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Views: 15318 Created: 2007.07.16 Updated: 2007.07.16

Diapers and Sunshine


Hi, what you have here is my story. I don’t really know why I wrote it all down, it’s not like anyone will find my life in this small town very exciting, but as my Grandpa Arlen would have said, “Everyone has a story to tell.” I do have a story, that much is true. I’ll leave any judgment to its worth up to you.

My Mom, Susan Rene Arlen raised me all alone since my dad died when I was only two years old. She did a good job in my opinion and while we weren’t ever rich we never wanted for much either. Four years ago Mom was contacted by her sister whom she hadn’t spoken with since my father died. I don’t know what happened to drive them apart but Mom sure was happy to hear from her sister and her family again.

My Aunt and Uncle were both lawyers in Minnesota and very successful in their trade and I think that awoke something in Mom. She now instead of a ‘job’ she wanted a career of her own. One night over dinner she up and announces that she has decided to go back to school to study geology of all things. Now she’s landed a great job, not what she expected to get, mind you, but great all the same. She feels like she is moving up in the world.

I think because life loves irony so much, three months ago, my Uncle decides to pull a green acres and quit practicing law to run a farm right here in town. My Aunt is determined to continue her practice here as well (I think mainly to finance her husband’s farm venture.) Now suddenly I have two cousins I barely know. Rob, the older of the two, was born within days of me and he can almost pass as my twin. Rick, who is now twelve, was adopted. He knows he was adopted, but he is not like the people on TV who are obsessed with finding his biological parents. I think he must realize which side his bread is buttered on as the phrase goes.

The day I started this story I was on my way to my Uncle’s farm to go spend some after -school quality time with my cousins to “get acquainted”. Mom had a date tonight with some guy her coworker had introduced her to and this was going to be their fourth date. In all my years Mom has never made it to four dates, two usually being the average, and now Mom is talking like she wants me to meet this guy.

It’s funny how one day or sometimes even just one moment can act as a pivot on which the course of the rest of your life turns. This is a story about just such a moment, in a sleepy little Alabama town called Simonsville. It is my friends, my family and even an unfortunate villain that set the stage of this tale with such splendid normalcy that it becomes increasingly difficult to turn a blind eye to farce of youth and the folly of adulthood, which inevitably follows.

My name is Todd, and it’s nice to meet you.


Marc42 6 years ago