
Views: 7171 Created: 2007.09.15 Updated: 2007.09.15

Fore Play

Chapter 1 - The Invitation

IT CAME in a simple, plain white envelope.

"Julia, look at this," exclaimed Alison as she sorted through her mail. "We have an invitation!"

"Oui, Maitresse?"

"Here, be a good girl and open this for me." Alison passed the envelope down to Julia. The girl did not move from her position at Alison's feet. Her silver chains jangled as she accepted the envelope.

Julia wiggled a long red fingernail into the space where the paper was folded down on itself and lightly glued. Expertly she cut the thin paper open and removed the white card inside. She glanced at it but did not read it. Lowering her head, she offered it to the woman in the chair.

Alison took the card from her slave's outstretched hand. She caressed the naked girl's shoulder where the soft brown hair fell against the creamy white flesh as she read aloud.

"Lady Meranda Augusta invites you to join her for the Annual Masters and Mistresses Golf Tournament. Saturday August 7 at her private Country Club. Accommodations and stabling are provided. R.S.V.P. 555-5201"

"Well, won't this be fun my sweet?" Alison pondered, a welcoming smile spreading across her face. "I do believe we'll attend! Fetch the telephone, Julia."

"Oui, Maitresse," replied Julia.

Alison watched her slave girl's buttocks move and sway as she crawled away. Once again Alison commended herself on how effective and pretty her slave's bondage. The sirik chain was an excellent idea, she thought. She loved the way the slender silver links joined in the centre before reaching out to connect with the brightly polished stainless steel wrist and ankle cuffs. Julia was hobbled very effectively. The sirik ensured movements were limited but not impossible. She could stand but awkwardly hunched over, not upright, which made crawling the preferred method of locomotion. Which suited Alison just fine.

"Yes indeed, this will be a great deal of fun!" Alison mused.


WHEN SHE WAS LITTLE, Meranda was oft referred to as "that cute but mischievous Sommerfeld child". Named after a great aunt, Meranda Augusta Sommerfeld rarely behaved like the model of ladylike propriety as was hoped for by her family.

Grown up, her temperament was little changed. Her mischievousness was legend among her friends; others thought of her as "that Sommerfeld bitch". Meranda liked to make outlandish bets, which, if she won, usually placed her opponent in an embarrassing situation. She also enjoyed malicious pranks, her victims often never the wiser.

Meranda was employed in the underwriting department of an insurance company when it happened. Friday afternoon, she left work as just another minion; Saturday morning she awakened to a whole new life.

The lottery was worth $22.5 million. Meranda was the sole winner. It was presented to her in a single cheque. At 28, she was suddenly a very wealthy woman.

Her new found financial independence gave Meranda the opportunity to pursue her dreams. First, the trip around the world: Venice, the Taj Mahal, Paris, Bali. Then, there was the search for and purchase of the perfect property where she could indulge in her passion for golf.

Her agent found the perfect location in the countryside, a half hour drive from the city, on the banks of one of the many rivers that traverse the province. Wooded areas, flat prairie, some small hillocks, a winding creek. Almost pristine, for part had been farmed but was now left fallow. There was a house, a barn, and some small buildings.

Plans were devised, contractors hired, and soon Meranda was busy writing cheques. Every time she signed her name, her dream came closer.

And then it was done. All was ready. The clubhouse was designed with privacy, comfort and of course, luxury in mind. It featured among its other amenities, a white-linen dining room that could accommodate up to 100 people at a sitting. Everything that a very exclusive, very private golf course needed, was provided for, and then some. With her customary sense of humour, Meranda named her private playground the "West Roissy Country Club".

There was no shortage of membership applications, even at the very high fees Meranda charged. No shares were issued and only 50 members were accepted each year. In fact, exclusivity was a very strong attraction for those who could afford to pay; the challenging beauty of the course and the cordon bleu chef who ran the dining room were bonuses.

There was one stipulation upon which there was no discussion: Meranda reserved the country club for five days each season for her personal use. Naturally, rumours abounded as to what took place.

For on this occasion more so than any other, Meranda Augusta Sommerfeld truly indulged herself, combining her love for "the grand old game" with her other passion.