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Views: 6316 Created: 2007.11.16 Updated: 2007.11.16

The Visitor

Part 1

This is an imaginational story about a little boy named Lloyd Butler. Lloyd is 9 years old and the only child. His dad and mom have needed to work out their problems so they sent Lloyd to live with Mrs. Butler's sister until things can be settled at home.

It is Late June 1999. Lloyd had never meant his cousins before so his coming to the farm was a little scary for him.

He was even more upset when he was told his cousins were two girls. He almost backed out until his Dad explained that he would have no choice, he was going and that ended the discussion.

The farmhouse was small and had only two bedrooms. The Martin's were planning to build a new house, which would be larger, but for now this is all they had.

At first Mrs. Martin did not want to be responsible for the boy but after working out details with her husband she gave in and made room for him.

Because the house only had two bedrooms it meant Lloyd would have to share the same bedroom with the girls.

Clara was 10 years old. Martha was 12 years old. Both girls were not happy about the sleeping arrangements. To make matters worse there would be only two beds in the room. One was a single the other was a double. Mrs. Martin, Lloyd's Aunt, announced that Lloyd would be sharing the same bed with Clara, the younger of the two girls.

"But there was a single bed over there in the corner, couldn't I sleep there?" Lloyd asked.

Mrs. Martin explained, "That bed belongs to Martha, you will sleep with Clara. Maybe later we can have a single bed for you. We just have to do with what we have."

Lloyd was not a bit happy about sleeping with a girl. He had hoped his cousin was a boy so he could have some companionship. But he knew it was best not to complain.

Mr. Martin, Lloyd's Uncle was a kind gentle man and had always hoped he would have a boy. He wanted a boy to help him around the farm but they were blessed with two girls instead.

John and Betty Martin both were kind and gentle people and good parents to the girls. But John was a little different and had his own ideas about things. He could tell Lloyd was uncomfortable around the girls. But he could tell that the girls seemed happy to have a boy to look after. John was a farm boy all his life and had an open mind about sexual activity between his animals. He understood Lloyd's shyness towards the girls and convinced Betty that letting the children be put together would do them all much good.

"Lloyd will get over his embarrassment and shyness soon enough. By the time he is ready to back home he will be better adjusted to the other sex. It will do the kids good, you'll see." He told Betty.

"Poor boy, he must feel strange right now." Betty had taken a liking to the boy.

The girls were very helpful in helping Lloyd get unpacked. Clara picked up one of his underpants. "What's these for?" She giggled.

"That's his underwear, silly!" Martha explained.

Lloyd grabbed them out of her hand and stuffed them into one of the drawers given him to use. His face showed how embarrassed he was.

The girls did about everything they could think of to make the boy feel more at ease. But he was just too self-conscious to let down his guard.

After getting his things settled in the room Lloyd found the swing set out back and was soon lost in play. The girls showed him around the yard. Introduced him to their pet dog. It wasn't long before the boy and dog bonded into playful friends.

By nightfall Lloyd had begun to relax. He found the girls were not as sissy as he thought they were. He even found he was enjoying getting to know his cousins.

Then after eating a late Dinner the kids laid on the floor watching TV. Lloyd had almost forgotten where he was going to sleep until Betty called out that it was time to get ready for bed.

Without a thought of modesty the girls began to undress. Lloyd was not quite ready for what was happening. When he saw the girls stripping down to their panties he turned several shades of red and just sat up drawing his legs under him. Seeing the girls in only their panties caused some strange feelings within himself.

Neither John nor Betty seemed to sense Lloyd's anxiety at first. The girls had left the room. Lloyd kept looking at their pile of clothing before him. He said nothing but was just beginning to realize what he saw.

"Aren't you going to get ready for bed, Lloyd?" Betty asked.

John continued to read his newspaper without looking up. Lloyd looked around as if trying to find a way to escape.

"Come on, sweetheart, I will help you." She reached out to him.

"What will I do?" Lloyd seemed to be asking himself.

Betty got up and headed for the bedroom, "I will get your PJ's you go to the bathroom and wash…. Be sure to brush your teeth too."

Lloyd realized he must get stripped down to go to bed but he just sat there unable to move.

Betty came back out with his PJ bottoms. It was quite clear that she intended to get him into the PJ's. Lloyd slowly removed his shirt then removed his shoes and socks.

When he stood up to drop his pants Betty came in from behind and unfastened his belt. Before he could react she had his pants open and let them slide to the floor. Just as he stepped out of his pants Clara came back into the living room. She only had on her panties but was brushing her teeth. She stood still looking directly at Lloyd's white underpants. A smile on her face she kept on staring. Before Lloyd could react Betty had pulled his underpants down and off. She held his PJ bottoms for him to step into.

Lloyd was very aware that Clara was looking at his naked body. Her smile changed into an open mouth, her eyes enlarged. Just as the PJ bottoms were being pulled up into place Clara turned and ran back into the bathroom.

"He's naked, I saw his... thing!" Clara announced to her sister.

Martha acted like the big sister. She just continued brushing her teeth. Then she bent over the sink and with the water running she spit. She turned to her little sister.

"Really, was he cute?" She giggled.

All Clara could do was giggle and shake her head up and down.

"Good... !" Martha put her toothbrush away.

Betty brought Lloyd into the bathroom showing him where his toothbrush was. He stood up to the sink to brush his teeth but his eyes were looking at the girls. He watched as the girls left for the bedroom.

This whole experience has left Lloyd rather weak-kneed. He wasn't sure he could handle this on his own.

Betty came in to check on him. Finding him done she took him to the girls room.

Martha was lying on top of her bed reading a book. Clara was under the covers with the blanket pulled up on her head.

Betty pulled Lloyd's side down so he could crawl in beside Clara.

Betty asked Martha to finish her book and turn out the light. Martha pleaded for a few more minutes. Betty left closing the door behind her.

Martha was in no hurry to hide herself from the watchful eyes of Lloyd. She knew about how boys like to look at girls. She has experienced boys looking at her at school when she sat with her legs spread apart. She understood what boys were thinking about and it made her feel funny inside. She smiled at Lloyd without saying a word. She moved one leg up while stretching the other out being sure her panties reviled the curves of her bare body. With a smile she turned out the light and crawled under the covers.

For a long time Lloyd laid still on his back. He was trying not to shake the bed. He was wondering if Clara was asleep. She wasn't.

Lloyd had felt like this a lot lately. It was a feeling he came to enjoy at bedtime. His hand reached under his PJ bottoms feeling himself. At home he almost always slept only in his underpants but now he felt more comfortable in PJ's. His hand began to feel over his enlarging lump giving him pleasure that was welcome in the dark room.

For a while he almost forgot Clara was near him his self-petting became more pronounced. Clara knew Lloyd was moving around; she wanted to know why. She rolled onto her back letting her leg butt up against the boy's.

Lloyd stopped immediately. His body became like a flame of excitement. He did not move. Clara moved her leg against his. She was feeling very similar. She gritted her teeth to keep from making a noise.

Lloyd was getting uncomfortable. He was hardly breathing and found it difficult to continue pleasuring. He was really shaken up.

Meantime, Clara had fallen asleep. She rolled over with a hand over Lloyd's stomach, which only added to his desire for relief.

Sometime into the night Lloyd finally fell into deep sleep.

When Betty came in to wake the kids she noticed that Lloyd had wet the bed sometime in the night.

Of course the boy was very embarrassed. He hasn't been wetting the bed since he was 6 years old. Clara was a little upset too. She thought he did it on purpose. She too was soaked but it was not from her. Betty explained to Clara that it was not her fault and that she would take care of the problem.

Martha kept quiet but had a hard time keeping back a smile.

That afternoon Betty took Lloyd into town for some supplies.

"I - I am sorry for wetting the bed." Lloyd was able to tell her while driving into town.

"I know, sweetheart. I know what to do for you. It's not your fault you are just a little nervous about staying with us that's all but we will help you." Betty reassured him.

After that Lloyd felt better. That is until he saw her pick a couple of packages from the shelf. He knew what she bought. Diapers, big boy diapers, it had to be for him.

When they got to the check out the man picked up one of the packages then looked down at Lloyd. He had a big smile as he put the two packages into a sack.

On the way home Lloyd could hold his question back any longer. He asked, "Those diapers you bought, they for me?"

"Yes. I think it best, that way should you pee the bed you won't get Clara wet, wouldn't that be nice?" She said it in such a way that Lloyd knew he had no choice and he had to agree it would be a way to keep the bed dry.

"Oh!" Then he began to think about what the girls would think of him. "I don't know how to put them on, do they just pull up like some TV advertisements say?"

"No, Dear. They will go on like a babies diaper." She answered.

"Baby…. But I am not a baby I am...!" He complained.

"OH I know that, these are for big boys like you but they go on like a baby diaper. You won't have to do it; we will see you get them on ok. So don't worry about it." She explained.

"We?" Lloyd was no dummy he understood her all right.

"Why yes, Dear. I already talked with Martha and she said she would help you when I can't." Betty reached over and patted his leg as if to calm him.

"But, she will... Well, she will see me!" Lloyd's eyes widened.

"Oh that's Ok, Lloyd… she as seen little boys before. She sits with a little 3-year-old boy down the lane. She's good at fitting diapers."

Lloyd sat quiet for the rest of the trip home as he thought about having Martha messing with his diapers.

When the car pulled into the driveway Lloyd asked, "Do I have to wear diapers all the time or just at night?"

"I think just at night unless you want to wear them during the day." Betty answered.

He just looked at her with a blank stare. "What about Clara?"

"Oh she don't need diapers. Just boys have this problem. Martha don't wear them either. Why you ask?" Betty questioned.

"No, I mean... will she change me too?" Lloyd asked.

"Hummm! That may be a good idea. She could use the experience. OK! We will let her help out too!" Betty opened the car door and stepped out. "Bring the diapers in will you? I will get the groceries."

"OH BOY!" Lloyd cried out.

"What's that, Dear?" Betty called back.

"Nothing… Nothing at all." Lloyd half heartily carried the diapers into the house.


Enemate9 8 years ago