP laughing!” Ken yelled.

Mark thought he saw his brother’s eyes tear up slightly. Mark suddenly got serious. “How hard did you spank her, Ken, and for how long? Ken was this a harmless spanking or a beating?”

“It was a spanking. But, afterwards to look at Susan’s backside, you’d think it was a beating. I only swatted her four times. However, I swatted her very hard.

“Well then it’s OK. Hell, once in a while a woman needs a few hard swats on her ass to make sure she knows whose boss!”

Ken raised his voice and couldn’t believe his brother’s callous, aggressive attitude! But than again, hadn’t he displayed aggressive behavior with Susan’s chastisement. “I left large burning welts on her bottom, Mark! Sr. Katherine was incense with me when she saw them! I have never seen Sister so enraged! She told me exactly what she thought me! It’s going to take some time to get her to admire and hold me in her esteem again! My God, what ever you do, don’t ever let Sr. Kate hear you say what you just now said to me!”

“OK,OK, calm down! We both know that in time Sister Kate will come around and forget what happened. How did you leave it with Susan? She could go to Fr. Ryan. She would be justified.”

“I apologized to her profusely of course and I believe sincerely that she forgave me. I know she won’t go to Fr. Ryan but Sister threaten to go. Yet, by the end of the proctoscope exam Susan’s feelings for me had changed.”

“She’s a nurse. Surely she knew what to expect and that it would be unpleasant!”

“That’s true but something took place on the exam table. This is just between you and me and you’re not to repeat it!”

“Of course Ken, what happened?”

She had a very strong orgasm on the table when I dilated her anal opening prior to the scope going up into her rectum. She was humiliated and was rather hostile towards me when she left my office. I reassured her and told her that it was normal and that it happens to great many people that undergo such an exam. She’s naïve and inexperienced! She was greatly embarrassed and I guess she blames me and does not know any other way on how to deal with it.”

Mark smiled. “My God Ken, a beautiful woman whose eyes that change color, hard spankings, doctors giving patients enemas, orgasms! You sure had a hell of an afternoon! Gee, my afternoons with patients are boring! BOY, Ken you get all the luck! Perhaps, I should of chosen proctology instead of internal medicine!”

Ken began to laugh. “Shut up you DEVIL!” It felt good to laugh!

Mark was pleased to hear his brother’s laughter. “It sounds like you have both a little witch AND a firecracker on your hands big brother!” He began to huskily laughed. “I think my brother’s terrific bedside manner is slipping or perhaps it’s just beginning?” He chuckled again with a twinkle in his eye.

Ken became serious again and ignored his brother’s levity. “I want to HELP her Mark! Despite her pugnacious attitude she’s a very sweet and lovely thing. She’s so very vulnerable and fragile. I just want to help her!” Mark instantly stopped smiling. Mark could see the frustration on his brother’s face and the gravity in his voice. If he didn’t know his brother any better he could of sworn that he had already fallen in love with this appealing, captivating female. It appeared to Mark that Ken had fallen hard!

He had heard from some of the male interns and residents that Susan was reserved and aloof. They were beginning to label her a ‘tight ass’ in the doctor’s locker room. Being a man he also knew that men in general had big egos and always passed negative remarks when their advancements towards an attractive woman failed.

He always considered his brother to be good judge of character. This young girl must be pretty special to get his brother’s attention. He hoped for Ken’s sake that the feeling was mutual.

“Are you sure that’s ALL you want to do for her? Mmmm, something tells me that perhaps my dear brother has gotten a healthy testosterone surge from all this! Mark grinned indecently.

“Knock it off! You always have your mind in the gutter!”

Secretly, Ken wanted very badly to do all sorts of things for and to her. He wanted to one day make her climax intensely as she did on his examining table. Still, he wanted it to take place in the privacy of a bedroom using his fingers and tongue. He wanted strongly to put another entity up inside her somewhere else and it was not some silly anal dilator or an enema nozzle. It was unmistakable but it was apparent to Ken that this stunning creature had resurrected aroused physical feelings in him that he had not felt, for a very long time! He was consumed with her, so much so that his entire body ached all over!

Mark asked, “This house call visit? It’s to Miss Sheridan’s house? Isn’t it?”

“Well…..If you must know, yes it is. When Sr. Kate called on the phone she said that she had spoken to Susan earlier this morning. Susan told her that she was having continued discomfort from the stretching I had to do to her anal opening. I’m going to go over there to examine her and bring a different tube of anal cream for her to use.” He paused a moment. “I’d also like to give her pelvic exam today, if she’ll let me.”

“Shouldn’t she go to a gynecologist for that?” Mark asked.

“She’s never been to one. Something tells me she won’t go until a circumstance presents itself. She doesn’t know it yet but I’m the circumstance.” Ken said with determination.

Mark smiled at his brother’s own stubborn resolve. “Watch yourself Ken.” He wickedly grinned. “You don’t want to have to spank her again. Besides, I was under the impression that female employees needed a gynecological exam as part as their physical when they came to work at the hospital.”

“Well, that’s what I thought too but…well I won’t go into it. It’s a long story. All I know is that she needs a pap smear and a pelvic exam and I’ve elected myself to do it whether she likes it or not!” Mark thought of the enema his brother forced on him the previous night.

“Did she have a tough time Ken when you inserted the scope up and inside her bottom? That procedure is not a very pleasant examination for the patient to go through.”

“Do I detect some empathy from my sometimes apathetic brother?” Ken asked surprised.

“I have feelings and compassion Ken! I just sometimes choose not to show them! That’s all!” He rephrased his question. “Did she experience any pain?”

Ken hesitated from speaking than very slowly he answered his brother’s question. “She sobbed quite a bit.” Ken raked his fingers through his hair. “Lord, knows it troubled me to have to hurt her like that! After the first initial moments of pain she was all right. Mark, I don’t want to be forced to think about that at the moment, OK? It was difficult for me to have to cause her that kind of discomfort. In fact, using her own term, she said it was a ‘barbaric’ thing to do to someone. According to her, and I’m quoting her, ‘it felt like a sofa being squeezed through a keyhole’, end of quote.” Mark cringed. “Hell, in addition to the exam itself I still feel like a criminal about that hard spanking I gave her!”

Mark said, “You’re right, she certainly does speak her mind.” Mark had noticed Ken’s pained expression on his face moments ago and the passionate zeal in his voice. Mark took serious note to what he had just last said. “Ken, don’t bite my head off, but shouldn’t you consider giving her case to another doctor? Dr. Steven Reynolds is good in this field. He could take over her case! Also a new gastroenterologist and proctologist is joining the staff next month. Her name is Alicia Bennett. In fact she’s not bad, nice piece of ass if you’re into tall, buxom, brown eyed blondes.”

“Leave it to my brother to check out a new attractive, female medical professional! What’s the matter? You always liked full-bosomed blondes before! Is this one too smart for you?”

“Yeah, well, I did check her out! And yeah, I’m crazy about statuesque busty blondes! I just don’t like them married! Just my luck, too!

“Since when has my brother let a married woman stop him from getting into her pants?”

“I’m turning over a new leaf, remember? Seriously, this Miss Sheridan might feel more comfortable with a female doctor. You appear to be too emotionally involved with her. That’s not good, Ken, for either the doctor or the patient.”

Ken turned around in the driver’s seat and gave Mark a vicious look. In a strained voice he answered his brother. “Don’t worry about me! I’m all right! I’m going to be the one to take care of her! I don’t want anyone else coming near or touching her; not Steve, not this blond bombshell, NOT anyone! She’s going to be fine under my care! You can rest to sure of THAT! I know there’s nothing life threatening wrong with her! She’s too young and too beautiful to have anything seriously wrong with her! Do you understand Mark?” Ken said feverishly as his brown eyes narrowly pierced through Mark.

Mark looked long and carefully into his brother’s eyes and said slowly and quietly, “Yes Ken, I understand.” Mark could see that his brother was all worked up over this young girl and he did not want to provoke him by saying something insensitive. He knew that it was dangerous for a doctor to become emotionally involved with a patient hence allowing him to lose his objectivity.

Mark remembered that Ann was young and beautiful too. She was dead. He also knew that it had taken his brother a long time to take a risk at getting involved in a new relationship with a woman since his wife’s passing. He wanted, for his brother’s sake, for everything to work out for him. “OK, if you know that you have it under control then so be it.” Mark said calmly and seriously.

“I most certainly do have it under control.” Ken answered back stiffly as he turned to start the car to drive to their destination. Regardless of his brother’s comments he was glad to be able to talk about Susan’s medical circumstances.

Mark thought it important to say one final thing to his brother. “Ken, it’s obvious that it’s eating the hell out of you that you had to discipline this young lady. You’re so damn concerned about Sister and this girl forgiving you! What about you forgiving yourself as well?”

“Usually it’s me dishing out the philosophical advice to you, little brother.”

“Well, it’s my turn to give my big brother some sound advice. Damn it, if you’re as smart as you claim to be, you’ll take it.”

“It’s good advise Mark and…I’ll try to do just that.” Ken smiled and patted his brother on the shoulder.

Ken saw Mark’s car and pulled over to the side. Mark got out. As he was standing on the pavement outside of the opened car door he leaned over inside the car and asked.

“Would you like me to accompany you to Susan’s house? Perhaps, I could be of some help.” He really wanted to check out this sister of hers. He privately asked himself. Is it possible that there could be two beautiful women in one family? Or perhaps he was asking for too much.

“I don’t think so, Mark. Thanks for the offer. I’ll see you later this evening at home.” Ken thought that this evening’s activities will be a lot more pleasanter then the previous evening’s.

“Let me know how things go. Ken, try hard not to lose your temper, OK?” Mark was concern for his brother.

“Yeah, I’ll tell you everything that happens. Don’t worry I’ll make sure my anger is kept under control. Do you want me to bring home a bottle wine for dinner or perhaps, he grinned, I should bring home a bottle of bicarbonate of soda instead?” Ken asked teasingly.

“No, I’ll take care of the wine. You just bring a hearty appetite home this evening. And if by chance you become sick as the results of my great cooking than it will be my turn to get revenge with an enema nozzle.” Mark began to laugh.

“Keep dreaming, wise guy!” Ken shot back.

Mark shut the car door and Ken drove away. A little old woman was standing on the curb and couldn’t help but hear Mark’s comment to the good looking young man behind the steering wheel of the car. She was looking up at Mark with her mouth wide open! Mark noticed her surprised expression. He turned towards her and made an effeminate gesture by placing his crooked index finger up to his cleft chin. He said mischievously in a very prissy like voice, “Not to worry madam my boyfriend sometimes gets plugged up from time to time.” She placed her hand to her mouth in shock!

Mark was still laughing hysterically when he placed his car key into the ignition.