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Views: 11731 Created: 2007.09.27 Updated: 2007.09.27

Josh Taylor's Story

Chapter 1

Wow I can’t believe it, summer vacation is over and I’m back in school. I’m in my third period English class and the teacher has just asked us to write a short paper on our summer vacation for our homework assignment.

Let me back up for those of you who don’t know me I’m Josh I live here in Los Angeles, CA. I am 14 years old, but have another birthday coming up in October so actually that makes me 14 ½. I just started in 9th grade. We moved here when I was 6 from Michigan.

Well anyway, I’m really stumped as what to write, for I could never tell anyone what happened to me this summer. It all started about the last month of school in June.

You see, I have been a Bedwetter all of my life, at least since I was 5. My Mom was in the hospital back then and everybody thought she was going to die. Well, she didn’t, but everyone thought that's why I developed my problem. At first everything started out with the normal stuff. I found a plastic sheet on my bed one day and after Mom explained it was to protect my mattress it wasn’t so bad. I do share a room with my brother who is two years older, so just the noise from the sheet was kind of embarrassing, but it wasn’t like he didn’t know about my wetting.

Well, Mom and Dad kind of just put up with my wetting for a couple of years, figuring that the move we also made didn’t help any, and with trying to make new friends, and a new school and all, but after a few years the serious stuff hit me. First thing it was off to the doctor to get checked out, I was about 8 by then. Sitting in that waiting room was the worst. I imagined everybody knew what we were there for but when the nurse came back to the window and asked why we were there to see the doctor from way across the room and my Mom responded to her, I could of just died. You see, my Mom has one of those voices that carries very far, and even though she thought she was being quiet I’m sure everyone heard her.

Of course the doctor didn’t find anything wrong and I had no idea of why this was happening to me. All I knew is I went to bed DRY and woke up WET. I didn’t enjoy waking up in a wet bed with those cold sheets and sometimes I was really dripping, and I know my brother hated the way our room smelled, even though he had his friends over quite often I’m sure to them I was just his Bedwetting brother.

The doctor did suggest my Mom try a wetting alarm, which she went ahead and ordered one from Sears. It took a few days to get to the store and she took me with her to pick it up. Standing at the counter, out walked this lady with a box headed our way and the outside of the box way clearly marked with its contents. She really looked me over as she set it down on the counter. I’m sure she knew who it was for. Mom had me carry it to the car but luckily it wasn’t too far and we didn’t have to go through the whole store. It just seemed like miles.

Well, that night my training began and for the next 2 months the routine stayed pretty much the same: go to bed and late at night the alarm would go off, and by the time I would wake the bed was wet and my brother was mad. I guess after that futile attempt at my dryness my parents were desperate, so I still remember like it was yesterday when Mom called me to her room where I was met by her and my dad just standing there. As they started to explain what the results of my wetting was causing I was getting numb. I was hearing them but not registering what exactly it was that they were telling me. When Mom pulled out the DIAPERS from a bag on the dresser I went into shock!!!!! They proceeded to undress me and lay me down on their bed. Mom slid the diapers under me and pinned them on as I remember very tightly, but as she pulled out the plastic pants from the bag is when it hit me as to what was happening. As I begged and pleaded she and my Dad were pulling the baby pants up my legs and then up over the diapers. I was then sent off to bed and I’m sure they explained to my brother and younger sisters what had happened to their brother.

The next morning when I awoke it seemed that I was DRY. Wow, it worked, but as the sleepiness wore off I realized that the bed was dry but my diapers were drenched. My brother was up early as Mom walked in and checked my diapers, saying it was good I had them on. I have kind of gotten use to them over the years as I still wear them today at night, that is until last June.

Over the years that I’ve been wearing my night diaper, always cloth (cause Mom say they are the best for night), to bed every night, but about a month before school was out Mom and Dad told me that if they didn’t see an improvement soon they were going to keep me in diapers during the day, I guess figuring it would give me the incentive since I guess they have figured its been so many years maybe I had given up trying. They kept reminding me as time got closer and closer, but I just could not improve no matter what I did and really kind of figured that it wasn’t a real threat anyway. What parent would do that to their 14 year old kid?

As exciting as the last day of school can be, mine was really mixed with uncertainty. I had finally made a couple of friends over the years, which was really hard for me as word had gotten around to most kids about my bedwetting, but for a couple I guess they believed my denials of such accusations. We lived in a neighborhood where the houses are pretty far apart so there aren’t too many kids around. Upon arriving home that afternoon I opened the door with what was built-up fear. Mom greeted me as usual and all afternoon and into the evening I kept expecting the ax to fall but nothing happened. About 7:30 as usual Mom pinned on my diapers (as she still didn’t trust me with pins) and I put on my pajamas and watched TV until about 9:00 and then was sent off to bed.

I woke up early Saturday, and as a rule, stayed in my night diapers until Mom or Dad would take them off, and sometimes I would wear them for hours until they woke up or were ready to take them off. Today was no exception. I waited until almost 9:00 and by then they were drenched. Dad called me to my room and removed my diapers and told me to go get cleaned up. I know a lot of kids that do not like to take showers, but being in diapers I always thought it was a relief to get that smell off, even though some always lingers. Bedwetter smell its called. After my shower I went back to my room and started to get dressed when Dad barged in and asked what I thought I was doing?

"What do you mean Dad?"

He then reminded me of my wearing diapers full time if I was still wetting like a baby by the time school was out and that no improvement had been seen. Well, I couldn’t argue as I knew I wasn’t any better, but as I was pleading my case to him Mom walked in carrying a bag of youth Attends.

"Mom, what's that?" I asked her.

She told me they were my new daytime diapers. She then spread one out on my bed and told me to lie down on it. I did as I was told with tears building as I had hoped they had forgotten about the threats of the last couple of months. Mom then powdered me and told me to watch carefully as she taped my diaper on because she was expecting me to diaper myself if the occasion should arise. I tried to watch, but it was hard seeing her pull what looked like a real baby diaper up between my legs. She taped them very tight and then had me stand up to check the fit. "Perfect," she said. Well, maybe to her, but not to me. Dad told me to turn and as I did he snapped a picture with his Polaroid before I knew what was happening. As the film developed I could see myself becoming clear and I looked like a big baby. Dad then told me if they ever catch me taking off my diaper without their permission they would show my picture to my friend Joey. I knew they were serious! Dad then gave me a T shirt and when I asked for my shorts he told me I could just stay as I was for now. I was then told to get to the breakfast table.

As I entered the kitchen my brother and sisters were already there and they just stared at me as I entered. My youngest sister (about 8 years old) said, "Mom, those look just like baby diapers."

"Well, they are your brother's baby diapers, and as we told you all, he will be wearing them all the time and we expect you all to keep an eye on your brother and let us know if he ever tries to take them off. Also, if he every gets too wet or dirty we want you to let us know about that, too."

I was so embarrassed. All I could do is stare at the floor and try not to cry, but that was short-lived as my dad patted me on my diapered butt and told me to take my place at the table.

Later that morning I found out just how serious my parents were about my diaper wearing when I told Mom I had to pee and could I use the bathroom and she refused to let me and told me to use my diaper. Up until that point in my life my diaper wearing was a matter of necessity, for my bedwetting, but everything was changing Mom's attitude especially seemed to. She seemed not to care about my feelings or whether or not I was embarrassed. It seemed like she figured I was a baby and had no rights, which for now were all taken away anyway. Speaking of Changes, it didn’t take me very long and I was in need of one I had wet my pants in the daytime for the first time since I was a toddler. After it happened I went to Mom and told her what happened and she squeezed the seat of my diaper and agreed that I was wet indeed, but the diaper didn’t need to be changed yet. So now I was doomed to wear wet diapers as well.

The first couple weeks of my summer vacation went along pretty much as the first day and so far I was never let out of my diapers. They were serious and I was now wearing them 24 hours a day, cloth at night and my Attends in the daytime. The first time I messed my diaper had to be the worst embarrassing incident up to that time I had ever experienced. It was the second day right after breakfast. It was Sunday and everyone was getting ready for church. The feeling hit me and I went running for the bathroom out of instinct. My dad intercepted me on the way and asked where I was off to in such a hurry. I started to tell him as he had a hold of me when it felt like I exploded. Of course by that time and all the commotion the whole family was there and saw me load my pants. The diaper sagged real far but it was a good thing that I still had my night diapers on with my plastic pants for they contained the smell. Mom didn’t agree that cloth was best this time. In the future, believe me, doing this in disposables the smell is almost instant.

The first month we stayed pretty much at home, other than the occasional shopping trip and such, but Joey and his family returned from a trip they made early in the summer, and he started to call wanting to come over or me go over there I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t let him see me this way. Even though I got to wear clothes over my diapers they made so much noise anyone could tell what I was wearing. I was really afraid I would lose my only real friend I had. When Mom found out that I had been avoiding him she told me to invite him over and if I didn’t she would. I did as I was told and decided that he would come over late morning the next day. I could hardly sleep that night thinking of what might happen. I know Mom told me not to worry but how could I not worry.

Well, just a little before 11:00 I found myself in my room alone and decided to remove my diaper so Joey wouldn’t find out. He arrived and we all talked for awhile Mom asking him about their families vacation and all, then Joey and I went out in the yard to goof around. We were out there for about 10 minutes or so when mom came out the back door she looked kind of mad but had a wild smirk on her face. She was also carrying a bag with her as she headed straight for us.

"Josh, what the HE-- do you think you were doing taking off your diapers!" she yelled as she approached. Again I went deaf, my nightmare was happening right then. She walked up to us and showed Joey a picture which he looked at, and then stared at me and asked me if that was really me. I then realized what picture she had, and without even looking ,started to cry, saying to her, "How could you show him? How could you?"

She reminded me of our agreement and explained to Joey what had happened after school was out and that I was in full-time diapers again. He looked at us in disbelief as mom told me to come over to her. She expertly took her hand and pulled down my shorts to expose my bare butt as she pushed me down on the lawn. She then pulled out one of my diapers out of the bag and opened it in front of me, telling me to raise up sliding the diaper under me. She then sprinkled powder on me and pulled the diaper up through my legs and fastened the tapes. All this while I was in shock again I couldn’t believe that at 14 my Mom had just diapered me in front of my only friend in the world. She helped me to my feet and pulled my shorts back up over them.

Like it did any good, then Joey knew what I had on he just saw me get changed. Mom patted me on the butt and told me to keep my pants on and left us alone. I just stood there not knowing what to say. When I looked at Joey he looked like he was about to cry, which I couldn’t understand.

"Oh man, I can’t believe your parents would do that to you, I kind of figured you pissed the bed at night from what I heard from kids at school, but that's kewl. I know a few Bedwetters."

I asked him if we could still be friends and he told me he needed some time to think as he really liked me, but if anyone found out that he was hanging out with a diaper boy that it could get back at him. I told him I understood, but I hoped he would be my friend still. With that, he left me standing in the yard as he headed off. I was pretty upset as I knew I had just lost my very best friend, and who could blame him. Mom came out awhile later and asked where Joey had gone. I was so mad at her I didn’t even want to talk to her but I also knew she was right that they had warned me not to EVER remove my diapers and I had disobeyed her. What I didn’t know is Mom and Joey's mom had talked and were pretty good friends themselves so what was to come was really unexpected.

The rest of that day Mom seemed to be trying to make thing up to me as she went shopping and didn’t even drag her diapered son along. Even though I got to wear clothes over them I’m sure people could tell I was diapered or just had a very large butt. She did, however, leave my brother home to baby-sit us while she was shopping.

Next morning I had just finished breakfast still in night diapers when the doorbell rang. Mom called to me to come to the front door after she answered it, and to my surprise there stood Joey and his Mom, but Joey was standing in a very wet Attends himself, and from the looks of things he had been crying a lot for his eyes where all red. He asked his Mom to please go inside so he didn’t have to stand outside in his diapers. After entering his Mom looked over at me and said, "Joey has something he would like to tell you, Josh."

"I’m sorry man, for running off yesterday, but one of those bedwetters I said I knew was me and I really didn’t want you to know. I hope your not mad."

Wow, it was overwhelming, but my best friend was a bedwetter also.

"Of course I’m not mad. I just hope we are still friends."

We were asked to go into the family room while our mothers talked.

"Wow, Joey, you of all people."

I would of never guessed all he could say is, "please don’t tell anyone, please."

"No, I won’t tell if you will keep my secret," so we made a deal no to tell anyone.

Throughout the summer we became even better friends and I even got to go over to his house even though Mom sent me with extra diapers on the understanding Joey’s Mom would change me if I needed to be.

The first part of August we were off on our summer vacation in Santa Barbara. My parents had rented a condo about a block from the beach the anticipation was great as we all loved the beach. We headed off Saturday morning and at the first gas stop everyone got out to use the restroom. As the guy was filling our car with gas he looked at me:

“You the only one who's not using the rest room,” he said with a smile. I’m sure he could tell I was in diapers as Mom had me wearing my cloth one with the plastic baby pants over them.

We made it to the condo about noon and it was great as we had imagined the place was huge. It had 4 bedrooms, a loft, and the complex had a way kewl game room. Mom took my sisters to their bedroom and helped them unpack their stuff ( you know how much stuff girls bring) then Dad took my brother and I to our room and we started to unpack. I even ended up with a lot of stuff with all my diaper supplies ( I even was sent to the car several times to bring in the packs of Attends). Mom checked on us to see everything was going OK when my brother said a vacation to him would be not to have to share a room with his baby brother.

"Make him sleep in the baby room next to yours, Dad," he told them.

"What baby room?" they asked.

"You know, the one next to your bedroom."

We all headed off down the hall and when the door was opened. Sure enough ,there was a nursery with a crib, highchair, playpen and everything.

"No, Josh would never fit in those things," Mom told my brother.

"Sure he would!" my brother insisted.

"Well, lets give it a go," Dad said as he put the rail down on the crib.

"Climb in here, Josh."

"No!!! No way am I getting in that thing!"

With that I got a smack on my diapered butt and then was helped in by Dad. I think we were all amazed. It was tight, but I fit. Well, my brother got his vacation as all my stuff was moved into the nursery and then I was made to try out the other baby stuff. I could even squeeze my butt into the highchair, but not with my night diapers on. The playpen was too iffy, so once dad removed the bottom he said the effect would work just fine. So much for my fun week.

We got all settled in to our summer condo that day and that evening we all went out to dinner. Afterwards we stopped at a grocery store where we went shopping for food for next few days. Along the way Mom stopped in the baby aisle and threw in a few jars of baby food, a bib and a bottle. I had not seen them until we all got to the checkout line. My sister said, "look what Mom got for Josh, he’s really going to be a baby this week."

I turned and saw what she was talking about and couldn’t believe what I saw as Mom was buying all that baby stuff. My sister looked at me and said, "I hope you like bananas and peas cause that what were getting for you, Joshey."

The checkout lady gave me a really weird look and I’m sure she figured out that I was wearing diapers. We left the store and headed off to the condo. When we got back we watched TV for awhile after Mom had put me in my night diapers. We were watching a James Bond movie and I was really getting into it when Mom brought me a bottle of warm chocolate milk.

"Aw Mom, not a bottle!" I whined, but I knew I had better drink it as everyone just stared at me.

Of course the next morning I woke up very wet, but Dad came in first thing and changed me into my Attends. I thought this was great as I wouldn’t have to wear those wet cloth diapers most of the morning as usual. After I was changed I went to the dining room and everyone was there already, but there was no extra chair, except the highchair had been moved in. Mom called me over to the highchair and I was told to sit. As I did the tray was slid on the arms of the chair and locked in place. It was a tight fit and I couldn't have gotten out if I had wanted to. Next, Dad came up behind me and placed the bib over my head and tied it on. I’m sure I must of been quite a sight sitting in the highchair just in my diapers, now with a bib with a big yellow duck printed on it. Mom then gave me a bowl of mushy cereal and another bottle of milk. Oh boy, this was going to be along week.

Before noon we all headed down to the beach I had just been changed and had a pair of red shorts over my diapered butt and a striped T shirt. I knew that my shorts were a tight fit, but what I didn’t realize is that my diaper was showing out the leg opening in the back, especially as I walked. My sisters giggled but said nothing about it. We found a spot on the very busy beach and Dad spread a blanket out for the family. The minute we were settled off came my brother's shirt and shorts all the way to his swim trunks and off he sprinted to the water. My sisters weren't far behind.

"Josh, aren't you going swimming?"

Well, I was almost afraid to after all that had happened so far this summer. Dad grabbed my shirt and sent me off to play in the ocean. Yeah, they let me keep my shorts even though now the diaper was sticking out above the waistband as well as around the legs. After swimming with my brother for almost an hour we were called back to the family spot on the beach. This was my first experience with swimming in a diaper, but when I got out it was huge. It absorbed tons of water and my shorts were almost falling off from the weight of my diaper. People were staring as I walked back and when Dad saw me even he had to laugh. Mom just told me to sit down, and as I did the diapers made a loud squishing sound and water came out the legs and up the back. My sisters, of course, did not believe that it was water and told Mom Josh wet his pants and they are leaking. Mom saw how wet they were and came over to me and kind of pushed me onto my back. As she reached for my shorts I thought she was just going to check them, but she had them off in an instant! There I was laying naked on the beach and there were people not too far away. She asked my brother to hand her a diaper and almost as fast had it under my butt and taped up. I asked for my shorts back but Mom said not until they are dry. We then had lunch with just me in my diaper, and Dad did give me my T-shirt to wear.

I was going to go swimming again with my brother, but Mom said to leave my shorts as they were of no use and they would just have to dry out again, so I decided against swimming and just played in the sand. On the way back to the condo later that day dad saw a T shirt in a shop that said "JR. Sandcastle Member" and bought it for me thinking how fitting it was.

We did go to the beach almost everyday that week and quite a few time was sent to swim with my brother, but all I got to wear was my diaper so I never went as my own idea. Also during that week I did get to use all of the stuff from the nursery as well as sleep in the crib every night. The morning we were to leave back home I again was diapered in my thick cloth diapers as Mom didn’t want any accidents in the car. As we got home and all unpacked I realized we only had two weeks to go until Labor day and school was to start right after that. I wondered when they were going to let me get back to my normal self and give me back my big boy underwear? Should I ask them or what?

I waited a few days and then asked Mom when I could get rid of these day diapers as soon I would be back in school and for sure I couldn’t wear them then?

"Why ?" she asked. "Do you think your a big boy now? I’ve seen NO improvement in your bedwetting record. You're still pee-soaked every night! As far as wearing diapers to school, I really don’t see why you can’t, for the only problem for you might be PE Class."

Oh wow, I hadn’t even thought of that. How can I change for PE with a diaper on? Mom just told me that I had better try to stay dry even harder and if I could maybe I wouldn’t have to wear the daytime diapers anymore.

Well, over the Labor Day weekend I was still trying to have a least one dry night but it just wasn’t happening. I have noticed that Dad has been spending an awful lot of time in his shop. He loved woodworking as a hobby and makes real kwel stuff.

We did get to go to Disneyland our last weekend before school started, but again I had to wear my diapers, but Mom did them different, something she said she saw on the Internet. Last weekend when she went shopping she picked up some baby diapers. As usual she brought out my attends and as I lifted my leg she slid them under my butt, but then she produced two of the Pampers size 6 and with a pair of scissors slit the plastic backing.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Oh, just lie back and you’ll see," she responded. She then had me rise up again and she slid both Pampers inside the Attends. She powdered me and pulled the Attends real tight and taped them up. She then had me stand and took that reinforced packing tape and ran it around my waist. These were the snuggest diapers I had ever worn. She told me the extra tape would hold them up when they got wet, for these diapers would be heavy. I complained that they were too thick but she reminded me that there wouldn’t be many places to change at Disneyland. Of course she again was right. The shorts she gave to me to wear over my diapers were a very tight fit also during the day at Disneyland sitting on rides. I knew several people could see my diapers but it was so much fun there after awhile I didn’t even care anymore. About 7:00 my diapers were starting to leak down my legs. I told Mom and she said it was impossible as my diapers were thick enough to last all day. She then told me to come over to her and like a toddler she put her fingers in the waistband of my diaper and then under the leg band. She agreed that I was quite wet as people next to us were staring at me. She then walked over to the restroom and handed me a diaper from her purse/bag and told me to go change. I had to walk in carrying my diapers, but figured it was better than having to go into the women's restroom with Mom. As hard as I tried once I got into the stall I couldn’t get that extra tape off. It wouldn’t tear or rip or anything. Finally, I walked back out and told her that I couldn’t get my diaper off. Again, people were watching me walking out carrying that diaper under my arm. Dad went in with me and once in the stall he got the tape loose. Then he helped me on with the dry diaper and picked up the really heavy wet one and told me to dispose of it. Boy, it was heavy, too, but carrying it to the trash wasn’t fun, either. We watched the nighttime parade and then left for home. It was really a fun day all in all.

It must have been almost midnight by the time we left and we had over a hour drive to get home. All of us kids fell asleep and I was quite wet by the time we got home. Dad carried me in and put me on the bed where mom changed me into my dry cloth diapers. Sometimes they do feel good.

Well, here it is, Tuesday morning, and I hear Mom coming down the hall. The door is opened and she walks over to my bed.

"Well, were you a BIG boy last night Josh?"

"No Mom, I’m wet."

She already knew that though as she could smell my saturated diapers.

"Well, get up and get some breakfast."

I did as I was told and after breakfast she told me to take a shower and get cleaned up. I stayed in the shower longer than usual, almost afraid to get out and find what I knew was probably waiting for me. When I got dried off I went back to my room and Mom was waiting and my brother was getting dressed. I knew it, but there on my bed was an Attends spread out with a baby diaper opened on the inside, Mom told me to lie down so she could put my diaper on. Again I cried and pleaded, "please Mom, not to school, please."

She was just about to tape it up when she must of had a change of heart. She kind of threw a pair of underwear to me and said, "go ahead and put them on, but you better start improving on staying DRY at night, or believe me, I will diaper you for school."

Wow, what a change of luck. I got dressed in a hurry and dashed out of the house before Mom could change her mind. So far I’ve been to home room, Math, and now here I am in English. Now you can see why I’m going to have to make up something about how I spent my summer. This is going to harder than even I could of imagined. What can I write? What? I’m starting to hear laughter from behind me. What’s that noise? Oh no, my pants feel warm. Oh no, I’ve wet my pants... Oh sh--, the girls behind me know as pee is leaking off my seat. How can I get out of here????? Please help me, PLEASE!!!!!


Marc42 6 years ago  
Marc42 6 years ago