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Views: 8045 Created: 2007.08.30 Updated: 2007.08.30


Chapter 1

“Thank you,” Dr. Phalps said over the telephone, “I’ll expect its arrival shortly.”

She turned toward Doris Aldersen and her son Terrence.

“I’m sorry about this. The lab was supposed to have those results to me two hours ago. I do apologize for making you wait.”

“Please,” Mrs. Aldersen responded, “we understand… delays can happen. How long do you think it will take for them to arrive?”

“According to the lab, the courier left twenty minutes ago. He should be here in five to ten minutes.”

Mrs. Aldersen and the doctor continued speaking pleasantries while Terrence’s mind wandered. It was almost exactly four years ago, in late spring, when he sat in this office with his mom and dad and the doctor. Everybody was happy and excited. The doctor had just confirmed what they had all waited so long to hear—he was finally able to control himself. There would be no more day or nighttime wettings. The doctor had been honest. She didn’t know if it had been the treatment plan she had prescribed or simply Mother Nature taking her course. Whatever it was, he had not been having daytime wetting accidents in over nine months and he had not wet the bed a single time in the previous three months. What a wonderful day it had been for the eight year old boy who had never overcome his shame at being unable to control his bladder like other children. He and his parents had gone home and celebrated by first throwing out his plastic mattress cover and arranging for his wetting alarm to be donated to a charitable organization. It was over. He was like everyone else. He could go on sleepovers and camping trips with other boys. It was wonderful.

Those glorious memories only served to heighten the pain he now felt. Three weeks ago he woke up in the middle of the night feeling cold. He screamed in terror when he realized that he had soaked his pajamas and bed linens. His parents had come running into the room and instantly recognized the odor.

“Terry, honey,” his mom said in the most soothing tone she could muster, “it’s just one accident. It doesn’t mean anything. Don’t you remember that Dr. Phalps said that we should expect an occasional… incident every now and then. It’s been almost four years. You’re doing remarkably well.”

This had calmed him down but the experience had been extremely unsettling. He became obsessive about his fluid intake. He didn’t dare drink anything after dinner, no matter how thirsty or hot he felt. It seemed to have worked. Two weeks went by with no further incidents. The horror he had felt receded into memory. Everyone began to relax again. It had been nothing but an unfortunate reminder of his past, nothing more.

The second incident wasn’t so easily downplayed. Terry and his parents had spent a couple of hours visiting with his cousins and his uncle and aunt. They had just started their drive back home when Terry urgently asked his dad to pull off the road.

“Are you feeling sick?” his mom asked.

“Yes,” he croaked, “please hurry.”

His dad immediately pulled over to the shoulder and stopped. Terry, in a state of panic, threw his door open and got out. He took two steps and froze. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he clutched his crotch trying to stop the uncontrollable flow that was soaking his pants and running down his legs. His mom sat with him in the back seat the rest of the way home. He was unable to stop his near-hysterical crying until after he changed into dry clothes. There was no doubt as to what they needed to do.

Dr. Phalps rearranged her next day’s appointments and saw Terry the first thing in the morning. She started with a thorough physical exam, including X-rays. There seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary. She took blood and urine samples, the results of which they were now awaiting.

The ringing of the phone snapped Terry out of his reverie. The doctor listened for a few seconds before hanging up and excusing herself. Terry and his mom waited tensely for fifteen minutes. When the office door finally opened they were disappointed to see that it was Dr. Phalph’s nurse.

“The doctor is going to be a few more minutes. She apologizes for the delay and wants to know if I can get you anything.”

“No, thank you,” Mrs. Aldersen answered. “We’re fine.”

Another twenty minutes went by before the doctor returned.

“I’m so sorry. I needed to consult with a colleague about the results. You see, I’m quite perplexed… nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. I wish that I could pinpoint what the problem is but I can’t. The only thing that my colleague and I can recommend is to do more extensive tests.”

“Well, yes, of course we’ll do more tests,” Mrs. Aldersen quickly said. “When can they be scheduled?”

“The tests are going to require an overnight stay in the hospital. If Terry is admitted early Friday morning he can be released by lunchtime Saturday.”

“What do you think, honey?” Mrs. Aldersen asked Terry. “Does this sound OK to you?”

“I guess so,” he replied sullenly. “Will I have to wear… protection in the hospital… like I used to?”

“I’m afraid so,” the doctor answered.

Terry bravely tried to hold back the tears but a few escaped silently down his cheeks.

“I’ll see that you get a private room,” the doctor added.

“Thank you,” Mrs. Aldersen replied, “That’s very thoughtful of you.”


Mrs. Aldersen couldn’t take the day off Friday so it was his dad who accompanied him through the check-in procedures. He was assigned a room in the pediatric wing.

“Should I put my pajamas on now?” Terry asked.

“I think that would be a good idea,” his dad answered.

But, before he even got started, a nurse came into the room.

“Hello,” she said cheerily. “My name is Yolanda and I’m your day nurse. I see that Dr. Phalps has ordered a pretty big series of tests for you today and tomorrow. You’ll be taken downstairs in a few minutes but first we have to get you ready.”

She plopped a bag onto the bed, which Terry and his dad both recognized as containing disposable diapers. Mr. Aldersen put his hand on Terry’s shoulder to steady him and to let him know that he was there for him.

“Are you able to put these on yourself?” she asked.

“Yes,” Terry’s dad answered, “we’ve used them before, although it’s been a few years. I may have to help my son out in the beginning.”

“Then, I’ll leave you to it,” she said. “I’ll be back in ten minutes.”

“Do I really have to?” Terry pleaded.

“Yes, I’m afraid so. Look, it won’t be so bad. They won’t be noticeable under your pajamas and bathrobe.”

Terry felt totally humiliated, even though he knew his dad was being very gentle and quick. Yolanda came back with another hospital worker who was pushing a wheel chair.

“This is Patricia,” she said, introducing a girl who appeared to be a college student. “She is one of our trained volunteers. She’ll be helping you get to your tests and seeing to it that you don’t sit around a long time after they’re done.”

The crinkling of his diaper made Terry wince as he sat in the wheelchair. Yolanda thought that it was because he was scared of the tests he was going to be put through.

“Don’t you be scared, honey. Nobody’s going to be poking you with needles or anything like that. Your tests and procedures are going to be as easy as having your picture taken. Honest.”

Terry smiled at her and at his dad as Patricia wheeled him out of the room.

“That’ a fine boy you have there,” Yolanda said to Mr. Aldersen.

“Yes, my wife and I think so, too. I just wish he didn’t have to go through this.”

“Ain’t that the truth!” Yolanda agreed.


Terry was extremely depressed by the time he was released on Saturday. He had required two diaper changes overnight. Dr. Phalps tried to encourage him by saying that his wettings were probably caused by the stress of being hospitalized. He wanted to believe her, but her use of the word probably kept ringing in his ears. His parents also tried to cheer him up but with little success. The only good thing was that he wasn’t made to wear a diaper home.

The rest of the weekend was equally nerve wracking. The tests results weren’t expected until Thursday and Terry had several more wetting episodes. The worst occurred at his grandparents’ house where Terry and his parents were in the habit of eating every other Sunday. As was frequently the case, his uncle and aunt and his two younger cousins (five year old Becky and three year old Bobby) were also there. After dinner, the children went out to the backyard. Terry got along well with his cousins and they were soon involved in a game of tag. Just as the adults were saying to each other that it was time to leave, Becky and Bobby came running into the house.

“Auntie Marge, Uncle Frank! Terry is laying on the ground and he’s crying! We didn’t do anything. Honest!”

“Oh, dear,” Terry’s grandmother sighed.

His parents looked at each other and then at the others. They had told them about Terry’s recent bout of wettings.

“I’m so sorry,” Terry’s aunt said. “Can we do anything?”

“I don’t think so,” his mom answered. “Perhaps you and the children should leave now. We’ll take care of Terry.” She turned to Becky and Bobby and said, “I’m sure you were playing nicely outside. Terry hasn’t been feeling well. I think he just played too much this afternoon. Everything will be alright.”

Terry’s aunt, uncle, and cousins left immediately.

“Should I go out to him?” Terry’s grandfather asked.

“I don’t know, dad,” Terry’s father answered. “I think that Marge and I should try to take care of this. He might feel even worse if you saw him right now.”

Terry’s mom went into the backyard while his dad went out to the car to pick up a change of clothes. Terry and his mom were sitting on the lawn when his dad came upon them. He had really soaked himself.

“Let’s go onto the patio,” his dad suggested.

Terry got up and followed his parents. He took off his shirt, pants, and underpants. (Luckily his shoes and socks were dry.) His mom rooted around in the bag and found the package of wipes.

“Do you want to clean yourself… or should I?” she asked.

She took Terry’s silence as acquiescence to the latter and began to wipe him, front and back. His father prepared his change of clothes. He sobbed only once when he heard the crinkling of the diaper. His parents ached for him but there was nothing they could do. He had to face the inevitable. Years of experience had taught them how to put a diaper on him while he was standing and he was quickly dressed. They headed back inside the house to say goodbye. His grandparents were equally distressed and concerned. They held back saying anything except the usual platitudes for fear of upsetting him further. The rest of the day passed quietly until bedtime. Everyone suspected the same thing: Terry would be in diapers for a very long time, maybe forever.


On Monday morning, Terry woke up with a headache and a very wet diaper. He begged him mom to let him stay home. He was sure that he would become very sick if he were forced to go to school. His mom understood his reasons for asking, but she knew that it was important for Terry to face his fears right away. If she let him stay home, he would brood all day and be even more fearful tomorrow. She changed him and ordered him to get dressed. He slowly got up and put on his loosest fitting pants. (This was a mistake. Had he chosen tight fitting pants his disposables would have made much less noise.) He made his way downstairs for breakfast where he once again begged not to be sent to school. His parents tried to have him see reason—he would have to face this sooner or later, and, in their opinion, the sooner the better.

“Now, about the supplies you’ll need at school…” his mom began.

“I’ll take care of them myself,” Terry interrupted. “I don’t want anybody to know.”

“Honey,” his mom said sympathetically, “you’ll need a place to store your extra… things and somewhere to go to change.”

“I know,” he said dejectedly. But, I’ll take care of it myself…. please!” he begged.

His parents looked at each other and reluctantly agreed. They thought he was making a mistake but he was already so distraught they didn’t want to add to his anguish. He left for school a few minutes later with four disposables and a travel pack of wipes inside his backpack. He lived within a half-mile of the school so he wasn’t eligible for bus service. He met up with two of his usual friends, Andy and Jared. He began to relax when they didn’t act any differently than usual. As far as they were concerned, this was just a normal Monday morning.

Terry’s first scare happened when the class was working independently on a math practice sheet. The room was very quiet as the students concentrated on their work. Their teacher allowed them to approach her desk and ask questions if they needed help. Terry was confused about what to do with number seventeen. As he started to get out of his seat, his diaper crinkled loudly. He immediately sat down again, accompanied by another loud crinkle.

“Is someone opening a candy wrapper?” his teacher questioned.

Naturally, there was no answer. Terry looked around the room trying to determine if anyone had figured out where the noise had come from. His eyes locked with Trevor Calewell’s for about three or four seconds. Trevor was smiling at him, Terry became very uncomfortable and wondered if Trevor knew. His heart started pounding furiously. Finally, Trevor lowered his eyes and continued working on his paper. Terry felt relieved. For the rest of the morning Terry kept an eye on Trevor but Trevor didn’t seem to be taking any special interest in him. Terry was doubly relieved.

By lunchtime, Terry knew that he had to take care of his diaper. He told Andy and Jared that he would meet them in the cafeteria in a few minutes. He went into a stall in the boys’ bathroom and waited until he was sure that everyone had left. He quickly lowered his pants, took off the diaper, and rolled it up for disposal. He wiped his diaper area clean and taped on a new diaper. The whole operation had taken less than a minute. He smiled to himself that he had gotten away with it. He exited the stall and stopped dead in his tracks. Trevor was standing at a sink, ready to wash his hands. He hid the diaper he was about to throw away behind his back. How long had Trevor been in the bathroom? How come he hadn’t heard him enter?

“You OK?” Trevor asked in a neutral voice.

“Yeah, why?” Terry answered with a catch in his throat.

“Nothing,” Trevor answered wiping his hands and exiting the bathroom.

This time, Terry was very scared that Trevor knew something about his diapers. He was so shaken that he almost walked out of the bathroom without washing his hands… and without throwing the diaper away!


After school, Jared and Andy said that they wanted to audition for the school play. They tried to talk Terry into going with them but he declined. He was about halfway home when he heard footsteps behind him. It was Trevor.

“Wait up a second,” Trevor hailed.

Terry stopped despite his strong foreboding of imminent disaster.

“You know, you’ll never get away with hiding your noisy diapers…”

“D-d-diapers? What diapers. You’re crazy,” Terry answered.

Without waiting for a response, he ran all the way back to his house. His heart was once again pounding furiously, and not because of the running he had done. All that night and for the next three days, Terry worried about what Trevor might do next; the fact that nothing was happening was even more troublesome. His parents noticed his extreme anxiety but put it down to his concern about their upcoming appointment with Dr. Phalps.

The appointment was rather anticlimactic. Dr. Phalps confirmed all their worst fears. Terry would probably never regain total control of his bladder. However, she would start him on a program of therapy and medication that she thought would help mitigate the worst symptoms. She was very sorry that she couldn’t do more. Terry left the office no worse than he had entered it. He had been fully preparing himself for these results.

They got home and found a message from Trevor on the answering machine, asking Terry to call him about something important. Terry’s parents were shocked and annoyed when he said that he wouldn’t answer the message.

“Terry, that’s very rude of you,” his mother scolded him.

“But I’m going to see him in school tomorrow!” Terry whined.

“I’m sure that Trevor knew that, too, when he called. He said it was important—now get on that phone and call him.”

Terry dialed the number that Trevor had left. On the third ring, Trevor hoped that no one was home.

“Hello,” Trevor said picking up the phone.

Terry’s heart sank.

“Hi. This is Terry.”

“Hi,” Trevor answered in a friendly voice. “Look, I’m sorry that I scared you the other day. I didn’t mean to. We need to talk. Can you come to my house after school tomorrow?”

“Talk about what?”

“You know what about,” Trevor said firmly.

Terry was near panic. He didn’t know what to say.

“Well?” Trevor insisted.

“I think I’m going somewhere tomorrow,” Terry lied.

Terry didn’t know that his mom was listening to the conversation.

“What does Trevor want?” she asked.

Terry was taken off guard and told the truth.

“Trevor wants me to go to his house after school tomorrow,” he said.

“And to stay for dinner,” Trevor added over the phone.

“And to stay for dinner,” Terry repeated.

“Is Trevor a friend of yours?”

“He’s in my class.”

“Where does he live?”

“On Spruce, between Baker and Edlin,” Trevor (who obviously could hear Terry’s mom speaking) answered.

Terry felt control of the situation slipping away from him as he repeated Trevor’s address to his mom.

“How nice,” she said. “I think that you ought to go.”

“Great,” Trevor answered before Terry could object. “I’ll tell my mom right away. Thanks. Bye.”

Terry was completely flummoxed. What did Trevor want from him? Why had he sounded so nice? Was Trevor setting some kind of elaborate trap? Terry was so wound up that he expected to lie awake all night wondering about it. However, at bedtime, his mom asked him to take to a pill that she said was part of his therapy. Actually, it was a mild sedative that Dr. Phalps had prescribed when Terry’s mom had informed her about his agitated state. He fell asleep quickly and woke up refreshed.


Trevor’s behavior in school didn’t do much to reassure Terry. Trevor had approached him at the very beginning of class and quietly asked if he was still coming to his house that afternoon. Terry confirmed that he was and Trevor ignored him for the rest of the day. Was Trevor trying to keep his visit a secret? If so, why? Was he going to demand blackmail for keeping quiet about his diapers? How would he react if Trevor tried that? Would he tell Andy and Jared about the diapers before Trevor did?

The final bell of the day rang. Terry was relieved that Andy and Jared were busy with the play again. At least he wouldn’t have to make up excuses as to why he wouldn’t be walking home with them. He met Trevor on the sidewalk in front of school. They walked silently for about half a block.

“You’re not going to run away if I say something are you?” Trevor asked.

“What are you going to say?” Terry asked nervously.

“I was going to say that I can hear your diaper crinkling even out here,”

Terry didn’t know how to answer. He certainly wasn’t going to run away or cry.

“Oh,” was all he could manage.

They walked the rest of the way in silence.

“Mom, I’m home,” Trevor called. “Terry is with me.”

This was a surprise. Terry had thought that they would be alone when Trevor lowered the boom on him.

“Hello. Welcome to our home,” Mrs. Calewell said cheerily. “I know that Trevor is very happy that you could come today.”

I’ll bet he is, Terry thought gloomily. He returned Mrs. Calewell’s greeting as sincerely as he could.

“Come on. Let’s go to my room and get rid of our stuff,” Trevor said.

“And don’t forget to change,” Mrs. Calewell added.

“Yes, mom,” Trevor said rolling his eyes and making a face.

In spite of his nervousness, Terry giggled.

“I don’t know about you,” Trevor said entering his room, “but I could really use a dry diaper.”

Trevor undid his belt and let him pants fall to the floor to expose a thoroughly soaked cloth diaper and a pair of semi-transparent white plastic pants. Terry was terrified.

“What are you doing?” he screeched.

“I’m going to change my diaper.”

“Are you making fun of me? Terry asked, tears pooling in his eyes.

“No, really… look,” Trevor said.

He opened his closet to reveal shelves stacked with diapers and plastic pants.

“But… what are those?” Terry asked in confusion.

“My supply of diapers and plastic pants,” Trevor explained. “I’ve had to wear them ever since I was five and got hit by a bus.”

“I didn’t know you wore diapers!” Terry said in amazement.

“That’s kind of what I’ve been trying to tell you all week. You’ll never keep your diapers a secret if you continue to wear those noisy disposables.”

Terry was still speechless. His eyes were riveted on the diapers and plastic pants. Comprehension suddenly came to him.

“You think I should wear cloth diapers like you do?” he asked.

“Well, yeah,” Trevor answered. “I’ve gotten away with it without anyone suspecting a thing.”

“How come you noticed what I was wearing and nobody else did?” Terry wondered.

“Because I have to wear disposables sometimes, too— like when we’re on vacation. My mom doesn’t want to have to find laundromats everywhere we go. I knew exactly what that noise was in the classroom as soon as I heard it.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense,” Terry answered.

“Do you want to try one now?” Trevor asked.

“One of yours?” Terry asked in amazement.

“Of course, one of mine,” Trevor said semi-sarcastically.

“I meant, what will your mom think?”

“My mom knows why you’re here. In fact, it was my mom and dad’s idea that you come over today.”

“Your parents know about my diapers!” Terry exclaimed in distress.

“Well, of course. They thought that if you tried some of my diapers you would be more comfortable in school,” he explained.

Terry was both embarrassed and fascinated. Having quieter diapers to wear sounded very appealing.

“OK,” Terry agreed, “but I don’t know how to put it on.”

“That’s OK. I’ll do it for you,” Trevor said excitedly.

He laid a changing pad on the bed and then retrieved a diaper, plastic pants, pins, and baby powder from the closet.

“That looks awfully thick,” Terry observed as Trevor laid the diaper on the changing pad.

“Yeah, it’s thicker than my school diapers. They’re better to wear at home because I can get away with fewer changes. Don’t worry. I’ll be putting one of these on in a minute, too. Now take off your pants and diaper.”

Terry complied and also cleaned his diaper area off with a wipe. He suddenly became shy and felt himself blush as he climbed onto the changing pad. He jumped when Trevor adjusted the diaper under him.

“Relax,” he encouraged Terry, “I won’t hurt you.”

He sprinkled powder on Terry’s front and back area and pinned the diaper on with two pins on each side.

“Wow, this diaper really is thick and it comes up so high!” Terry said in a worried voice.

“These are nothing compared to my nighttime diapers. They’re a lot thicker and they go up even higher on my stomach and back. I have to use six pins on them,” Trevor explained.

“Wow,” Terry answered.

He started to get up but Trevor stopped him.

“Wait, you need your plastic pants.”

Trevor expertly guided them into place and checked to make sure that the entire diaper was encased inside the plastic pants.

“Now you can get up,” he said.

Terry was amazed by the bulk of the diaper but happy that the plastic pants only made light rustling sounds.

“Your school diapers are going to be a lot thinner than these,” Trevor said matter-of-factly, as if it was already decided that Terry would switch to cloth diapers and plastic pants. “Now it’s my turn to change.”

Trevor was very quick, even considering the time he took to show Terry how he used the wall as an ‘extra hand’ when changing his own diapers standing up. There was a knock at the door.

“It’s me,” Mrs. Calewell said. “Can I come in?”

“Yeah, we’re decent,” Trevor answered with a smirk.

Mrs. Calewell entered before Terry could get to his pants. His faced flushed with embarrassment.

“Those seem to fit very well,” she said to Terry. “What do you think?”

“I… I… I guess they’re OK,” Terry stammered.

“I suppose you do need more time to think about it,” Mrs. Calewell answered. “Right now, though, I’ve prepared a snack for you in the kitchen… if you want it, that is.”

“Come on, let’s go!” Trevor exclaimed, exiting the room in just his diaper and plastic pants.

Terry looked toward Mrs. Calewell.

“I guess Trevor didn’t tell you that he only wears his diapers and plastic pants around the house. You can put your pants back on if you want to, although your pants will probably feel awfully tight and uncomfortable.” (She hadn’t noticed how baggy his pants were.)

“Come on, where are you?” Trevor called from the kitchen.

Terry made a decision and walked out of the room without his pants. He and Trevor spent the next couple of hours playing computer games and watching TV.

“What time does your dad get home?” Terry asked.

“Probably in a few minutes,” Trevor answered.

“Should I go put my pants on?”

“Why? He won’t expect you to, and neither will my sisters.”

“Sisters! You have sisters!”

“Relax,” Trevor said. “They’re not home tonight. My mom and dad suggested that they stay away so that you and I can get better acquainted.”

Mr. Calewell arrived just at the time Trevor had predicted. Also, just as Trevor had predicted, he didn’t beat an eyelash over the way Terry was dressed. Dinner was a simple, but pleasant, affair. Afterwards, Trevor and Terry went up to Trevor’s room.

“So, have you made up your mind?” Trevor asked.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Terry answered with a smile. “I like how quiet these cloth diapers and plastic pants are compared to the disposables I’ve been wearing.”

“Great. Let me get you set up with a supply you can use until your parents order you your own.”

If they let me wear cloth diapers and plastic pants,” Terry corrected him.

“Of course they’re going to let you. My mom has already talked to your mom and dad. All you have to do is let them know what you want.”

“Really?” Terry said in amazement. “When did she talk to them?”

“Last night, I think. After I talked to you.”

“You mean they knew about all this and they didn’t tell me!” Terry said in a hurt voice.

“Would you have believed them if they had told you?” Trevor asked.

“Yes… I mean, maybe… I don’t know,” Terry conceded.

“Alright then, quit complaining and help me get your diaper and plastic pants supply ready. Do you want nighttime diapers, too?”

“Of course!” a very excited Terry answered. “I can’t wait to try them!”


Daniel1984 5 years ago  
Marc42 6 years ago