Andreas Mueller
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Views: 16824 Created: 2007.08.04 Updated: 2007.08.04

Patient 25

Patient 25

Type: (M/M)

“Time to go.”

I hear Ted's voice behind me and I can feel his hands on the back of the wheelchair where I'm sitting. He starts pushing slowly and the chair moves forward, out of the small patient room where I've been waiting for the last hour, through a long, white corridor. I lean back on the chair, trying to relax, watching the green door at the end of the corridor and knowing that on the other side of that door there's the nursing team, waiting for me.

I close briefly my eyes, and think back to the moment when I saw the ad on that fetish magazine:


Do you feel “stressed” out?

Are you tired of being “in control”’

Would you like to lean back, relax and let a team of experienced professionals take care of your physical needs?

For the true lovers of man-to-man medical fetish, there's a place beyond your wildest dreams… the fetish hospital.

We are a group of RN, specializing in medical fetish treatments.

Are you a fetish patient? CALL US NOW!

The ad looked like a dream to me, since I've always had a very strong medical fetish, so I called the telephone number and was given an appointment. This happened this morning. The place was a big house in a quite street just outside the city. A handsome young man greeted me when I ringed the bell, and I was shown in a small room with just a table and a couple of chairs in it. The young man, who must have been between 25 and 30 years old, was dressed in green OR scrubs and had a stethoscope around his neck. He was very tall and lean and had stunningly blond hair… he had a very friendly attitude and, without even knowing him, I felt this was a guy I could trust. He sat in front of me and asked me why I was there. I told him that I had read the ad and that I wanted to be admitted for a day at the Hospital. He took some notes and we chatted a bit. I explained what I was looking for and he told me there was going to be no problem at all. The Fetish Hospital was a private outfit, run by a group of male nurses who were all med. fet. “tops”, caring for the need of fetish patients, for a very reasonable fee. The place, he told me, was run exactly like a private clinic, and the mission of the RNs working there was the complete satisfaction of the patients, in a clean, safe and pleasurable environment. They also cared for S/M patients, the young man told me with a smile… but that wasn't my case.

We chatted some more, and then the nurse, whose name was Ted (so, at least was written on the name tag on his chest), told me he had to check me up before I could be admitted for my fetish session.

He showed me through another door, in a small medical room, with just a table and some instruments. He told me to remove my shirt and T-shirt, and checked my heart and lungs, palpated my glands, checked my blood pressure, etc. It took about half an hour, but then I was pronounced fit to proceed to the admission.

Ted told me that, from then on and for the whole duration of the session, I was considered an in-patient of the hospital and I couldn't have any outside contact. Until 7 p.m. (it was about 9 a.m. now) I would be in the hands of the nursing team. In the hospital, I was going to be known as “Patient 25”. Was I o.k. with this? I gulped and nodded… I was starting to have second thoughts ...but it was to late now!

Ted opened the door and guided me to a lift. The treatment and patient rooms, he said, were on the first floor. We stepped into the lift and he punched a button. By then I was DEFINITELY terrorized but Ted smiled at me and said there was nothing to be afraid about. More than 70% of the patients at the Fetish Hospital were return visits, he said… the patients were supposed to enjoy the visit… not to be scared to death!

When the doors of the lift opened with a “ping” I was somehow less scared. We entered in a white corridor and turned to the left. There was a long series of doors, and Ted led me to the last one on the right. It was a big room, with a huge hospital bed up against a wall and a metal cabinet in a corner.

Ted told me this was to be my room. I must undress completely and put on the patient gown that had been laid on the bed for me. Ted would be back to get me in a few minutes. He smiled again and left the room.

This happened about fifteen minutes ago. I undressed completely and put the gown on, as Ted knocked softly on the door and entered pushing a wheelchair in front of him. He motioned me to sit on it, saying that we had to “do the job properly”. I sat and asked where were we going, but he smiled and said nothing.

Now I return to reality. Ted pushes me past several doors, until we're in front of the one with the sign “COLONIC THERAPY” on it..

He pushes me in and suddenly I'm nervous again. The room is huge, with light green walls with a large table in the middle, covered with a green rubber sheet. Around the table there's what looks like a thousand rubber tubes, hoses, nozzles, Enema bags on chrome IV stands, lots of cabinets and instruments trays. On the wall, near the table there's a suspicious looking machine with lots of dials and faucets, and some very thick tubing coming out of it. But the most incredible feature in this room is the toilet… there's a W.C. seat, a toilet, in a corner, but… its in the open its right there, in front of the table! There are no walls around it. The person sitting on that toilet will be in full view of anybody else in the room. I gulp… I don't think I’ll be able to do it.

“So, you must be patient n. 25”. Says a deep male voice. I didn't notice it at first, but there's another nurse in the room. He's a bit older than Ted, must be about 35 years old. He's taller and quite strong looking. He has dark hair, and a goatee. He's dressed like Ted, with OR greens, but has a white rubber apron on, and he wears latex gloves. He looks like a no-nonsense guy… one of those persons who don't take “no” for an answer, if you know what I'm saying. He has a friendly attitude, though, and smiles pleasantly, while he turns back at what he's doing.

“He's Mark” says Ted “We will work together to clean you out properly, before we get you to the next step. This is our colonic room and the first part of your treatment will take place here. Now you can get up from the chair and lie on the table, please… that's it. Just come a tad down, towards the edge of the table, and put your legs in the stirrups… that's my man. Now just lie there and relax”.

Ted fastens my legs in the stainless steel stirrups. I feel Something behind me, and I see that Mark has put a rubber cushion under my head.

“There…” he says “Are you comfortable?”

I nod my head, feeling my heart pumping like a locomotive. Ted has put on a rubber apron like Mark's and now is wearing latex gloves.

“Now, we start the session cleaning the lower part of your rectum with a standard enema. It's going to be a little uncomfortable, because it's about 3 qts., but you can take it. You won't have to struggle too much, because we'll use a double inflatable nozzle.”

While Ted speaks, Mark puts another rubber cushion under my hips so that my whole lower region is slightly elevated. With my feet in the stirrups, my anus and genitals are completely exposed. Ted pushes near the table a IV stand with a very large rubber bag hanging from it. I see Mark, who's now standing between my spread legs, lubricating his latex gloved right hand.

“Now, let's see what we have here.” He says. I feel his hands on my anus, lubricating slowly the outer ring, spreading the jelly around and then, without any warning, he says,

“Deep breath, please” and pushes two fingers inside me. I let out a yelp of pain and immediately feel my anus closing around his fingers. “Relax, please” he says with a smile, and I feel his fingers pushing even deeper into my anus. Ted comes behind me and presses his hand on my forehead, making me lower my head on the cushion.

“You're very tense” he says “You really need to relax. Mark knows what he's doing, but you've got to help him reach your prostate and check your anus. Just breath deeply and relax as much as you can… Mark?”

“I'm in.” He says to Ted. “He's very uptight, but everything seems to be all right. I was thinking of having him ejaculate during the enema… will help him relax”.

They're speaking of me as if I wasn't here… and he wants ME to ejaculate? Damn… It's so embarrassing!

“O.K.” says Ted “Let's go for it.” He turns to me “You will have an orgasm now. Try to relax and enjoy it”.

“But I….” I wanted to answer, but he doesn't listen to me any more. He's moved to the side of the table and he's squeezing some jelly on my penis. He put his hands around my penis and my testicles and turns to Mark

“Ready when you are.” Mark nods, and his fingers start to move again inside me, circling around the anal opening, with an in-and-out motion. Once in a while I feel he's touching my prostate and his other hand is pushing gently on the soft space between my testicles and the anus. In the meantime Ted is masturbating me slowly with one hand, while the other hand is massaging my nipples. I decide this is a lost battle and I close my eyes, starting to enjoy the double effort of the nurses. My penis gets harder and harder under Ted's experts strokes, and Mark's finger finds my prostate more and more often. My anus is softer now, and much looser. Mark hasn't any more problems pushing his fingers into me. My penis is hard as rock, now and I feel I am on the edge of something explosive, when Mark retracts his fingers from my anus and substitutes them with a double inflatable nozzle.

“Here we go. Deep breath, please” he says, and pushes the balloon inside me, while Ted keeps massaging my penis. Mark pumps some air into the balloon, and I feel the foreign presence in my anus getting bigger and bigger, until I'm completely blocked. Then I hear a soft “click” and an explosion of warmth invades my insides.

I look Mark and I see that he is checking the huge rubber bag. With one hand he's pushing the inflatable nozzle inside and out and with the other hand he keeps pushing on my perineum.

The fluid inside me is very pleasant at first, but soon the pressure becomes quite strong.

“How are you doing” asks Ted, who has stopped the massage.

“I'm starting to feel full… could you let me go to the bathroom?”, I answer in a very little voice.

Mark lets out a laugh “I'm sorry pal, but you'll have to wait. You just have one quart into you… there's still two to go!”

“What? I cannot possibly…”

“Of course you can.” Ted breaks in with his kind voice. “Just try and relax. The inflatable nozzle will hold the water for you. Deep breaths… and close your eyes. We'll help you”.

I do as he says, and I feel that he's started massaging my penis again. Mark is still moving the inflatable nozzle in and out and he's still caressing my perineum. The pressure isn't so strong anymore, and so I think “… what the hell!” and just let go. My penis is hard again and the sensations around my anal area are just incredible.

“That's it.” Says Ted. “I told you, you could do it. You're almost there.” His hands are moving much faster, now, masturbating me with swift up and down movements.

“…almost there…” says Mark watching the rubber bag. There's just a small amount of fluid remaining. Ted's tempo increases, and I feel the orgasm approaching.

“… almost… there!” repeats Mark. And suddenly he deflates the balloon and pulls it out from my anus… just as the climax arrives. I come with long strokes squirting white thick fluid on the absorbent pad that Ted has put on my chest.

The orgasm is very long, prolonged by further massaging by Ted an Mark. After a while, it's over, and I open my eyes, amazed.

“See?” says Mark “It wasn't that bad, was it? Now you have to hold it for a while, and then you can go to the toilet”.

I lie there for a while, with my belly bulging for the fluid, while Mark removes the equipment, and Ted keeps massaging my testicles and nipples. After about 10 minutes of this, Mark unfastens the straps on the stirrups and motions me to get up from the table.

“All right… you can got to the toilet now”. I don't believe this! He's pointing to the W.C. I saw before, in full view of the room.

“I don't think I’ll be able to do it there…” I say. “I'm sort of shy in these matters, and…”

“Oh, nonsense” says Mark with a smile, helping me from the table. “You think we haven't seen it before? We need to check you while you're emptying yourself. Come on, now, we aren't finished, you know?” Mark and Ted help me to reach the toilet (I feel sort of clumsy with my big belly) and lower me on the seat, lifting my gown out of the way. After I'm comfortably seated, Ted goes to the machine on the wall and start adjusting the dials. Mark stays beside me, massaging my shoulders, while I release the fluid. I won't tell you what goes on here, because I'm not into scat, but, believe me, there's a whole lot of noises and smells to cope with… and it really, REALLY is embarrassing. Mark doesn't flinch once, thought, and keeps massaging my shoulder and encouraging me till the end.

When I'm done, he smiles and says “See… all done. It wasn't that bad, was it?”

He checks the toilet (blush!) and then flushes it.

“O.K., now you have to get back on the table for the colonic. Come on.” He helps me back on the table and fastens my legs in the stirrups again.

Both nurses have changed their gloves and put a light yellow paper gown over their OR greens, now.

“I know from your chart that you've had colonics before,.” Says Ted “So you know what's it all about. We'll insert a thick tube into you anus, with a smaller diameter tube inside it. The water will pass through the smaller tube, high into your colon, and when we invert the water flow, the feces will be flushed out of you via the bigger tube. We'll repeat the procedure several times until the returns are clear… this way your colon will be properly cleaned out. All clear? Very good. Let's proceed.”

While Ted was talking to me, Mark has lubricated a huge speculum like nozzle, connected to a thick, transparent length of tubing. He is now standing once again between my spread legs.

“O.K. Another deep breath, please… here we go”. I feel a something cold against my anus. The pressure increases until my muscles give way and the huge nozzle is inside me.

“Ouch.” I scream, because the whole business was PAINFUL!

“Come on… this is all the pain you're going to feel. From now on, the procedure is virtually painless, and even pleasurable… Oh! I was forgetting the catheter.” …the WHAT?!

With mounting fear I see that Ted has approached the side of the table, pushing in front of him a small try with a surgical towel on it. He removes the towel and I see a catheterization kit. The cath is the yellow rubber kind with the small balloon on top. Ted opens a paper envelope containing sterile surgical gloves. He speaks to me while he works.

“During the colonic hydrotherapy, your intestine will absorb lots of water. You will feel a strong urge to urinate… very strong. We cannot let you off the table, because you are hooked up to the colonic machine, so I’ll insert a catheter and you will be able to release urine while comfortably lying on the table… this procedure is painless, too, and it will be performed in a completely sterile environment, so there's no risk of infection. Now be a big boy and don't be scared. It will be over in a second”.

He has put the gloves on, while he speaks, and is scrubbing my penis with some dark brown liquid… yeeeech. After that he grabs a syringe with a clear liquid and pushes the tip into my piss slit. I feel the liquid into my meatus, cold and numbing. I know this is both a lubricant and a local sedative, to numb the discomfort of the catheter. I'm really scared now, but Mark and Ted are both smiling, and while Ted works on my penis, I feel Mark's firm touch on my anus and his other hand massaging my perineum… and, somehow, I feel safe. After all, this is what I wanted: release my control to somebody else. I know that nothing bad will happen to me, so I just lie down and try to enjoy this new experience.

Ted has the cath in his right hand, now and inserts the tip into my meatus. He starts pushing the tiny tube into my penis, very slowly and carefully, checking with me every now and then, asking if I feel any pain or discomfort. Actually, I don't. The sensation is quite arousing and the feeling of fullness in the penis is amazing. There's a brief sting when the cath passes the opening of the bladder, and then it's in. Ted uses another syringe to inflate the balloon with sterile water and pulls carefully on the cath to check that it's in place. He then connects the other end of the cath to a transparent plastic bag, hanging from a side of the table. The yellow fluid starts flowing immediately into the bag, and I really feel that I've abandoned the control into the experienced hands of these two men… and you know what? It's comforting.

Ted smiles to me, removing the surgical gloves.

“You all right? Good. We can start the colonic, now. Mark?”

“Here we go. “ says Mark and throws a switch on the machine.

Suddenly there's a deep humming and the thick tube starts vibrating. I feel a surge of coolness inside me, and I understand that there's water flowing from the machine on the wall into my intestines.

“I’ll keep the pressure nice and low” smiles Mark, who's maneuvering the faucets on the machine. “You tell me when the pressure feels uncomfortable and I’ll open the valve.” He smiles again and goes back to work.

In the meantime Ted has changed his rubber gloves with a fresh pair and has positioned himself at my side. I'm sort of nervous and I turn to him.

“It's weird. I don't think…” but Ted interrupts me “Shhhh. Don't speak. Just lie down and let us do our work. You'll like it. I promise you.”

There's nothing more for me to say, so I comply. Ted puts some lubricant on his latex-gloved hands and starts massaging my abdomen, my penis and my testicles. There's still the yellow catheter protruding from the top of my penis and Ted's touch feels weird, but also incredibly arousing.

“You know” Mark says “Ted is massaging your testicles so that you will happy and relaxed. This way, we trick your body into receiving more water than it usually would. Tell me when.”

Ted is masturbating me again, very slowly, moving his hand expertly up and down, squeezing gently around the shaft, where I can feel the foreign presence of the cath. He looks at me, now and then, and smiles reassuringly. Once again, I feel completely controlled, and yet safe. I guess it's the attitude of the two nurses and the way they work on my body. I've never felt in better hands. Suddenly the pressure of the water is unbearable and I turn to Mark, but he has noticed it already and turns a switch on the machine. There's a wonderful feeling of relief as the water inverts its flow and runs out from me, back into the thicker tube and into the wall, to the waste disposal. Mark checks a small glass window on the side of the machine.

“You're doing very good. You're releasing lots of waste. See?” He moves on the side and I can see that there are big lumps of… well, shit, being flushed out with the water.

“After this” smiles Ted “nobody will be able to tell you that you're full of shit!”. The two nurses laugh and then go back to work.

Mark turns the dials, and clean water runs once again into the tube, and into me, filling my bowels.

And so, it goes on… and on, and on. I just close my eyes and loose count. When I feel full, I give a signal to Mark and the water flows out of me leaving me emptier and cleaner, and then I get filled up again until my next signal. The procedure is repeated several times, and Ted keeps massaging my abdomen and testicles, keeping me in constant erection. The room is very silent, there's only the flushing noise of the water and humming of the machine. Ted's hands are a real bliss and I feel more and more relaxed and cared for and… happy about it!

After a while, it must be more than one hour, but I'm not sure, the humming stops.

“All right.” Mark's voice awakens me from my dream-like state “It's done. You're as clean as a whistle, and I don't want to strain the walls of your colon too much. Now don't move and we'll let you loose”.

Ted has already put the syringe in place, and is emptying the balloon in my bladder. After that, he slowly and carefully retracts the catheter out of my penis.

“That's it” he says, and then shows me the transparent bag, now full of urine “Look here… you've really been a good boy. Now you're cleaned properly”.

Mark has approached the bottom of the table and now he carefully retracts the nozzle. My anus feels suddenly very empty and very relaxed. Ted unfastens the straps on the stirrups and helps me up from the table.

Mark pushes the wheelchair in front of me.

“Here you go. You're finished here. It's been a pleasure cleaning you out, and I'm sure you're feel the difference tomorrow.”

“What's going to happen now?” I ask, nervous again, after I waived good-bye at Mark.

“You're going back to your room” Ted pushes the wheelchair out of the door, into the corridor. ”You will rest for a while, then you'll get a relaxing massage from a very experienced nurse, called Kevin, and then I’ll come get you again for the second part of your treatment, the anal part”.

“The anal part?” I say in a small voice.

“Oh, come on, now. You know this is done for your own pleasure and enjoyment… you'll like it. It's going to be… intense. Here you are.” We enter the room where I've left my clothes. “Now go lie on the bed. Kevin will be here soon. I’ll see you later. Bye”.

And with a last smile, he's gone. I stand up from the wheelchair and sit on the bed. I'm still a little nervous about the “anal” situation, but… there's no turning back. I decide I’ll just enjoy what come my way.

After a short while… I think it's been about ten minutes, there's a brief knock on the door and two men enter my room.

The first is short and stocky, about 45 years old with graying and thinning hair and a warm smile, and the second is a very young man of about twenty, tall and handsome with dark hair and stunningly blue eyes. They're both dressed in OR outfits, but this time the colour of the uniforms is light blue.

The younger man is pushing a small cart in front of him, covered with a sheet.

“Hi there” says the older nurse. “Are you patient 25?”

“Yes, I am.” I nod “Are you Kevin?”

“That's right.” The nurse answers, checking a chart. “I'm here to give you your massage before you go on to the treatment room. This is my assistant, Roy.” He points to the younger man. “We'll try to make you as comfortable and relaxed as possible… I see here that you've already had your colon irrigation, so you must feel a little tired and light-headed, right?… good. Our job today is to help you be less tense and more receptive to the anal manipulation.”

While he's speaking, Roy, the younger nurse, has approached my bed and has lowered the head rest. With a swift move, he removes the sheet form the bed. I'm now laying flat on my back.

“Would you please sit up for me? I need to remove your gown… that's it. Very good.” He has unfastened the straps on my back and pulled the patient gown away. He then pushes me gently on the chest and makes me lie back again.

Kevin has pushed the cart near my bed and is now removing the sheet that covers it. I see bottles, latex gloves, various instruments and a big plastic syringe with a very thin and long plastic tube.

“O.K., now roll over for me, please… yes on your belly. Slide a little down. That's it. Are you comfortable? Good. Now just relax, stay limp as a rag doll and don't move. We'll move you around if we need it. Try to breath slowly and deeply.”

I've buried my face in a sort of cradle on the bed, and I do as he says. Kevin is now on my left and Roy is standing at the bottom of my bed. I hear some slurping sounds and I feel something fresh and lightly scented being sprayed on my skin.

“Just some non allergenic oil.” Smiles Roy “We use it to lubricate your skin. It's completely sterile, so we can use it also on very delicate areas of your body.” He adds… and I think I know what he means.

The two nurses start working on my bare back. I feel the two pair of hands kneading and caressing my skin and my muscles with deep and gliding strokes and I cannot help a moan of pleasure. God… this is great.

The four hands work all over my body, from the top of my head, down to sole of my feet. It goes on and on… until I feel like I'm levitating, and it's GREAT!

“O.k.” says Kevin “Let's do the butt massage now.” Suddenly the two pair of hand move to my buttocks, and start massaging. Roy spreads the cheeks with circular movements and Kevin works on the external part of my anus. The sensation is absolutely pleasurable and I let out another moan.

“I'm glad to see that you're enjoying the massage.” Smiles Kevin “Now try and relax some more. I'm going to inject something into your anus. Since you've gotten a very deep colonic cleansing, we need to replace your intestinal flora. This won't hurt a bit.” While he's speaking he has donned a pair of latex gloves from the cart and has already started to push a finger into my anal opening. Roy is still massaging my buttocks, with slow and expert strokes, and Kevin's finger goes deeper now. There's a twitch in my penis when he touches my prostate, but his finger goes on spreading lubricant jelly all around, inside and out. After a while (I'm starting to feel something hard between my legs), his finger leaves my anus.

“I'm going to insert, now.” Say Kevin. I fell Roy’s hands spreading my buttocks apart. Kevin is on my right and in his hands there's a large plastic syringe with a length of thin transparent tubing in the place of the needle. The syringe is filled with a clear liquid. Now he inserts the small tube into my anus and pushes it inside. Slowly, very slowly the whole length of the tube, that's about 1 ft., is buried inside me.

“Deep breaths, please.” Says Kevin, while he pushes the piston of the syringe. The liquid finds its way into my bowels, and when the syringe is empty, Kevin slowly retracts the tube.

“That's it. All done. Now, do not try to expel. The solution must be absorbed into the walls of your intestines. It's a small amount and it won't take long. Let's see, now. I think we're finished here. We need only to inject a mild muscle relaxant and an automatic anal masseur and then we're done.” … they need to do WHAT?!

“Listen,” I try to say “I don't like needles very much and I really think that we should skip this part, because…”

“Oh, nonsense.” Kevin is changing his gloves and Roy has taken what a HUGE syringe with a long needle from the cart. “I promise this won't hurt. Roy is a real pro with injections… and, anyhow, I don't think you have a choice. Remember, here you are Patient 25 and there's a number of procedures that will be performed on you. Shall I call Jack? He's our psychiatric nurse and he takes care of the “difficult” cases. Do you want to be restrained? Jack isn't famous for his… kindness. He used to be a pro wrestler, before nursing school and if he's the one giving the injection, there's usually lots of screaming and hollering form patients… even though they're gagged. Is that what you want?”

I just gulp and shake my head “no”… I'm terrified already, and I really don't think I could cope with a nurse wrestler… imagine the mess!

“All right, then. Let's get on with it. Turn on your back.” I obey Kevin's order and doing so my half erect penis is now in full view. There's also a couple of drop of pre-cum on it… blush!

Without saying another word, Kevin takes a disinfectant pad from the cart, and sweeps a small area, under my left nipple.

“Aren't you injecting this stuff into my buttocks?” I ask in a small voice.

“nope.” He says, sweeping the area. “It work better this way… o.k. Roy”.

Roy approaches, brandishing the syringe. Although I'm terrified, I feel better seeing the warm smile on his face.

“It's all right.” He says “I've done hundreds of them. You really won't feel a thing. Just rest your head and relax.” Suddenly I feel Kevin's hand on my penis… he's masturbating me. Roy pinches the skin under my nipple and, with a very fast and swift move, inserts the needle. I feel a brief sting and the coldness of the liquid being injected, and you know what?… all that I can think of is my penis getting harder and harder under Kevin's hand.

It only takes a few seconds, and then Roy pulls the needle out, pressing the disinfectant pad on the small hole.

“See? It wasn't so bad, was it?” he smiles and turns to the cart. Actually, it wasn't bad at all. As it happened before, I feel safe, in the hands of these experienced nurses. A pleasant warmth invades me, and suddenly I feel light-headed and a little drunk.

“The relaxant has kicked in.” Says Kevin with a smile, while he keeps on masturbating me. “It will only last for a while, but you will enjoy the feeling, and it will help you relax in treatment room. Roy… hand me the masseur, will you?”

I'm sort of floating in the room, but I see Roy handing Kevin a white plastic object, with a round tip, flattened on a side.

Without a word, Kevin spreads some jelly on the tip and then I feel his fingers pressing on my anus again.

“Ahhhh…. I see the drug is working properly.” He says, in a satisfied voice “It feels really loose, here. Stay like this for a second… good!” Not so slowly anymore, he pushes the plastic object into my anus. There's a click and the whole contraption starts vibrating. I almost jump from the bed. I didn't realize it, but the flattened point is now resting against my prostate… and it looks like my whole body is now shivering with sheer pleasure. Kevin stops masturbating me.

“I think this is enough, for now. I've read your chart, and it says that you have already had an orgasm, today… and we want to save the second one for later. So, let me fix this…” he does something between my legs and the vibrations become weaker. I see there are straps, at the end of the dildo protruding from my anus. He now fastens them around the upper part of my legs.

“This way, the dildo won't come out and will stay in place, until the treatment room team removes it”. Says Kevin.

“Well, we're finished. Roy, will you please replace the patient's gown, and tuck him in? The team will be here soon. Thanks for your cooperation, nr. 25. It's been a pleasure taking care of you. I hope your treatment will be pleasurable. Take care.” Roy has replaced my gown and my pillow and has covered my with a sheet.

Both nurses wave good-bye and leave the room.

I lie in the bed for a while. I'm still feeling light-headed, but I'm completely conscious. The sheet covering me has a very visible bulge in the middle, where my erection is showing, thanks to the slow anal massage. Apart form the soft hum of the dildo, the room is very quite and I rest for a while, enjoying the feeling in my anus.

It doesn't take long, and there's a quick knock on the door.

Three nurses enter the room. They're both dressed in OR-greens, but I cannot see their faces, because they're wearing (gasp!) surgical masks. From the voice, I understand that one of them is Ted, the nurse who talked to me when I first came in, but I don know the other two. They push a gurney into the room and then one of them, without a word, just pulls the away the sheet covering me. Everything is happening very fast. I don't have the time to say anything. Two nurses lift me from the bed and lower me on the gurney.

I feel a brief sting on my arm and I see that one of them has started an IV.

“It's just saline solution… don't worry.” Says one voice. “Let's go” says another.

I'm flat on my back and I feel the gurney being pushed out from the room and in the corridor. My heart is pounding and the pleasant drunkenness of the drug is vanished… once again (it looks like it's my destiny) I'm terrified.

“Where…? What…?” I try to speak. One of the nurses puts a hand on my forehead and I hear Ted's voice.

“Don't worry, nr. 25. It's nothing. We're wheeling you to the treatment room. You're ready for the anal procedures. Just relax and let us do the work.” These words have been said to me hundreds of times, today (or so it looks like), and once again I try to oblige.

At the end of the corridor there's double doors, and the nurses push me in.

The room is huge, light green. It looks like an OR. There's big lights on the ceiling, and a table in the center. The walls are full of cabinets, and IV stands with what looks like enema bags, rubber tubing, shelves full of dildoes in all shapes and colours, trays of instruments. There's a strong smell of disinfectant and I see that at the foot of the table there's stirrups, for the patient's legs.

Also, on the ceiling there's a big mirror, so the person lying on the table can see what's going on “down there”.

The gurney stops and three pairs of hands lift me from it. I am lowered onto the table, while another door opens and two more nurses enter the room. They're also dressed in surgical scrubs, and are wearing masks, so I cannot see their faces. Nobody speaks to me, but they keep staring at me, and exchanging brief comments. My legs are now in the stirrups, and one of the nurses (I don't know which, I cannot tell them apart - they all look alike: tall men in green scrubs with short sleeves and strong arms) fastens the straps. Someone behind me adjusts the table so that my back is lifted in an almost-sitting position, and I can se what's going on.

“Are you comfortable?” asks a voice and I nod, unable to speak.

Now there are five men in the room, all working around me. One of them sits behind me and I feel his hands on my shoulders.

“Would you lift your arms, please?” he says “I need to remove your gown.” The gown is pulled away, and, once again, I'm naked under the strong lights. Another nurse covers my middle section with a green sheet, about from under my nipples to my belly-button. Naturally, my genitals and my anal area are in the open air. The nurse on my left touches a switch on the table and I feel I'm moving backwards. The whole table is tilting back, lifting my legs in the air. Now my anus is completely exposed.

A latex-gloved hand pulls the dildo from my anus, leaving my muscles soft and sort of weak. The nurse throws the dildo into a stainless-steel bin. On my right, on my left and at the bottom of the table have been positioned stainless-steel carts covered with sheets. I can make out shapes, under there… there's lots of instruments waiting to be used… gasp!

The nurse on my back pushes me on the forehead to make me rest my head.

“Please, try to relax. You can watch everything looking at the mirror on the ceiling. I need to insert this naso-gastric sound. Stay still.”

Everything is happening too fast, I'm completely loosing control of the situation. I try to move, but my arms have been fastened to the side of the table. Just before the nurse at my back shows me a thick rubber tube, and starts spreading jelly all over it, I can see the cart near the bottom of the table being uncovered.

There's a tray on it with a dozen of stainless-steel sounds. The first one has the size of my middle finger, the last one has the size of a telephone handset. While I watch the nurse behind me slowly lubricating the rubber tube, I hear another voice saying “These are anal dilators. We're going to use them on your anus.” And then, once again, come the fatal words..."Now relax, and let us do all the work.”

“Come on… there's nothing to be scared about.” I recognize Ted's voice speaking calmly from behind me. He's the one sitting at the back of the table where I'm lying, waiting to insert the tube into my nose. “This whole procedure is performed in order to enhance the pleasure you will feel when your anus is manipulated. You've had no nutrition, since you've walked in here. I’ll give you some sugar and vitamins through this sound. I will insert it into your nose, and push it directly into your stomach. You can lie still, and the solution will be administered while we work. Relax, please”.

Once again those words. Ted's voice is soft and caring, and I let go. I lower my head and try to relax all my muscles.

His gloved hand pushes the tip of the long thin rubber tube into my left nostril. I feel it going up my nose, and then down all the way into my throat. Another hand on my right side puts the nozzle of a plastic syringe into my mouth. I feel liquid being sprayed. “Try and swallow the liquid… it's just sterile water. This will help you swallow the tube.” I swallow and I feel there's something else going down, together with the water. It's the sound. I feel a slight discomfort, a sort of ticklish sensation at the back of my throat, but it's nothing terrible. Ted's hand pushes the tube into my nose, slowly and steadily. It looks like it's a mile long but, after a while, it's finished.

“I’ll tape the sound to your nose, and I’ll release the solution. Stay still”. There's a ripping sound and the same gloved hand tapes the rubber tube to the side of my nose. The other end of the tube is connected to an IV bag on a stand, with clear liquid in it. Ted opens the clamp and the liquid starts flowing. I feel a cold sensation into my stomach, like when you drink a soda, but nothing else.

“There” says Ted to the other nurses, who have been talking at the other end of the table. “All right, guys. He's ready for you.”

He puts his gloved hands on my temple “O.K., now we'll start the session. I’ll be here all the time. If you have questions, or if you need anything, just tell me.” I feel reassured… his voice is warm and caring and, as it's happened before, I know I am in good hands. While I'm thinking this, there's lots of activity around. Two of the nurses are on my side, one of them has pulled one of those blood pressure cuffs around my left forearm, and the other one is sticking electrodes on my chest.

“They will monitor you heart activity and your blood pressure during the procedure” says Ted. “It's a good thing that you aren't a hairy fellow, or we would have shaved your chest!” When the electrodes are in place I hear the familiar (from lots of TV shows) “beep-beep” of the machines. My heart rate is quite fast, but… it can't be helped. The nurses fasten my wrists to the side of the table, and I cannot move. “It's only to stop you from moving… there will be some very slight discomfort and lots of physical pleasure involved. And we don't want to have you jerking around.” Smiles Ted, and I can see his eyes have an evil twinkle above the surgical mask… oh, man! Ted sits back and disappears from my view. I can only look up, now, and I see the mirror on the ceiling and the four nurses working around me , and the fifth, Ted, who's now sitting on a chair behind me.

“Just a little sting.” Says a voice on my left side and, before I understand what's going on. I feel something cold brushing my chest and there's a smell of alcohol . I see a needle piercing the skin under my left nipple. The brief flash of pain doubles itself immediately as another needle pierces my right nipple. There's an electric cable connected to the end of the needles and, before I can even say something, the sting of a mild electrical shock hits my breast. The intensity stabilizes itself, producing a sort of warm vibration that encompasses my whole upper torso.

“Here we're all ready.” Says on of the nurses at my side. “You can go on.” As soon as he's finished speaking, the nurse on my other side has cupped one hand on my testicles and he's lifting my penis with the other. The two nurses work briefly on my genitals, until the shaft and the testicles are completely smeared with jelly. They lubricate my lower abdomen, to… up to the belly button. The first nurse starts a slow circular massage on my abdomen, while the other masturbates me slowly… I can feel immediately that he's had some sort of penile massage training, because he's good… really, really good. He caresses my testicles and stimulated the soft skin on the head of the penis with soft strokes, milking it slowly up and down, squeezing his fingers, but not too hard. The action of the four hands on my body immediately have the desired effect, and I become rock-hard.

“Lubricating the anus, now.” Before I can enjoy what's happening between my legs, another deep voice startles me. The nurses who are standing at the other end of the table, between my wide spread legs are also at work. Immediately there's something cold on my anus, and I feel fingers, pressing on the opening. There's a difference from the earlier anal massages I've had in this place, anyhow. The nurse in the colonic room, and then Kevin, the masseur, were much more gentle and slow, while manipulating my anus. The difference is that they aimed to relax me and soften the tissues… these fingers, that are working me now, want to ENTER!!

One finger is pushed into me now, and then two. It's painful and I feel I'm contracting my muscles. My body tenses on the table, and there's a sharp intake of breath from my mouth.

“Ouch!!” I say “It HURTS!!”

The situation doesn't seem to get better as yet another finger is pushed into me. I see that one of the nurses is spreading my buttocks, and the other is moving his hand into my anus.

“He's quite tense… tight anal opening.” Says the deep voice. “Give him some more.”

I feel Ted's hands on my temples pulling down, positively blocking my head. Something cold swabs my skin just above the root of my penis, and then I feel yet another sting of an injection.

“Some more of the muscle relaxant we gave you before… enjoy” Ted's voice behind me has almost an hypnotic touch. One of the “side” nurses his giving me the injection… in my belly, just under the belly button. The drug kicks in and I'm in heaven.

Suddenly I loose conscience of time. The electric stimulation of my nipples is incredibly pleasurable now. I'm warm and sensible. My penis is hard as a rock and my testicles feel like a charged battery. The two side nurses go on massaging my genitals and Ted is still caressing my temples. The fingers in my anus don't bother me anymore. I feel they're pushing in and out, turning around, occasionally touching my prostate. My anal opening is now completely relaxed and there's only mild stretching.

The fingers vanish, and a cold, metallic object takes their place. I know it's the first of the dilators I saw earlier… but I don't care. I'm really enjoying the whole thing, now, and I feel like they could stick a street signal into my ass… and I wouldn't care.

The steel instrument is pushed into me. I see the nurse in charge moving it around, in and out, while the other nurse at his side keeps spreading my buttocks apart. After it has done its work, the steel dilator is retracted and the second and bigger one is pushed inside me. At this point I feel no pain whatsoever. The sensations on my nipples and genitals are incredible and now there's even some pleasure in my anus, where the sound keeps hitting softly my prostate. I feel an orgasm coming and I try to arch my back, but suddenly the tingling sensation vanishes from my nipples and the hand aren't working my genitals and abdomen any more.

“We cannot let you come right now.” Ted's voice, behind me. “We need you to wait… the right time.”

There's only the huge thing into my anus, now, but soon it is pulled out, only to be substituted with a bigger size. I miss the work on my penis… and there's again some pain in my sphincter as the huge sound finds its way. The nurse pushes it in, moves it around, then in and out and then around again.

“Feel any pain?” the deep voice asks.

“Well… yes. It's sort of uncomfortable. The nurse nods and once again there's electricity in my nipples and the four hand go back to work on my genitals. Ahhhh…. This is GREAT!

And on it goes… in and out. The dilators get bigger and bigger, but there's not much pain. The nurses’ hands on my abdomen and penis work miracles and my erection doesn't vanish. When I feel I'm nearing a climax, massage and electricity stop until I come down again. The two nurses at the foot of the table keep working my anus, and Ted is always behind, encouraging, caring and with a smile in his eyes.

I don't know how long it takes but suddenly I hear the deep voice of the nurse in charge.

“O.K. Dilator series is now complete. I think we can move on.” I don't even want to know what this means!!

I feel Ted's presence behind me. He's closer to me now. I feel his hand grasping mine, down at the side of the table and his voice whispering at my left ear.

“… deep breaths, and when I tell you, just take a very deep one and then hold it, o.k.?”

The nurse in charge has now pulled the last of the dilators out of my now-completely-soft anus, and has something strange in his hands.

Before I have the chance to see what it is, it vanishes between my legs. I feel another push on my sphincter and the object is in.

The nurse moves it carefully around inside me, until I feel a twitch of pleasure at the very center of my being.

“Prostate masseur in position” says the deep voice “external masseur also in position… now.” There's another pressure outside of my anus, this time, somewhere between the root of my penis and the upper part of the rectum.

“Increase voltage” the deep voice speaks again and suddenly the pleasurable buzz in my nipples becomes a high-intensity pinch.

“… and massage starts… now!” and I feel I'm exploding.

There's a deep, sweet, wonderful vibration inside me, as the machine is activated. I try and arch my back but I'm fastened to the table and I can only jerk around a little. Meanwhile the pinch on my nipples has become the sweetest torture and the two side nurses are working again my penis. Ted is leaning over me, from behind, whispering in my ear “… breath in, breath out.” squeezing my hand. The nurse in charge moves carefully the machine in my anus and pushes it further up against my prostate. The pleasure in unbearable, now. I let out a soft moan and close my eyes.

It feels like the hands on my penis and testicles are hundreds, masturbating up and down, squeezing gently my balls, caressing the shaft, pushing deeply on my abdomen, spreading jelly and administering soft strokes to my tissues.

“… time to come” the deep voice says. The vibrations on my prostate increase yet again and the masturbation becomes even faster. Ted's voice in my ear: “Hold your breath… NOW!”

I breath deeply and hold my breath. The pleasure in my anus comes up, inside my penis, reaches my incredibly sensible nipples and goes back again, in my testicles, only to come up again in the shaft.

The orgasm is upon me with a strength that I've never experienced before. I come with long strokes, riding the vibrations in my prostate and the current in my nipples. Ted's hand squeezes mine and I spurt white fluid all over my belly and on the table. The climax goes on forever, expertly orchestrated by the medics at my side. Long stroke, upon long stroke, until the pleasure subsides and my body falls back on the table. My breath escapes me in an exhausted moan. There's a white puddle on my chest, and one of the nurses is already cleaning me up with a warm towel. Ted has left my hand, and now is slowly pulling the rubber sound from my nose.

Before I've even the time to realize that the effect of the drug is vanished and that the orgasm is over, the machine has been retracted from my anus, and two latex-gloved hands have removed the needles in my nipples and replaced them with soft cotton pads.

“There you are.” Says Ted. My arms and legs are now unfastened and many hands lift me from the table and lower me back on the gurney. “we're going back to your room, you can rest a while… then you'll a get a last enema to properly wash off every trace of lubricant from your bowels”…. ANOTHER enema?

The gurney enters my room and Ted helps me getting my gown on again, and then reaching the bed. I'm sort of tired from the whole procedure and I lie on the bed with a sigh of relief.

“I’ll see you later, before you leave.” Says Ted, wheeling the gurney through the door.

The silence of my patient room is a real bliss after the incredible scene I've been through. My anus is still pulsating and my now flaccid penis is red and feels empty.

There's a brief knock at the door and yet another male nurse enters, wheeling a small cart. It's Roy, the young assistant who helped out Kevin, during the earlier massage session.

“Hi there. I hope you enjoyed the anal session. I’ll just give you a small enema and I’ll spread some ointment on your anus. Just lie still and enjoy”.

He has donned a pair of gloves while speaking, and he has a warm smile on his handsome face. He pulls back the covers from my bed. And prepares a small try nearby. There's a plastic container with a red rubber tube coming out and finishing in a small black nozzle, with a ball-like pump in the middle.

“This is a higginson-type syringe.” Explains Roy, while is delicately lubricating my sore anus. His finger pushes inside me for a brief moment and I tense immediately.

“I'm not going to dilate your anus again.” reassures me Roy “Just a little lubrication and I’ll insert the nozzle. It's very small and you won't feel a thing… there. All done. Just breathe, now.”

The nozzle is inside me and Roy starts squeezing slowly the pump. The solution finds its way into me and the enema is over in a couple of minutes. Roy shows me the bathroom and waits courteously near the bed for me to release all the water. When I'm back, he helps me on the bed again, and makes me lie face down.

“Just some ointment for your anus. Tomorrow you won't have any big pain”. His hand massages the external part of my anus, slowly and carefully, spreading some cold ointment. Slowly, I feel the soreness vanish and my anal muscle going back to normal. At the same time, thanks to the expert fingers of Roy, something has come alive between my legs.

“Turn over, and let me check your nipples… yes, like that… Oh! I see you've some energy left, don't you? Well, this wasn't prescribed in your course of treatment, but let me take care of it.”

Before I can object, Roy has a hand around my shaft, and is masturbating me slowly. It's incredible, but I DO have some energy left, and the sweet massage of Roy’s hands helps me find the source.

There's a quite peace in the room, while Roy masturbates me. His hands are very light and slow, and he's careful not to hurt the sensitive skin. Once again, and for the last time today, I feel completely at ease in his hands. I know he's working for my pleasure and abandoning any control feels great.

After a couple of minutes Roy increases the speed of his hands and I come. This time the orgasm is more quite, but somehow deeper. The strokes are short, but they produce a tired pleasure that stays with me for a while. The few milky drops from my climax vanish in the cotton swab that Roy is using to clean me up.

“There you are… I'm sure you're going to sleep well tonight! I'm all finished, here. I suggest that you rest for a while and then take a hot shower. After that you can dress and go back to the reception. Ted will be waiting for you, to settle your account and eventually book you for another session some time soon. Take care.” And with a last smile, he leaves the room.

I do exactly as Roy sad. I take a nap on the bed for about an hour. Then I shower and dress… and I'm ready to live.

I walk out of the room into the corridor and towards the lift. The place is completely silent, but there's a door ajar on my left. I know I shouldn't, but I look inside… just a quick peek before I get in the lift.

… I shouldn't have. The room is completely black, covered in shiny rubber. There's an enormous tub in the middle of the room surrounded by all kind of machines: chrome cylinders and stainless-steel stands, and there's what seems to be HUNDREDS of rubber tubes coming out. In the tub there's a man, completely covered with a rubber suit. Only his genitals and his anus are exposed. Another man is standing beside the tub. He's a nurse, wearing a latex outfit, a sort of rubber OR uniform. He's a HUGE fellow. I can see his large arms coming out form the short sleeves of the latex outfit. He's about 6,2 and I believe he must be 250 lbs. I cannot see his face, because he's wearing a surgical mask… but his blue eyes have a cold, commanding light.

“You can scream all you want” he's saying to the man in the tub “Nobody is going to hear. On the other hand, if you want to do this the easy way, just shut up. It's going to hurt, but you can stand it.”

Before I get out, in the corridor again, I catch a glimpse of the name-tag on the nurse's chest. It says “Jack” and, underneath “psychological ward”. And just before the door closes itself, I see he's holding an enormous penis-shaped nozzle, black and gleaming with lube. It's connected with the biggest rubber tube in the room… the size of a garden hose.

As I step into the elevator, I hear a distant scream, and I know that the nozzle has found its target.

As the lift opens again and I see Ted's, sitting at the reception and smiling at me, I know that I will come back soon… but I will NEVER ask for a psychological evaluation or a curse of treatment with Jack… that's a cure I definitely don't WANT.


wetman 5 years ago  
IndianMaster5 6 years ago  
patient77 8 years ago  
patient77 8 years ago  
muddywaters 10 years ago  
kevinjames 14 years ago