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Views: 16830 Created: 2007.08.05 Updated: 2007.08.05

Jim Wets the Bed

Jim Wets the Bed

Summary: Jim's Bladder begins to weaken from a degenerative disease at age 12. He eventually is diapered 24/7.

Jim, Tim, and Val are triplets at age 12. Tim and Jim share a bedroom while Val has her own.

Jim and Tim went to soccer that night and won against a local team and they celebrated with their family at a local Pizza Place.

"Good job, guys! That was a great goal, Jim!" Their mother exclaimed.

"Kids, we better go home you have a test tomorrow, and I want to see good marks from all of you"

"But, dad-" Tim complained

"Let's go!" Their Dad shouted.

Jim panicked when he realized what he had done. His bed, underpants and shorts were soaked. He had wet the bed! "Oh crap if mom finds out-"

"Time to wake up-" she saw the wet bed "what did you do?! Tim go downstairs and get ready for school while I take care of this mess!" Tim left and went downstairs with Val.

"Mom I swear it was and accident. I didn't mean to-'

"Take your wet sheets and clothes and put them in the wash and come back up here."

After he had done so he put on clean clothes and went back into his room where his mom yanked him over her lap.

" If you're going to wet your pants like a baby I will spank you like a baby!" she said as she yanked down his pants and underpants and began spanking his bare bottom. After the first three he was kicking and screaming and his bottom was beet red. After 30 spanks his spanking was over.

"I'm so-rrrry Mom!" He cried.

"It's okay baby, I'll get some of your diapers out so you don't get the bed wet or your pants. Stay right here or I'll give you another spanking.

She returned with a half used package of Pampers size 6. "You will wear these for the next 24 hours-even to school; any argument will get you spanked like a baby on your bare bottom.

"Okay." he said between sobs. She opened up one of the large plastic diapers and placed it under his bottom. She lifted his bottom up by his ankles and powdered him. She taped the diaper as tight as possible and it rose up past his waistline. She grabbed a pair of his shortest shorts and a short t-shirt and began dressing him. The diaper went above the shorts and the shirt did little to hide it. "Now go to school, and don't take that diaper off."

"Dude, what did mom do to you" Tim inquired, "Looks like she spanked you."

"She did and-" he lifted up the T-shirt exposing his diaper as he sobbed.

"You have to wear that to school, that sucks" Tim said

Jim just looked out the bus window and his diaper crinkled loudly when he moved. He wondered what the day had in store for him.

Nobody noticed Jim's diaper for his first four class periods and then he had PE. "How would he change? Would everyone know that he was wearing a diaper?" since Jim didn't know how to refasten the diaper he had wet it twice already.

The gym teacher was absent that day, fortunately for Jim so the class didn't have to change. This was the second to last period, so maybe he could make it through the day without anyone noticing his very wet diaper.

"No one noticed, eh?" Tim asked. Jim was glad his brother wasn't teasing him.

"Mr. Anderson,-" Both Jim and Tim stood erect "um Mr. Jim Anderson, your mother's in the office" The sub handed Jim a hall pass.

"I'm so sorry dear, I wasn't thinking I shouldn't have reacted like that," Jim's mom said as she started the car. "That's why I'm picking you up early-to take you to Dairy Queen to make it up to you. I know your bedwetting was an accident, I was just tired. Well, we'll go to Dairy Queen then to Walgreen's to get you something for your wetting in case it happens again."

Jim had a Blizzard and forgave his mother. After they got to Walgreen's he realized he was wearing a very wet diaper.

"Uh-Mom this diaper's really wet." Jim said quietly.

"Oh my God! I forgot about that. Here's the deal, you probably have quite a rash so I'll change you right after we check out, I think just in case you should wear a diaper to bed tonight and if it's dry in the morning, you won't have to wear one again. Deal?" She said. "Well- okay, just in case", Jim said. She proceeded to buy ointment, baby powder, Attends, and a bag of Moliform Liners. She checked out.

When they reached their minivan she opened the sliding door. "Lie down on the seat dear. Since I forgot to bring you some underpants I'll just change you into your diaper early, okay?" Jim knew he didn't have much of a choice so he answered yes. With the door still open she proceeded to pull down his shorts exposing a very wet baby diaper. "My you are wet, I bet you have quite a diaper rash." She opened the wet diaper exposing what was indeed a big diaper rash. She wiped him clean and then applied ointment to the rash. She opened the Attends and liners and unfolded a diaper with a liner inside of it. She lifted him by his ankles, and knowing of his red rash applied a generous amount of powder. She slid the diaper under him and fastened it tightly. She took the shorts and wet diaper, wrapped them in a plastic bag and threw them away. "All set, baby." she said as she started the van. Jim was in a state of shock wearing a short shirt and a diaper.

When he walked in the doorway wearing a diaper and t-shirt carrying a package of Attends, Val tried hard not to laugh knowing what Jim had gone through that day. Mom followed carrying a Walgreen's bag. Tim felt sorry for him and noticed that he looked a bit less sad.

"I want everyone to know that I'm sorry about what I did to Jim this morning, and that is Why I picked him up from school early. The reason he is wearing a diaper is because we agreed he would wear one to bed tonight just in case he has another accident. Teasing will not be tolerated, If I hear it the perpetrator will receive a bare bottom spanking and will wear a Baby diaper for the rest of the week, understood?"

"Yes, mother" Val and Tim said in unison.

At Ten o'clock all three were sent to bed, Jim in a diaper and T- shirt.

Jim's mother came in before they woke up to check Jim's diaper. It was wet. She gently roused him "Jimmy, dear, you're wet." It took Jim a few seconds to realize the gravity of what she had just said. Now he would have to wear a diaper to bed tonight. His mom undid the diaper wiped him clean and applied ointment to his rash. When she was done she slapped his bare bottom playfully and said "Take a shower" Val was surprised when she realized he'd beat her to the shower. Usually she was first, but he had probably wet last night.

AT BREAKFAST Jim's Dad asked if he had another accident last night. Jim nodded his head in shame and played around with his food, he'd suddenly lost his appetite. "I'm sure you'll be dry tonight, son." Jim hoped he would. He went out to the bus stop with Tim. "Don't worry about it, Jim, at least noone at school knows." Tim reassured.

"You aren't the one who has to wear diapers to bed!" Jim was on the verge of tears.

"Look, if it makes you feel better I'll wear a diaper to bed whenever you have to. "Tim said. Jim looked up "Really?" Jim said unbelieving. "Sure, even tonight, in fact I promise I'll wear a diaper anytime you have to." Tim said.

THE DAY PASSED UNEVENTFULLY. Jim felt better that Tim would be along for the ride with him dut he still resented the thought of even wearing a diaper at night. He had also notice to his dismay that he had to use the bathroom at least once a period, what was going on?

JIM, TIM, AND VAL WALKED THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR. Test results from yesterday's test had come in. Val got a 'C', Tim got a 'B', and Jim got an 'A' plus, he hadn't missed a single answer. Their dad was home early. "Val you need to work harder, Jim and Tim, excellent job" He posted Jim and Tim's tests on the refrigerator.

"How about we go out for Pizza-" Their mother's suggestion was met with enthusiasm but she went on "Jim I've scheduled an appointment with a Urologist tomorrow I'll pick you up at noon." Jim wondered what a urologist was. "What's a urologist, mom?" She sighed "A doctor who studies the urinary tract, it's for your bedwetting accidents, honey." Jim turned red and grunted.

After pizza and watching a rental movie their mom told Val to take a shower and the boys to go upstairs and get ready for bed. After they brushed and flossed (I know everyone flosses here, at least once a day) they went to their room to get changed. Jim reminded Tim of his promise. "Oh' he said and slid his shorts off and waited for their mother in just a T-shirt.

After fifteen minutes their mother walked in carrying a vinyl pad "time to change, Jim" She ordered. He lay down on the pad. She applied ointment to the fading rash lifted him by his ankles, and powdered him. She slid a diaper with doubler under him and fastened it. She gave him a playful swat on the crinkly plastic when she was finished. As she was about to leave Jim said "Mom- Tim promised me he'd wear a diaper whenever I had to." She paused and restrained herself from giggling, two triplets in t-shirts and diapers.

"Tim is that true?"

"I guess so." He said shyly.

"Well, a promise is a promise, come lay down on the pad, dear" She prepared a diaper and liner for him, all the while smiling. He lay down on the changing pad and she thought "Tomorrow I'll buy them a changing table and I'll have my two boys in diapers again" She lifted him by his ankles and sprinkled a lot of powder on him. "This is so you don't get a rash if you have an accident, dear. I'm glad you're being mature enough to do this for Jim." She said as she spread the powder around. She saw he hadn't wiped very well and did him with a baby wipe. She then slid the diaper under him and fastened it. She gave him a swat on his bottom. "All set, dear both of my boys are diapered for the night" she said as she turned out the light and left.

The next morning Jim awoke wet again but Tim was dry. Their mother, Angela took care of them both and sent them to school, reminding Jim of his appointment. She had some shopping to do. She went to Sears and picked out a changing table knowing she shouldn't because it was probably not going to make it's money's worth if Jim stopped wetting. She bought a diaper pail and a large supply of wipes, powder, diapers and doublers. If his wetting continued long enough to use all of the diapers, she'd put him in cloth. She went home, set up the large changing table and put wipes, powder and diapers on it, she set the pail in view of the door. It was perfect she had Her two baby boys again. She rushed downstairs to drive Jim to the Urologist's when the phone rang.

MR. MILLER WOULDN'T LET HIM GO because they were taking a surprise test. He knew he couldn't hold it any longer and soon after he began flooding his pants.

"Mr. Anderson go to the clinic, NOW!" Mr. Miller shouted as Jim got up everyone had a glance at his accident. He ran to the clinic sobbing, He was ruined within an hour the whole school would know about his accident in math.

The nurse wiped him and said" You'll have to wear a diaper-it's school policy, dear." She put on a diaper quickly and went to call his mom.

"Yes, Mrs. Anderson your son- Jim he had a wetting accident and you'll need to pick him up" The nurse told her.

"I was on my way anyway, be there in a little bit" Oh, dear she thought, poor Jim it was a rough week on him.

When she arrived in the clinic he was sobbing uncontrollably. "can I pull Tim out of school, too, it would make Jim feel better." Angela asked the nurse.

"Of course, the poor dear." The nurse nodded to Jim sympathetically. Five minutes later Tim arrived from class. Angela asked Tim to calm Jim down as they went out to their minivan. Angela Had brought a bag full of diapers and she planned to hold Tim to his word.

"Tim lay down on the seat, remember your promise?" He nodded and lay down. She lifted his bottom into the air and sprinkled powder all over. She then slid the diaper under him and fastened it. It was thicker than the one Jim had on because it had a doubler.

THEY WALKED IN THE OFFICE OF DR. CHARLES CAYHALL. A young woman, and two preteen boys in t-shirts and diapers. One was still sobbing.

"Appointment-Jim Anderson" the secretary told urologist Cayhall. "They can come in now" A minute later two boys in diapers and a t-shirt walked in the office followed by the mother. "Mrs. Anderson-I presume"

"Yes, you see Jim here-"she pointed to the bow whose diaper had a tinge of yellow on the front. "Has wet the bed three nights in a row and today he had an accident in school."

"Is this his brother-'he pointed to Tim

"Yes well they're triplets, his name is Tim and they have a sister Val-all 12, but the only reason Timmy is wearing a diaper is because he wants Jim to feel better.'

After an hour of examination, urine sampling, and x-raying the doctor concluded "We'll have the results Friday, I'll call you. But unofficially I think it's a new disease that surfaced a few years ago that might have cause such an abrupt need for diapers, in fact As you can see Jim just wet his diaper again-" He signaled. "This disease only seems to effect the bladder but you should see a physician. Until Friday I recommend Jim wear Protection."

Angela was delighted two days to diaper her 2 twelve year old boys, on their new changing table. Excellent. She hoped Jim would be okay.


Marc42 6 years ago  
Marc42 6 years ago